



  • He pulled out a bottle of wine and took a swig .

    沙头从 怀里拿出一瓶老白干,咕嘟,地 了一 大口

  • I concentrated on unscrewing the lid of my lemonade . I took a swig staring at the table without seeing it .

    我专心致志地把柠檬水瓶的盖子拧开,喝了一 大口然后 心不在焉地盯着桌面。

  • He took a deep swig from the bottle .

    他从瓶子里喝了一 大口

  • Gore takes another swig of diet Coke .

    戈尔又喝了一 大口健怡可乐。

  • Weddings marriage build a house build houses as well as one month old child the age such as weddings and funerals I have to buy swig .

    婚丧嫁娶、盖房造屋,以及小孩满月、周岁等红白喜事,都要置 痛饮

  • He was still hanging around swigging the Coke out of the can .

    他还在闲逛, 一罐可乐 大口 大口

  • He took a swig at the aspirin and the sour grains stuck in his throat .

    他喝了一 大口阿斯匹林 粒酸涩的药 卡在他的嗓子里。

  • Like alcoholics in a liquor store the investment banks cannot resist an illicit swig whenever they think nobody is looking .

    就像身在酒品店里的酒鬼一样,投资银行无法抵挡 住在 认为无人看管时违禁 豪饮 冲动

  • She wants another swig at that bottle .

    她还想对着那瓶子再喝一 大口

  • Nancy took a swig of heR beer which tasted good then decided to come to the point .

    南希呷了一 大口啤酒,觉得味道还不错,然后决定开门见山。

  • Hey don 't swig it all !

    喂,别都 喝光了!

  • Jean : I might say can I have a swig of your water ?

    你可以说 to take a swig 或者 tohave a swig,或者干脆就可以光说swig。

  • While I was cooking supper the old man took a swig or two and got sort of warmed up and went to ripping again .

    我把这些东西一样样 搬进木屋这时候已经 。我烧晚饭的时候,老头儿开始 大口 起来。

  • Learn more about WAD SWIG and other advanced exception topics through the Resources listed below .

    通过下面列出的参考资料 可以学到更多WAD、 SWIG以及其它异常方面的高级话题。

  • I swigged down two white wines

    我把两 白葡萄酒 一饮而尽

  • She opened kitchen cupboards pulled out juice and soft drinks and took a swig from bottles she managed to open .

    但是它 储存 大猩猩食品的冰箱翻了个遍,还打开了厨房的橱柜,拿出果汁和软饮料,打开瓶子 之后 大快朵颐

  • He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask .

    他猛 了一 酒瓶中的威士忌。

  • Your next task is to describe the API of the extension using SWIG 's own syntax .

    下一个任务是使用 SWIG自身的语法描述此扩展的API。

  • For more involved projects you still have to encode at least some of your functions by hand for SWIG to know what to do .

    对于更复杂的项目来说,您必须手工编码至少一部分函数,以便让 SWIG知道该做什么。

  • The supermodels Cindy Crawford and Heidi Klum seem to be on to it too and have been known to take a swig of vinegar before a meal believing that it helps them to maintain their figures .

    该超级模特辛迪克劳馥和海蒂克拉姆似乎是在向它也和已经知道采取 痛饮之前醋一餐,认为这可以帮助他们保持其数字。

  • Thanks says the other driver taking a swig . Here you have one too .

    “谢谢你,”另一个司机喝了一 大口,说:“你也喝一 。”

  • He smiled and took a swig from the bottle .

    他笑了笑,拿过瓶子 痛饮了起来。

  • Swig perhaps air live whom male domination ; I did not share the ancients unparalleled talented but said merry students but also to see the south .

    痛饮 空度日,飞扬跋扈为谁雄;我没有古人那份旷世才情,但说风流学子,还看南方。

  • Take a swig of whiskey from a bottle

    拿起瓶子就猛喝 威士忌