swinging arm

[ˈswɪŋɪŋ ɑrm][ˈswiŋiŋ ɑ:m]


  • Each shoe base can be driven by each support bracket and each swinging arm to rotate in the mode of winding each legging outer shell to rapidly realize sliding and walking conversion .

    鞋座可在支架和 的带动下绕绑腿外壳转动,快速实现滑行与行走的转变。

  • According to the working process of the drifting machine with swinging arm the mathematic model and computer program of the section shaping control are constructed which provides a theoretic basis for the section shaping control of the drifting machine .

    根据 悬臂掘进机的工作过程,建立了断面成形控制的数学模型和计算程序框图,可为掘进机实现截割断面的成形控制提供理论依据。

  • The aim of the thesis is to study the swimming motion of virtual human which is a cyclical movement . According to the movement of arms the swimming motion includes three periods which are durations of pulling water pushing water and swinging arm .

    本文研究的是人体的游泳运动,人体游泳运动是一个周期性的运动,按人体手臂的运动,游泳运动包括拉水、推水和 空中 三个时期。

  • Under the same loads the improved swinging arm had a better stress distribution .

    改进后在同样的载荷下, 的应力分布更加合理。

  • The choice of power and movement parameter for cutting head of drifting machine with swinging arm


  • The author had a comparative study on the big-range and the small-range swinging results of the non-throwing arm at the final stage of exerting strength in shot javelin and discus .

    对铅球、标枪、铁饼在最后用力阶段非投掷 的大幅度 摆动成绩与小幅度 摆动成绩进行了实验研究。

  • On the Swinging Arm Technique of Sprinter

    浅谈短跑运动员 技术

  • Soon she walked slowly up the path swinging her striped bag the flushed naked arm dangling beside her .

    不久她慢慢地从小路上走上来,条纹的提包 来回 摆动 ,那红红的裸露的 胳膊垂在身后。

  • In the aspect of amortizing technique the skill of swinging arm was insufficient in the ordinary crowd and there was no significant difference in demands on the range of amortization between the ordinary crowd and the athletes .

    缓冲技术环节方面,普通人群 技术明显不足,而对缓冲幅度要求与运动员差异无显著性;

  • The Mathematic Model of the Section Shaping Control of the Drifting Machine with Swinging Arm


  • According to the features of the carpet washes drying machine a synchronous speed controls system based on PLC and the swinging arm compensator was introduced .

    根据铁路客车地毯清洗干燥机的工艺特点,研制了一种用PLC和 摆式 松紧 实现的同步控制装置。

  • Improvement design of swinging arm in combinable muti-axle trailer hydraulic suspension system

    拼接式多轴挂车液压悬挂 的改进设计

  • In old gangster movies there was always a dame swinging off the arm of the tough guy .

    在过去的匪帮电影里,人们常常看到一个 大佬 一个女人。

  • The recoiling spindle layout of processing equipment for foil is sorted into fixed type swinging arm type and horizontal moving type thus different mechanical structures have been formed .

    铝箔精整设备卷取机的卷取轴布置形式有卷取轴固定式、 式和平移式,由此构成了机械结构的不同形式。

  • The structural optimization design of the swinging arm is carried out by finite element and topology optimization methods . The high-stiffness low-inertia swinging arm is schemed out to meet the high-speed requirement and light-weight requirement .

    采取有限元分析方法及拓扑优化方法对 结构进行优化设计,设计出刚度高惯量小的摆臂,来满足分选机构高速化和轻量化的要求。

  • He snickers maliciously swinging the massive club-like right arm of his battle suit .

    他满怀恶意地窃笑着, 摇晃 巨大的棍棒一样的他战斗服的 右臂

  • Reciprocating power-driven tine harrow swinging arm head-positioning actuator

    动力驱动 摆动式钉齿耙 式磁头定位驱动器

  • Combining positive fast and forceful swinging of leg and arm with taking off in order to increase the ability of start of a race .

    积极快速有力 和起跳结合,增强起跳能力。