



abbr.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))(联合国)技术援助委

  • Pollard picked up the tab for dinner that night

    那天的晚饭是 波拉德掏的钱。

  • The Tab Bar Application template provides a special controller that displays a bottom navigation bar .


  • Classify highlight and tab .

    分类,突出和 标签

  • To detach a view drag it outside the workbench window or right-click its tab and select Detach .

    要分离视图,请将其拖到工作台窗口外部,或者右键单击其 选项卡并选择Detach。

  • A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray .

    一个蠢笨的医护人员一不留神在他的X光片上贴错了 标签

  • On this form insert another tab in the main table between the Databases and Dial-up Connections tabs .

    在该表单上,在主表的Databases标签和Dial-upConnections标签之间插入另一个 标签

  • From this tab you can rename templates and delete the ones you no longer need .

    从该 中您可以重命名模板,或者删除您不再需要的模板。

  • The second tab Update Status contains an HTML form with a text area and button .

    第二个 选项卡UpdateStatus,包含一个具有文本区域和按钮的HTML表单。

  • Clicking Profile after the tab pages have been completed will initiate data collection .

    在已经完成了 选项卡页之后单击Profile将启动数据收集。

  • In the Control Panel click the Administration tab in the left navigation pane .

    在控制面板中,单击左侧导航窗格中的Administration 选项卡

  • To perform JavaScript profiling in Firebug you navigate to the Console tab and click the Profile button .

    要执行Firebug中的JavaScript分析,导航到Console 选项卡,单击Profile按钮。

  • At least one estimate puts the total tab at $ 7 million

    至少有一个估价把 总数 在了700万美元。

  • Double-click the System icon and select the Environment tab .

    双击系统图标,选择高级 标签,点击环境 变量 标签

  • The PHP code starts by defining two variables : tabs and current_tab .

    PHP代码首先定义了两个变量:tabs和 current tab

  • This template creates a tab navigation bar with two associated views .

    这个模板创建了一个 选项卡导航条和两个关联视图。

  • ' I 'll get my purse out of the bedroom . ' — ' No sweat Mrs. Day . We can put it on your tab . '

    “我去卧室拿钱包。”——“别费事了,戴夫人,我们就记在你的 账单 好了。”

  • One tab of Ecstasy costs at least £ 15 .

    一粒 摇头丸至少卖15英镑。

  • The icon on this tab is a beanie .

    (该 选项卡上的图标是一个小便帽)。

  • You can create a data currency and company tab to modify those headings .

    您可以创建一个数据、货币和公司的 选项卡来修改这些标题。

  • It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn 't do anything drastic .

    显然,希尔是来密切 监视约翰逊的,以确保他不做出什么过激举动。

  • Click the Files tab in the Import table task assistant and use the data file you created .

    单击Importtable任务助手中的Files 标签,并使用您创建的数据文件。

  • Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab .

    现如今,不论哪位雇员的背部或肩膀疼,都可以直接去找 杰伊先生, 费用由公司承担。

  • You can specify footer text on the columns tab .

    可以在“列 选项卡上指定脚注文本。

  • Next to the Icon and Shape Image field on the General tab are two buttons : Browse and Clear .

    在General 标签 ,图标和图型域的 上有两个按钮:Browse和Clear。

  • Within some shells zsh included you can complete a file or command by pressing the TAB key .

    在某些Shell(包括zsh)中,您可以通过按 TAB键来完成文件或命令。

  • Click Home in the toolbar and click the My widgets tab .

    单击工具栏上的Home,然后单击我的小部件 选项卡

  • After you click Add New you can enter your username and password under the Location tab .

    在您点击AddNew之后,您就能够在Location 标签下输入您的username和password。

  • Click Next to see the Verification Point Data tab of the Verification Point and Action Wizard .

    点击下一步将看到“验证点和动作”向导的“验证点数据 标签