swing line

[swɪŋ laɪn][swiŋ lain]


  • A fence which is not a boundary fence does not interfere with a players swing but it is on his line of play .

    一个不是边界的栅栏没有妨碍到一名球员的 挥杆,但它却在他的打球 路线上。

  • Having no desire to be entertained by a cat-and-dog combat I stepped forward briskly . Kids and pandas swing toward the center coming to a halt in a double line .

    我无心观赏一场猫和狗的打架,便轻快地向前走去。小山羊和熊猫队队员迅速走向球场中央,止步 成双 站立。

  • In the paper the theory of sequence component fault phase selection and the criterion for the asymmetry fault during the power swing are presented in detail which are used in EHV microprocessor based transmission line protection .

    对超高压输电 线路微机保护所用序分量选相原理和防止 振荡时误选相所用的不对称故障 开放判据进行了较详细的介绍。

  • The Analysis of Performances of a New Power Swing Block Principle in Line Protection Based on Microcomputer

    微机 线路保护 振荡闭锁装置动作性能分析

  • To satisfy the needs of national economic development railway speed has been increased in full swing . Railway line through adverse geological site can not be avoided especially through karst and Underground Rivers in Karst regions .

    为满足国民经济发展需要,铁路提速全面 展开,铁路选 线穿越不良地质地段不可回避,尤其在喀斯特地区遭遇岩溶、暗河更为常见。

  • It was confirmed by the failure swing breaking out of the pennant formation and breaking the support line .

    同时它也被失效的 震荡、突破三角旗形以及突破趋势 线所确认。

  • Analysis and Research of Swing Gate in Continuous Strip Line

    带钢连续 机组 摆动机构分析及研究

  • An inside-out swing enables the racquet to stay on line .

    内外 挥拍使网拍能停留 在线上。

  • How select the coordinate points on swing line gear shape of coal machinery

    数控加工采煤机 摆线轮齿形坐标点数的选取

  • And I 'm gonna make a practice swing behind my trust line .

    在这条自信 线后方,我会做一次

  • This paper introduces a new principle to discriminate power swing from short circuit on transmission line .

    本文介绍了区分 振荡 短路的新原理。

  • JUnit provides a text-based command line as well as AWT-based and Swing-based graphical test reporting mechanisms .

    JUnit提供了一个基于测试的命令 ,同时还提供了基于AWT和 基于 Swing的图形化测试报告机制。

  • Studying the quality problem of topological spatial relationship working out the quality check on the vector data about repeated entity intersect line swing line topological region the length of line and so on .

    分析研究了矢量数据空间拓扑关系经常出现的质量问题,实现对矢量数据重复线、交叉线、 悬挂 线、拓扑面、线长度等问题质量检查。

  • The contact between driving cam and swing movable teeth is line contact .

    同时,激波器与活齿之间以及 齿与内齿圈之间都是 线接触,接触压力高,接触处容易产生磨损和 胶合现象。

  • Now subway construction is implemented in full swing over the big cities in our country so exploring the influence degree of the subway on the price of the house market along the line is of great significance to the theory research and the practical guidance .

    现如今,地铁交通建设正在全国各大城市 如火 的进行,因此探讨城市地铁对 沿线住宅市场价格的影响程度在理论研究和现实指导方面都具有重要意义。

  • This paper presents a nonlinear coordinated control scheme for excitation systems and TCSC and SVC controls for improving the first swing stability and damping quickly the subsequent power oscillation of a transmission system where a power plant is connected with a power grid through long transmission line .

    该文针对单机远距离与 电网互联系统,提出采用非线性最优变目标策略协调设计发电机励磁、可控串补(TCSC)和静止无功补偿器(SVC),从而提高首 稳定性及快速阻尼后续振荡。