wrinkle up

[ˈrɪŋkəl ʌp][ˈriŋkl ʌp]


  • The deep-drawing deformation of flange deformation region corner on regular polygon box parts is source ( cause ) of wrinkle and fracture and transfer material to the sides which are relaxed up to wrinkle ( result ) .

    正多边形盒零件凸缘变形区圆角部分的拉深变形是发生 和破裂之源并向直边部分转移材料,使直边部分松弛乃至 曲。

  • On the daddy face had the years trace daddy 's cheeks which the wrinkle and the white hair also slowly climb up .

    爸爸脸上有了岁月的痕迹, 皱纹和白发也慢慢 上的爸爸的脸颊。

  • ScienceDaily ( May25 ) & A new biomaterial designed for repairing damaged human tissue doesn 't wrinkle up when it is stretched .

    每日科学(2011年5月25日)&一种拟用于人体损伤组织修复的新生物材料在拉伸时并没有 产生 褶皱

  • There is also a wrinkle when it comes is adding up national output figures in different national currencies .

    在不同货币之间, 增加国民产出数值也是有 诀窍的。

  • The eyes do not lie unless of course the person has received Botox around the eyes in which case the skin around the eyes is unable to wrinkle up no matter how true a smile .

    眼睛是不会说谎的,当然,除非这个人眼睛周围已经打了肉毒杆菌,在这种情况下,不论笑容是如何的真挚,眼睛周围的皮肤也不能 起来

  • Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry fear self-distrust1bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

    岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱 抛却颓唐必至灵魂。烦忧、惶恐、丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。

  • A smile comes very easy & you can wrinkle up with cheer .

    来一个微笑很容易& 嘴角欢快 起来,你能 微笑,可难得 挤出

  • This paper accounts the forming cause of wrinkle on small square billet surface from some ways of steel grade equipment process parameter and operation method etc and also puts up the striving direction for reducing wrinkle .

    从钢种、设备、工艺参数、操作等几方面阐述 济钢一炼钢方坯表面 皱纹的形成原因, 提出 减少皱纹所采用的措施。