


  • The incidence of the disease is about from 30 % to 40 % in the affected swinery . Farmers reported that on average mortality increased from 80 % to 100 % following an outbreak of ED.

    在发病的 猪群中,发病率为30~40%,该病死亡率高,可达80%~100%。

  • The swinery health is closely related to their feeding environment indoor air is an important part of the pig house environment its quality has direct influence on epidemic prevention swinery healthy and pork quality .

    猪群健康 饲养环境密切相关,舍内空气环境是养猪环境的重要组成部分,猪舍内的空气质量直接影响猪群防疫、猪只健康和猪肉品质。

  • It indicated that Anhui ' swinery has some disease pigs of PCV-2 .

    这表明安徽 地区 猪群中存在PCV-2感染。

  • Statistical analysis of T.gondii infection factors showed that the seropositive rate was related to the age of the swinery the existance of cats and mice in the swinery sweeping and sterilization frequency of swinery and the administration of anti T.gondii drugs .

    通过对弓形虫感染因素的统计学分析发现: 弓形虫病血清学阳性率与猪群的年龄、猫鼠的存在、 圈舍清扫和消毒的频率和抗弓形虫药物的使用相关。

  • Primary investigation on the parasitic infection of swinery in Guangxi

    广西 猪群寄生虫感染的初步调查

  • T.gondii infection rate rises as the age of the swinery and the contact with cats mice mosquitos and flies increases and decreases as the temperature falls the density of the pig population decreases and sweeping frequency of swinery increases .

    随着 猪群的年龄的增长、与猫鼠和蚊蝇接触 机会的增多, 弓形虫病 阳性率越高;气温降低、圈舍清扫次数增多、饲养密度降低,弓形虫病的感染率降低。