


  • Which of you children cut this hole in my best tablecloth ?

    你们这帮孩子,是谁在我最好的 桌布 割了个洞?

  • The fresh flowers the white tablecloth and the colored wine glasses pleased Paul 's eyes .

    新鲜的花,白色的 桌布和有色的葡萄酒杯满足了保罗的眼睛。(有点 别扭 呵呵

  • Anne has left the walls white but added splashes of colour with the tablecloth and the paintings .

    安妮让墙壁维持白色,但用 桌布及油画进行了色彩点缀。

  • I 'll dust the table before putting the tablecloth on .

    我要在 台布以前先把桌上的灰掸 干净

  • Tom spilled his coffee on the tablecloth .

    汤姆把咖啡溢在 桌布 了。

  • My wife has worked a pretty peony pattern on the tablecloth .

    我妻子在 桌布 了一幅漂亮的牡丹花图案。

  • She swept away the sauce with the sugar leaving a few lumps on the tablecloth .

    她把糖和调味料收了,在 桌布 留下几块糖。

  • I am afraid I spilled beer on the tablecloth .

    对不起,我把酒洒在了 桌布

  • Please cover the table with a tablecloth .

    请把桌 布盖在桌子

  • The wind blew everything off the table tablecloth and all .

    风把桌子上的所有 东西 桌布都吹掉了。

  • This new tablecloth is a good match for the carpet .


  • Did you bleach this tablecloth ?

    你把这块 桌布漂白了吗?

  • I can 't seem to wash out that ink that got onto the tablecloth .

    看起来,我洗不掉洒在 台布 的墨水。

  • You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table .

    你的餐桌上 有一块聚氯乙烯 桌布

  • You spit bones and other food scraps on the table . That 's why you need the vinyl tablecloth .

    你把骨头和其他杂碎吐在桌子上,这就是为什么你需要 桌布

  • Home textile : sheet bed-cover sofa cover curtain tablecloth napkin .

    家用纺织品:床单、床罩、沙发罩、窗帘、 台布桌布、餐巾;

  • He spilt coffee over the tablecloth .

    他不小心将咖啡洒到 桌布

  • How long did it take you to embroider this tablecloth ?

    你绣这块 台布 了多少

  • She smoothed out wrinkles out of the tablecloth .

    她把 桌布 的皱褶弄平。

  • Carelessly I knocked my teacup over and the tea went all over the tablecloth .

    我不小心把茶杯打翻了,洒得 桌布 一塌糊涂

  • She drew the tablecloth away .

    她把 桌布 拉掉了。

  • You blithering idiot ! You 've buttered the tablecloth !

    你这个大笨蛋,把黄油都涂 桌布 了!

  • You 'd better blow out that candle before it sets fire to the tablecloth .

    你最好还是把那蜡烛灭了吧,否则 台布 烧着了。

  • Don 't soil the tablecloth .

    桌布 弄脏了。

  • I picked up the tablecloth in a small store .

    我在一家小店里买到的这个 台布

  • The spilled ink dyed the tablecloth blue .

    泼翻的墨水把 桌布染成蓝色。

  • On a picnic a newspaper answered for tablecloth .

    野餐时报纸可以 桌布用。

  • They sit down at a table which is covered with snow-white tablecloth .

    他们在一张桌旁坐下, 桌布雪白。

  • You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth .

    你把肉汁泼到 台布 了。

  • Don 't put your grubby hands on my nice clean tablecloth .

    不要把你的脏手放在我干净的 桌布