




  • The yearly audit takes place each december .


  • To assist the production Manager in preparing yearly budget and cost control .

    协助制造部经理准备 年度预算和成本控制。

  • The five elements correspond to the seasons and the quality of energy during the yearly cycle .


  • For some yearly renewable term insurance you just need to pay once a year .

    对于那些可以几 更新的保险,你每年付一次钱就可以了。

  • This is their average yearly output .

    这是他们 每年的平均产量。

  • The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales .

    这家广告代理商 每年销售额达14亿美元。

  • Analyses in the yearly seasonal change of and regional differences on Korean wind speed and sunshine .

    韩国的风速和日照时数的 、各季变化趋势和 年际变化、地域性分析。

  • She is tied to monthly lunar cycles and the yearly growing seasons .

    她与每月的月亮周期和 每年的成长季节联结。

  • I refer to events that happen yearly in connection with the seasons .

    我指的是事件发生在与季节有关 每年

  • In Holland the government sets a yearly budget for health care .

    在荷兰,政府会制定医疗保健部门的 年度预算。

  • Tracks yearly vacation overtime compensation sick leave and other leave information .

    管理和追踪 年假,调休,病假和其他假期信息。

  • Exports yearly exceed imports .

    输出 每年超过输入。

  • To implement company 's policy to make stocktaking monthly quarterly and yearly and ensure inventory accurate .

    按照公司的政策实行月度、季度、和 年度盘点,确保较高的库存准确率;

  • Average yearly rainfall in all three states exceeds 40 inches ( just over a metre ) .

    三个州的 平均降雨量超过40英寸(一米多点)。

  • The mean yearly rainfall is20 inches .

    平均 降雨量为20英寸。

  • Last month the inflation rate was up0.2 % on a monthly basis and3.1 % on a yearly basis .

    上个月的通货膨胀率接月计算上升了0.2%, 按年计算上升了3.1%。

  • The seven major industrial countries will have their yearly meeting in London .

    7个主要工业国家将在伦敦举行 一年一度的会议。

  • I received a yearly remuneration of $ 8000 at the previous work .

    在以前的工作中,我的 年薪为8000美元。

  • You can become a member by paying the yearly subscription .

    支付 的会员费就可以成为会员。

  • The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent

    工业劳动生产率 平均增长4.5%。

  • Rainfall this year exceeded the yearly average .

    今年的雨量超过了 平均降雨量。

  • The yearly rental of her house is 2400 yuan .

    她这房子 租金是2400元。

  • The city is celebrated for its yearly horse show .

    这座城市以 一年一度的马展而闻名遐迩。

  • This amount of money will not be fixed and can be changed yearly .

    奖金的金额将不确定并根据 每年的情况更改。

  • The yearly tuition didn 't stop at $ 10 it has almost reached $ 20 !

    的学费 岂止一万,已经快两万了。

  • They breed twice yearly .

    它们 每年繁殖两次。