swimming test

[医] 游泳试验(测定肾上腺皮质制剂的效能)

  • Swimming test of mice and rats . A Review

    大小鼠 游泳 实验方法的研究概况

  • Every student in the school passed the swimming test .

    这个学校的每个学生都通过了 游泳 测试

  • Methods Male ICR mice were divided into drug groups ( imipramine hydrochloride ) and control groups ( distilled water ) to undergo forced swimming test .

    方法采用ICR雄性小鼠,分为给药组(盐酸丙咪嗪)和对照组,通过强迫 游泳 实验,观察预先训练、体重和水深对不动时间的影响。

  • Methods : The present study utilized mice forced swimming test tail suspension test and reserpine reversal test .

    方法:小鼠悬尾、小鼠强迫 游泳及利血平拮抗 实验

  • Methods : To extract polysaccharides with enzyme or alkali then carry out rat swimming test with it .

    方法:分别用酶法和碱法消化海地瓜药材提取多糖,并对提取的多糖做小鼠 游泳 试验

  • Methods The forced swimming test and tail suspension test were used in mice .

    方法采用强迫小鼠 游泳 实验和小鼠尾悬吊应激实验。

  • All of the rats were identified by swimming test and electromyogram in 7-14 d after the last immunization .

    所有小鼠均于末次免疫后7~14d行 游泳 试验和肌电图检查,进行模型鉴定。

  • Methods : Observe the effect on experimental depression by mice tail-hanging test and mice forced swimming test ;

    方法通过小鼠悬尾法、 游泳绝望法研究受 药物对实验性抑郁行为的影响;

  • To investigate the effects of Suanzaoren decoction on behaviors of behavioral despair rats by the forced swimming test and the tail suspension test .

    采用 小鼠强迫 游泳及悬尾实验方法观察酸枣仁汤对行为绝望小鼠模型的影响。

  • What means by the swimming test and three biochemical markers experimental results may be initially determined that the test sample has alleviate physical fatigue function .

    即通过 负重 游泳 实验和三项生化指标实验结果,可初步判定该受试样品具有缓解体力疲劳功能的作用。

  • The methods of Steal was used to measure the balance functions of mouse ( including swimming test and space posture reflex ) and some general behaviors of mouse were observed .

    按Steal的方法测定小鼠的平衡功能,包括 游泳 试验、空间姿势反射,以及一般行为观察。

  • The total immobile time of mice in both groups in forced swimming test and tail suspension test were prolonged obviously .

    两种模型小鼠强制 游泳 实验和悬尾实验中无动时间的总和均明显延长。

  • GLS improve depression state in tail suspension test and forced swimming test in mice . 5 .

    GLS可以改善悬尾小鼠与强迫 游泳小鼠的 绝望抑郁状态。

  • METHODS : Control group was used physiological saline experimental group was used extracted polysaccharides of 20 g · kg - 1 dosage and to carry out resist anoxic test swimming test and resist heat test .

    方法:对照组用生理盐水,实验组用提取的多糖按生药量20g/kg对小鼠连续灌胃后进行耐缺氧试验、 游泳 试验及耐高温试验。

  • The effects of estradiol and fluoxetine on rat behavior in the forced swimming test and body weight

    雌二醇与氟西汀对大鼠体质量及在强迫 游泳 实验中行为的影响

  • Objective To investigate the effects of the conditions of forced swimming test on the behavioral despair in model mice .

    目的研究小鼠强迫 游泳 实验 方法的条件,探讨在不同条件下小鼠对这种抑郁模型的敏感性是否有差别。

  • Methods By using the mouse tail suspension test and rat forced swimming test models of depression the antidepressant effects of HPE were observed .

    方法用小鼠尾悬挂实验和大鼠强迫 游泳 实验模型对HPE的抗抑郁作用进行研究。

  • Every / Nearly every child in the school passed the swimming test .

    这所学校的每一个几乎每一个w_121儿童 游泳及格了。

  • In order to evaluate profoundly and comprehensively antidepressant effect of Morinda officinalis oligosaccharides ( MOs ) the present study has investigated its role in two different depressive animal models : the forced swimming test and the learned helplessness .

    为了深入和全面地评价巴戟天寡糖(MOs)的抗抑郁作用,本研究观察了不同批次的MOs对大鼠, 小鼠强迫性 游泳和大鼠获得性无助抑郁模型的影响。

  • MethodsUsing the forced swimming test in mice the antidepressant effect of different fraction from it was observed .

    方法采用小鼠强迫 游泳药理 实验对合欢花水提物和醇提物及其各萃取部位进行抗抑郁活性筛选。

  • METHODS : Anti inflamation antipyresis swimming test and phagocytosis of macrophage by diffusion method were used in this study .

    方法:依据药理实验方法学和有关规定作了抗炎、退热、 游泳耐力、巨噬细胞吞噬功能的动物 实验和体外抑菌试验。

  • Effect of chronic variable stress on forced swimming test of rats and parallel changes of hippocampus structure

    慢性可变应激对大鼠强迫 游泳行为的影响与海马结构的平行改变

  • Hypericum medicinal plants . Methods : The forced swimming test and mouse tail suspensions in mice were used .

    方法:采用小鼠尾悬挂 试验、小鼠强迫 游泳试验抑郁模型对三种贯叶连翘组药用植物醇提物的抗抑郁作用进行研究。

  • Plain group hypoxia group 1 and oxygen enrichment group 1 carried out Morris water maze test to estimate the learning and memory ability while hypoxia group 2 and oxygen enrichment group 2 carried out all out effort weight loading swimming test .

    平原组、低氧1组、富氧1组进行Morris水迷宫试验测定大鼠的学习记忆能力,低氧2组、富氧2组进行力竭性 负重 游泳 试验

  • Observation indexes : Changes of body mass in mice models of two kinds representations of behavior tests in sucrose intake test forced swimming test and tail suspension test were measured .

    观察指标:分别测试两种模型小鼠的体质量变化、蔗糖摄取实验、强制 游泳 实验和悬尾实验等行为学表现。

  • Methods : Imipramine as the positive contrast medicine effects of MC on the depression behavior of mice were observed by forced swimming test and reserpine antagonist test .

    方法:以丙咪嗪为阳性对照药,采用 小鼠强迫 游泳 实验和利舍平拮抗实验,观察MC对小鼠 游泳时间和利舍平诱导的小鼠体温降低的影响;

  • Swimming test and hypoxia resistance test in mice were used to study the ability of stress .

    采用小鼠 游泳时间及缺氧存活时间研究铁皮 枫斗胶囊的抗 疲劳、耐缺氧作用。

  • The effect of Ciwujia and combination on improving the physical performance of anaerobic training rats by weight carrying swimming test .

    因此,本文采用大鼠 游泳 实验,系统地研究了以刺五加为主要组方的单味及复合药对无氧训练大鼠运动能力的影响。

  • The ability of learning and memory of each group was measured by swimming test every month ;

    每月用 游泳 试验 测试学习记忆一次,3个月后处死大 ,测定 海马组织 一氧化氮浓度。