T fracture

[医] T字形骨折

  • Results X-ray can manifest orbit fracture sometimes it can t differ orbit fracture from swollen soft tissue as the overlap .

    结果:X线虽可显示 眼眶骨折,但有时与肿胀软组织重叠而显示 清。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of T plate internal fixation for treatment of comminuted distal radius fracture .

    目的评价切开复位 T型钢板内固定治疗桡骨远端粉碎性 骨折的疗效。

  • A state-of-art survey in the fracture theory including J-Q ( K-T ) theory the fracture of interface crack toughening analysis and the applications of the fractal geometry is presented here .

    本文扼要介绍了 断裂理论研究方面的最新进展。包括 考虑应力的三轴度发展起来的 K T和JQ理论;界面断裂力学的研究;

  • The Clinical Relationship Between IL-6 Expression and T Cell Subgroup in Traumatic Fracture

    创伤性 骨折IL-6的表达与 T细胞亚群的临床关系

  • The dynamic fracture initiation toughness of engineering ceramics Al_2O_3 and Si_3N_4 was determined and studied .

    研究并测定了Al2O3和 Si 3N 4两类工程陶瓷的动态起 韧性,给出了 K1d)( t K1( t)曲线。

  • It is shown that the Dynamic fracture toughness of the V-Ti-N steel has sharp temperature transition . Its ductile-brittle transition temperature T_ ( DB ) was very sensitive to strain rate and related to the notch acuity .

    结果表明,VTiN钢动态 断裂韧性具有明显的温度转折特征,其韧-脆转变温度 T(OB)对应变速率十分敏感,并与试验过程中缺口的尖锐程度密切相关。

  • The Application of T Shaped Plate in the Treatment of Comminuted Intra-articular Fracture of the Distal End of Radius

    桡骨远端粉碎性 骨折治疗中 T型钢板的应用

  • Two_parameter fracture mechanics theory analysis has shown that a decreased a / W value will result in the decreased T stress and therefore will conduce the increased plastic zone at the crack tip .

    并以双参数 断裂理论分析得出a/W值的减小导致了 T应力的减小,并由此导致裂纹尖端塑性区的增大。

  • Results : The pressure on fracture site in vivo kept declining in 24 hours when the bones were pressed axially with external fixators . The variation rates of pressure on fracture site in vivo in 3 groups were significantly different ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果:外 固定器轴向加压后24h内在体 骨折 端压力持续衰减,3组骨折断端压力变化速率 t 检验有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

  • The transformation volume change and the transformation width of ZrO_2 ( t ) on the fracture surface of ZTA ( Zirconia Toughened Alumina ) and TZP ( Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals ) are studied by X-ray diffraction .

    利用X射线衍射技术研究了氧化锆增韧氧化铝陶瓷(ZTA)和四方氧化锆多晶陶瓷(TZP)的 断裂表面上四方氧化锆ZrO2( t)的相变量和相变宽度。

  • In ISO 9080 σ LPL hoop stress corresponding to 97.5 % survival probability at temperature T and fracture time t is obtained by statistical extrapolation method from a large number of hydrostatic rupture experimental data some of which must take at least 1 year .

    ISO9080由含有1a以上试验时间的大量静液压破坏试验数据,用统计外推法得到各种温度 T破坏时间t、存活率97.5%的环应力σLPL。

  • Before fracture operation the memory T & P gauge can wholly record change of down hole temperature and pressure that is lowered to objective formation with fracture testing string .

    压裂施工前,随 压裂管柱将可存储式 温度压力计下入到目的层,可完整记录压裂施工全过程的井底温度、压力变化情况。

  • The fracture systems of oil field T in Jianghan Basin are evaluated by the method to obtain some basic cognizances of fracture distribution and gaining hydrocarbon compounds in the fracture systems .

    并应用该方法对江汉盆地 T油田的裂缝组系进行了评价,获得了 裂缝可能的分布规律及裂缝组系对捕获烃类的有效性等基本认识。

  • R R ' X P T sub - fracture planes are developed in the brittle shear zone .

    脆性剪切带内发育有R、R′、X、P、 T等次级 面。

  • Lateral decline incision and titanium alloy T plate fixation for scapular fracture

    外侧斜切口和钛合金 T 塑形钢板治疗肩胛骨 骨折

  • It is necessary that the time of which specimen is loaded till fracture must be greater than Δ T when the dynamic fracture test is conducted .

    动态 断裂试验时,试件从加载至断裂的时间应大于特征时间Δ T,否则试验结果不可靠。

  • DCB tests were completed at both room temperature ( R T ) and liquid nitrogen temperature ( 77K ) to evaluate the influence of temperature and specimen size on the interlaminar fracture toughness .

    为了评价测试温度和试样几何尺寸的变化对层间 断裂韧性的影响,分别在室温( RT)和液氮温度(77K)条件下对不同尺寸的试样进行了双悬臂梁试验。

  • The test results indicate that the linear elastic fracture mechanics ( LEFM ) is suitable for the clay . The correlation between fracture toughness K_ ( IC ) and tensile strength ot of clay tested and a criterion for mixed mode ⅰ - ⅱ of clay are suggested .

    结合 前人研究成果,建立了 土材料的 断裂韧度K( IC)和单轴抗拉强度σ t间的线性相关关系。提出了所研究土体的Ⅰ&Ⅱ复合型断裂判据。

  • Clinical application of T shaped plate to Barton fracture

    BARTON 骨折治疗中 T形钢板的临床应用

  • T The Change of radionuclide bone Imaging During the Repairing Process After Femoral Head Necrosis in femoral Neck Fracture


  • Conclusion : B2 1 type acetabular fractures can be treated with nonoperative therapy B2 2 B2 3 and T shaped fracture with posterior wall fragment should always be treated with operation .

    结论:B21型髋臼骨折可以采用保守治疗,而B22型、B23型和 T形+后壁 骨折一般采用手术治疗。

  • T type plate for treating distal fracture of radius in middle-aged patientss

    T型钢板在中老年人桡骨远端 骨折中的应用

  • Lamellar tearing is a kind of brittle fracture in thick plate of steel structures which usually occurs in cruciform tee and corner joints .

    层状撕裂是钢结构厚板中的一种脆性 断裂形式,通常发生在十字形接头、 T 接头和角接接头中。

  • Method 62 cases fracture of the distal radius were fixed with T-plate from palm or dorsum in 2000 ~ 2005 and summarized .

    方法对 2000~2005 年间62例桡骨远端 骨折经掌或背侧 T 钢板内固定,并总结操作方法。

  • Objective : To study the therapeutic effects of T compression steel plate in the treatment of comminuted fracture of surgical neck of humerus .

    目的:研究应用“ T”型加压钢板治疗肱骨外科颈粉碎性 骨折的治疗效果。

  • Treatment of T Type or Y Type Femoral Condyle Fracture through Internal Fixation with a 95 ° Plate

    95°角股骨髁钢板内固定治疗股骨髁间 T型或Y型 骨折

  • Methods : 59 cases of distal radius fracture from 2002.9 to 2005.1 were classified into two groups . They were treated by T plate internal fixation and plaster splint external fixation respectively .

    方法:将2002年9月-2005年1月59例桡骨远端 骨折分为2组,分别采用切开复位 T形钢板内固定和石膏夹板外固定治疗。

  • Objective To evaluate the thin thickness high resolution C T ( HRCT ) in the diagnosis of skull base fracture .

    目的探讨 颅底薄层高分辨螺旋CT扫描对颅底 骨折的应用价值。

  • And when ε t indicates the tension resistent strength of the rock the ε t of tensile fracture is always the tension strain even if the rock sits are in three-directional pressure .

    若岩石的应变抗拉强度由εt表示,即使岩石三向受压,张 破裂的ε t始终是拉应变,岩石的抗拉强度由应变来表征似乎更合理。