



  • Stroke is a worldwide common ailment . Because of its great danger to the health of the elderly and the wrinkly governments have pay more and more attention on it .

    脑卒中是一种世界范围的常见病,对中 老年人的健康与生命造成的危害极大,早已引起各国政府的重视。

  • Bacon and eggs can make you wrinkly say scientists searching for the secret of looking young .

    研究驻颜 的科学家们认为食用熏肉和鸡蛋会使你 皱纹 增多

  • As if the wrinkly skin wasn 't enough smoking hurts your hair too .

    似乎不只 使你的皮肤 变得 褶皱,吸烟还会伤害你的头发。

  • Objective To explore the clinical features of sudden sensorineural hearing loss ( SSHL ) between old and young wrinkly patients .

    目的了解老年与 青年突发性聋患者的不同临床特征和疗效。

  • Excuse my wrinkly hands-I never knew they looked like that !

    原谅我 皱纹满布的手&我从来都不知道他们长成那个样子!

  • Survey of hypertension among the wrinkly in community

    社区中 老年 原发性高血压患病调查

  • And then we 'll compare the distributed feedback coefficient in TE mode with the coefficient in TM mode to deeply understand that different modes have different distributed feedback coefficient in periodic arbitrary shape wrinkly rank wave-guide .

    并且与TE模下的分布反馈系数公式对比,可以深刻理解模式对任意形状 阶周期波导的分布反馈系数的影响。

  • Pugs are very small dogs with a wrinkly short-muzzled face and curled tail .

    巴哥犬是一种脸上有 褶皱、脸短、卷尾小型犬。

  • He gazed with deep feeling at his mother 's wrinkly face .

    他深情地望着 满脸 皱纹的母亲。

  • Discussion on Cause and Prevention of Wrinkly Physical Injury of Tennis

    老年 网球运动损伤的成因及预防

  • He was a smallish greying man with a wrinkly face .

    他是一个 满脸 皱纹、头发灰白的小个子男人。

  • Effects and Enlightenment of Strength Exercise on Physical Function of Wrinkly

    力量练习对中 老年 身体机能的影响及健身启示

  • A Universal Method to Get Distributed Feedback Coefficient of Periodic Wave Guides with Arbitrary Shape Wrinkly Rank in TM Mode

    任意形状 阶周期波导中TM模分布反馈系数

  • I remember noticing old and middle-aged bodies and feeling sorry for their owners : how tragic to be so saggy bulgy and wrinkly . How strange to be apparently proud of the condition rather than mortified by it .

    我记得我注意到中老年人的身体很难看:如此皮肤松弛、身材臃肿、 皱纹 遍布是多么可悲。为此感到骄傲而不是窘迫可真奇怪。

  • Methods Using the SIS ( Chinese version ) to evaluate the quality of life in 130 wrinkly and elderly with first stroke and follow up 105 patients among them lasting 3 months .

    方法使用汉化的SIS量 对130例中 老年首发脑卒中患者发病后1个月时的生存质量进行评定,并对其中的105例患者在发病后进行为期3个月的随访评定。

  • The whole story to an old wrinkly .

    说这个给我这个 老人

  • North the wild strong eyebrow Feng is quickly extra wrinkly tight .

    北野烈的眉峰, 顿时更是 紧。

  • Skin aging is the most common aging phenomena of the human body its clinical manifestations are skin dry 、 thinner and wrinkly etc it directly affects the appearance and health of people also evokes a series of psychological and social problems .

    皮肤衰老(Skinaging)是人体最常见的老化现象,临床表现为皮肤干燥、变薄、 皱纹 增多等,直接影响人的外观和健康,诱发一系列的心理与社会问题。

  • The men are still wrinkly and the women blonde and armed with tiny dogs .

    男人们依然是 满脸 皱纹,而女人们 为金发碧眼, 怀抱小狗。

  • In this paper we 'll use the Transfer Matrix method to analyze periodic arbitrary shape wrinkly rank wave-guide in TM mode and get the analytical formula of distributed feedback coefficient .

    采用转移矩阵理论来分析TM模在任意形状 阶周期波导中的传播问题,用 精确的转移矩阵方法来得出TM模下的分布反馈系数(耦合系数)的解析公式。

  • 49 . While sinking into thinking the shrinking linkman drank the pink ink sprinkled on the wrinkly paper .

    陷入沉思时,退缩的联络员喝掉了洒在 皱纹纸上的粉红色墨水。

  • The Residence Actuality of Hangzhou Wrinkly and the Influence of Dwelling Pattern for the Aged in Future

    杭州市 老年居住现状及其对未来老年居住模式的影响

  • His wrinkly face goes down to his hardship during his life .


  • Background : The coronary artery disease is widely common cardiovascular disease in wrinkly and elderly people .

    研究背景:冠心病是 严重 中老年人 健康的一种常见、多发心血管疾病。

  • And observe and record the degree of the limb swelling every 12 hours . Through comparing the new observation with last one record the time when swelling in the most severe case and the time when the swollen skin appeared wrinkly .

    每12小时观察记录患肢肿胀程度,对比上一次观察情况,记录肿胀高峰时间及皮肤出现 皱褶的时间。