


v.转换转变,改变( switch的现在分词 )挥动(棍棒、鞭子等)迅速转动

  • High impedance voltage switching may be necessary in applications such as monitoring electrochemical cells and measuring semiconductor resistivity .

    在有些应用中,例如监测电化电池和测量半导体的电阻系数,则可能必须进行高阻抗电压 切换

  • Introduces the design means of hardware interface circuits in DSP applying system : logic level switching circuit .

    介绍了DSP应用系统的硬件接口电路:包括电平 变换电路。

  • Switching temperature using time and energy consumption of the system were analyzed .


  • I 'm switching between you and me .

    我在你和我之间 转换

  • This paper introduces an optimization design method for the compensation network of phase-shift full-bridge switching power supply .

    介绍了一种全桥移相式 开关电源补偿网络的最优设计方法。

  • This paper analyzes the characteristics of RSD switching current and selects measurement method by means of air-core coil .

    首先分析了高压大功率RSD 开关电流的特点,确认了空心线圈测量方法。

  • Purpose : audio frequency low power amplifier driver stage amplifier switching applications .

    用途:用于音频小功率放大,激励级放大及 开关 电路

  • The designed line trap is simulated and applied to a switching power system for LEDscreens .

    对设计的阻波器进行了数值仿真,并应用于某发光二极管大屏幕的 开关电源供电系统。

  • Many matrix switching systems use three-pole guarded relays and wiring .

    许多矩阵 切换系统采用了三极保护继电器和配线。

  • A computer calculates by switching currents on or off .

    计算机通过 电路的开合来进行运算。

  • Remember when you switch on the television you are switching off your child 's mind .

    记住,当你打开电视的时候,你 关掉了孩子的心智。

  • Resource management is the key for realization of multiservice switching or forwarding .

    实现多服务 交换或转发的关键是资源分配和管理。

  • Estonia is switching to a market economy

    爱沙尼亚正在向市场经济 转轨

  • There is no more switching back and forth between different administrative consoles to manage and configure the system .

    再也不需要在不同的管理控制台之间来回 切换,就可以管理和配置系统。

  • The design of a phase-shifted ZVS PWM DC / DC full-bridge converter this converter achieved zero voltage switching .

    研究了一种移相控制ZVSPWMDC/DC全桥变换器,它可以实现开关管的零电压 开关

  • Charge is transferred from one capacitor to another under control of regulator and switching circuitry .


  • The switching and maintenance software is an important component and the system platform of the switch software .


  • I / O switching eliminates unnecessary protocol conversion and boosts server bandwidth to gigabit levels .

    I/O 交换消除了不必要的协议转换,把服务器的带宽提升到千兆位的水平。

  • The high-frequency switching mode power supply and the incorporate power have been applied widely to power communication .

    高频 开关电源和变电站一体化电源已广泛应用于电力通信系统。

  • Switched disk and LUN-level switching are technologies usually used in conjunction with another replication technology .

    交换磁盘(Switcheddisk)和LUN-level 切换技术通常与另一种复制技术协同工作。

  • Wait times for switching between the Source and Design modes have been greatly reduced .

    在Source和Design模式之间 切换时,等待的时间已经显著缩短了。

  • In process switching the first packet is copied to the system buffer .

    在过程 交换中,第一个包会被复制到系统的缓冲区当中。

  • The method can implement memory fault tolerance without structure switching control circuit and improves the system reliability .

    这种方法不需要 切换控制电路,提高了系统的可靠性。

  • Switching applications of high impedance circuits include low current high resistance and high impedance voltage applications .

    高阻电路的 切换应用包括小电流、高电阻和高阻抗电压应用。

  • Switching between SOAP versions and XML / HTTP .

    在SOAP版本和XML/HTTP之间进行 切换

  • A detailed analysis of routing decision in packet switching networks in a nonstationary transient environment is made .

    对分组 交换网非平稳过渡过程的路由选择问题进行了分析。

  • The process of switching from one task to another in a multitasking operating system .

    在多任务操作系统中我一个任务 切换到另一个的过程。

  • The fourth chapter carries out the research on the design and realization of the current-mode flyback switching supply .

    第四章围绕着电流型反激式 开关电源的设计和实现进行了研究。

  • Switching from one thread to another thread means the hardware switches from using one register set to another .
