


  • On the one hand the research mainly carries on through the tabulation form .

    这一方面的研究主要通过 列表的形式来进行。

  • A tabulation of a function of two variables is cumbersome but possible .

    二元函数的 列表 是不方便的,然而是可能的。

  • Data tabulation and editing programming

    数据 制表和编辑程序设计语言

  • This paper puts forward a fast convergence method to solve the Holzer Tabulation problem by computer .

    本文提出了一种计算机求解 霍尔茨 问题的快速收敛新算法。

  • This article introduces a new dimensionless tabulation method to calculate reinforcement of T-section beams .

    介绍了一种新的无量纲 表格法来计算T形梁的正截面配筋。

  • The figures are ready for tabulation and collation .

    这些数字已准备好, 有待 列表并核对。

  • Research and Achievement of the General Tabulation Tool in CAPP System

    CAPP系统中通用 制表工具的研究和实现

  • Chemistry has two main aspects : descriptive chemistry the discovery and tabulation of chemical facts ;

    化学有两个主要方面:叙述性化学,即化学事实的发现和 制表

  • For the collation of information data standardization orderliness and tabulation should be realized .

    对情报资料数据的整理,应作到标准化、条理化和 表格化。

  • Such a tabulation cannot represent adequately the complex gradation relationships between the types .

    这样的 图表不能充分代表各类型之间的复杂级配关系。

  • Note from the tabulation above that center B is already earning a return of 20 percent on its assets .

    可知B 投资中心已经获得了20%的投资报酬率。

  • Tabulation and describe the experimental results .


  • An incomplete tabulation suggests that the winners will include steel makers Korean automakers and used car owners .

    一份不完全的 表格显示,钢铁制造商、韩国汽车制造商以及二手车所有者将从这次 灾难中获益;

  • Zambian election officials said vote tabulation was going normally and Thursday 's elections had been quiet and orderly .

    赞比亚选举官员表示,选民 登记 造册进行正常,星期四的选举也相当平静以及有秩序。

  • Be responsible for project preparation such as data tabulation mapping IRR documents and relative research materials ;

    负责项目所需资料的准备工作,例如:数据 统计,地图制作,IRR文件和相关的市场调研资料;

  • The object is used to format the tabular material of a table . the key on an electric typewriter that causes a tabulation .

    对象的作用是:定义一个表格的 制表 要素的格式。打字机上 制作表格时使用的键。

  • The general tabulation tool is a crucial module for CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning ) system .

    通用 表格 定制工具是CAPP(ComputerAidedProcessPlanning)系统中的一个重要模块。

  • The application of the lower of cost or market rule is illustrated by the tabulation shown below

    成本与市价 低原则的应用通过以下所示的 表格加以说明

  • Tab : Short for tabulation used to align columns of text or figures .

    定位: 英文 简写,用来把文字或数字依照栏位对齐。

  • It was introduced a method to implement data query in Excel by VFP extremely improved the performances by combining VFP 's data processing functions with excel 's Excellent tabulation functions .

    介绍一种使用VFP实现对Excel中数据查询的方法,从而将VFP强大的数据处理功能与Excel优异的 制表功能有机地结合起来,大大增强软件的应用效果。

  • More extensive tabulation are available in the engineering data book .

    更详细的 数据可参考《工程数据书》。

  • Results of the advance tabulation of the Fifth National Population Census indicate that China has not only put its excessive population growth under effective control but also entered the stage of a low fertility rate .

    第五次全国人口普查 快速 汇总结果表明,中国不仅有效地控制了人口过快增长的势头,而且开始进入低生育水平的发展阶段。

  • In Zambia opposition leader Michel Sata is maintaining a slim lead over rival Acting President Rupiah Banda as vote tabulation continues from Thursday 's presidential election .

    赞比亚反对党领袖萨塔以微弱的优势领先于对手代总统班达,与此同时,周四举行的总统选举的选票 清点 工作继续进行。

  • At present all data collected through the census are under computer processing program and the advance tabulation of major figures has been finished .

    目前,普查全部资料正在用计算机进行数据处理,主要数据的 快速 汇总 工作已经结束。

  • Then one week after the problem set is due you will be responsible for returning the graded problem sets to the TAs along with a solution and a grade tabulation .

    作业 项目完成日一星期之后,你有责任将 上分数的学生作业,作业解答与评分表交给 助教

  • The Tabulation Recognition in Chinese Layout Analysis

    中文版面分析中 表格的识别

  • In this case the tabulation is a better way to solve this problem .

    列表 就可以解决这一问题。

  • Economic statistics largely consists of the aggregation and tabulation of facts relating to economic life .

    经济统计学大体上是由与经济生活有关的现实资料汇总与 列表 工作构成的。

  • The system of BOM Editing management and Self-drawing in templates is presented to meet the need of data management and tabulation in enterprises .

    针对企业BOM数据管理和 表格绘制的需要,开发了模板式BOM编辑管理与自动生成系统。