swelling pressure

[ˈswɛlɪŋ ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈswelɪŋ ˈpreʃə]


  • By using the RMT-150B servo rock testing system we have performed uniaxial compression test and analysed mechanical parameter of swelling pressure at different water contents .

    利用 RMT-150B岩石刚性伺服试验机完成了不同含水率状态的 膨胀岩单轴抗压强度试验,分析研究了 膨胀岩力学参数随含水率状态的改变规律。

  • And dry density γ d degree of saturation sr water content ω strength and swelling pressure p of expansive soil are researched . The results show that the relationship between c tan ?

    与含水量ω、干密度γd及饱和度sr的关系,以及强度与 膨胀 压力p之间的关系,结果表明:c,tan?

  • For the Gaomiaozi bentonite tested here there is an exponential relationship between swelling pressure and dry density ; and dry density is an important factor influencing swelling pressure .

    高压实高庙子膨润土的 膨胀 和干密度之间存在指数关系,干密度是影响膨胀力的一项重要的因素。

  • A site including expansive soil layer with high swelling pressure is chosen to illustrate the influence of thickness and position of expansive soil layer on upheaval deformations .

    对一个含高 膨胀 压力的膨胀土层的场地计算了地面上抬变形,以说明膨胀层位置及厚度对地面上抬变形的影响。

  • By analysing testing data we do a study of relations between lateral swelling strain and water content between lateral swelling strain and axial loading and between swelling pressure and water content .

    通过试验资料整理分析,深入探讨了膨胀岩的侧向约束下轴向膨胀变形与含水率之间的关系、轴向膨胀变形与轴向荷载之间关系以及不同始末状态 膨胀 压力发展规律。

  • A new calculation method for the lateral pressure produced by expansive clay behind retaining walls is given in consideration of the swelling pressure of fissured clay on absorbing water combined with the distribution of lateral earth pressures of clay on retaining walls .

    在考虑裂土遇水膨胀,对挡墙产生 膨胀 压力的基础上,结合粘性土挡墙的土压力分布,提出了一种裂土挡墙土压力的计算方法。

  • By using the swelling-odometer we made ourselves we have performed lateral restricted swelling test and swelling pressure test .

    利用自制的膨胀仪,对红山窑 膨胀岩进了侧向约束无荷载膨胀试验、侧向约束轴向 加压条件下的膨胀试验以及 膨胀 压力测试。

  • The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain .

    那个囊肿正在引起 肿胀压迫着她的大脑。

  • Evolution of the swelling pressure is affected by both the dry density and the initial suction of the specimens .

    ③初始吸力、干密度均会显著影响 膨胀 时间 变化 曲线的形状;

  • The characterization of the clays and the criteria followed for their further selection were those already accepted by the international community : mineralogical purity retention properties plasticity low permeability high swelling pressure and thermal conductivity .

    黏土这些特性与标准已被国际社会广泛接受,但进一步的研究主要涉及到泥岩的矿物纯度、持水特性、可塑性、低渗透性、较高的 膨胀 压力和热导性。

  • Study on swelling pressure and its test method

    膨胀 及其试验方法的研究

  • On this foundation the determination method of treatment depth for subgrade paved with expansive soil is proposed based on the relationship of swelling pressure and unloaded expansibility .

    在此基础上,建议按 膨胀 与零膨胀 的相关性来确定膨胀土路基处置深度。

  • The Role of Swelling Pressure in the Shear Strength Theory of Unsaturated Soils

    膨胀 在非饱和土强度理论中的作用

  • Objective : Using Apocynum venetum as a model drug to prepare pulsed-release tablets based on diffusion swelling osmotic pressure mechanism and to evaluate the release characteristics .

    目的:以罗布麻为模型药物,研制基于扩散、 溶胀、渗透 机制的定时脉冲片,并考察其体外释药特性。

  • According to water-physical properties test of the swelling rock index of swelling pressure and swelling ration etc. is gained .

    根据膨胀岩水理试验,获得了膨胀岩的 膨胀 、膨胀率等各项膨胀指标。

  • Experiment Research on One-dimensional Swelling Pressure of Remolded Expansive Clay in Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Transfer

    南水北调中线工程膨胀岩一维 膨胀 试验研究

  • Proteoglycan and collagen from notochord cells through swelling pressure to resist the mainly compression force .

    由脊索细胞分泌的蛋白多糖与胶原组成的网络可以形成 肿胀 以抵抗压缩应力。

  • Ribution of lateral swelling pressure and the method of deign and computation of retaining wall in expansive soil area

    挡墙后裂土 膨胀 压力分布与设计计算方法

  • The correlative curve of the expansive pressure and the unloaded expansibility is established by means of swelling pressure test of eighteen representative soils selected from Hefei . It provides reliable references for determining the treatment depth of subgrade .

    通过合肥地区18个代表性土样的 膨胀 试验,给出了膨胀力与零膨胀 的相关曲线,为 膨胀土路基处置深度的确定提供了可靠的依据。

  • A formula of fluid swelling pressure ( FSP ) has been presented under the conditions of hypothesis testing in combination with the data collection in geothermal-geological fieldwork .

    结合地热地质工作所能采集的数据,在假设实验的条件下,推导出流体 膨胀 表达式。

  • Compared with the higher suction specimens the development rate of swelling pressure of specimens with the lower suction is inferior at early stage but it becomes superior after a period of time .

    相同干 密度下,尽管初始阶段高吸力试样的 膨胀 发展更快,但一段时间后低吸力试样的 膨胀 变化速率会比高吸力试样的大。

  • The criterion for discriminating the swelling pressure is the ratio of the gravity field to the compressive strength .

    本文论述了按重力场和岩石抗压强度的比值的经验值作为判别产生 膨胀 的依据。

  • By test of swelling pressure and expansion rate with cutting ring sample under different pressure it is found that restrained pressure has obvious influence on expansive soil 's expansibility : the greater restrained

    通过对膨胀土不同约束 状态的试验研究,发现了膨胀土的 膨胀性受外力约束的影响规

  • According to the tests results it is concluded that : the vertical swelling pressure is remarkably decreased with the increase of small swelling strain ;

    试验结果表明,膨胀应变略微增加, 膨胀 大幅降低;

  • Driving forces of the expansion are crystallization pressure brought about by growth of Mg ( OH ) _2 crystals and swelling pressure which is caused by water adsorption of the Mg ( OH ) _2 crystals but the latter plays a less important role .

    浆体膨胀的直接推动力为极细小Mg(OH)2晶体的 吸水 肿胀 和Mg(OH)2晶体的结晶生长压力,但后者是主要的。

  • For compacted stabilized expansive soils this research has performed laboratory tests to investigate the influence of initial state parameters ( water content and dry density ) and different testing conditions on swell percent swelling pressure CBR value and modulus of resilience .

    应用胀缩试验,承载比试验及回弹模量试验研究了改良膨胀土的初始状态(即干密度,含水量),及不同试验条件下对膨胀率, 膨胀 压力,承载比和回弹模量的影响。

  • The soundless cracking agent ( SCA ) is a kind of expansive powder which produced expansion of solids and swelling pressure after the hydration reaction became popular for cutting or cracking rock concrete stone and other brittle solid materials .

    静态破碎剂是一种膨胀粉末,水化反应后产生固体膨胀及 膨胀 ,可广泛应用于岩石、混凝土和石材等脆性材料的破碎切割和开采中。

  • According the test results three-dimensional swelling pressure were unequal .

    试验结果表明 重塑 膨胀 的三向 膨胀 不等,水平 膨胀 小于 竖向 膨胀力;

  • The equilibrium time of the maximum swelling pressure relates to the dry density while the initial suction does not play an important role in it .

    膨胀 最终平衡时间随干密度增大有所增加,而初始吸力对平衡时间影响不大。