


  • Histo & cytological Study on Development of the Leaf of Nicotinia Tabacum


  • Isolation of fertilized embryo sacs and zygotes and triggering of zygote division in vitro in Nicotiana tabacum


  • Arginine Decarboxylase Activity is Increased in Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) Suspension Cells by Exogenous Melatonin During Cold Stress

    低温胁迫下褪黑激素 烟草悬浮细胞精氨酸脱羧酶活性的影响

  • Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) is an important economic crops and model organisms .

    烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)是重要的经济作物和模式生物之一。

  • Six tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) genotypes were selected as the parents of P ×( P-1 ) / 2 incomplete diallel cross to determine combing ability and genetic model of stomatal conductance on tobacco leaves and disease resistances to weather-fleck .

    选择 抗性不同的6个烤烟基因型,采用P(× P-1)/2双列杂交遗传交配设计方法,分析了烟草对气候斑点病的抗性(病情指数)和气孔导度的遗传方式。

  • Study on carbohydrate metabolism and morphogenesis of Nicotiana tabacum in tissue culture


  • Exogenous ca ~ ( 2 + ) regulation of pollen tube growth and division of generative nucleus in Nicotiana tabacum

    外源Ca~(2+)对 烟草花粉管生长和生殖核分裂的调节

  • Regulation of γ - Aminobutyric Acid on Ethylene Synthesis Genes and Ethylene-signal Components Gene Expression in Nicotiana Tabacum

    γ-氨基丁酸对 烟草乙烯合成基因及乙烯信号组分基因表达的调节

  • Characteristics of runoff and sediment and N 、 P loss in Nicotiana tabacum land slope in typical small watershed of Fuxian Lake

    抚仙湖典型小流域 烤烟坡地产流产沙及氮磷流失特征

  • Cloning of the gene coding for tumor angiogenesis inhibitor Arresten and its transference to Nicotiana tabacum

    肿瘤血管生成抑制因子 Arresten基因克隆及其对烟草的 转化

  • Construction of A Plant Binary Expression Vector Containing Intron kanamycin Gene and Transformation in Nicotiana tabacum

    带内含子卡那霉素抗性基因双元载体构建及 烟草 转化

  • Tabacum sensory evaluation based on the support vector machine

    基于支持向量机的 烟叶感官品质评价

  • Callus cultures initiated from leaves of haploid and diploid Nicotiana tabacum were transferred to a suspension culture and then treated with 0.25 % EMS .

    从单倍体或二倍体烟草叶片 诱发的愈伤组织,转入 液体培养,然后用 0.25%EMs(甲基磺酸乙酯)处理, 引起 突变

  • Exine-detached pollen of Nicotiana tabacum as an electroporation target for gene transfer


  • Hairy root induction and plant regeneration in Nicotiana tabacum


  • Soil and climate are the main ecological factors that affect the quality of flue-cured tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) .

    土壤和气候是影响 烤烟质量的主要生态因素。

  • So far 8 interspecific somatic hybrids between N. tabacum and its wild species have been obtained . The hybrids are classified into 3 types : asymmetric hybrids symmetric hybrids and cybrids .

    现已获得了 普通 烟草与8个野生 烟草种的种间体细胞杂种,这些种间体细胞杂种可以分为3个类型,即对称杂种、不对称杂种和胞质杂种。

  • Ultrastructural differences of RMV and TMV infected Nicotiana tabacum mesophyll cells for distinguishing virus strains

    用感染病毒细胞超微结构的差异区分 RMV及TMV株系

  • Antioxidative Response of Phytolacca americana and Nicotiana tabacum to Manganese Stresses

    商陆和 烟草 锰胁迫的抗氧化响应研究

  • Effects of various factors on the growth and nicotine production of hairy root of Nicotiana tabacum

    不同 因子对 烟草发状根生长及烟碱合成的影响

  • Using calcein as an indicator the effects of electroporation on de exined pollen ungerminated and germinated intact pollen in Nicotiana tabacum were compared .

    利用膜不通透的荧光染料钙黄素作为指示剂,比较了 烟草脱外壁花粉与完整的未萌发花粉和萌发花粉电激导入的效果。

  • Establishment of an experimental system for artificial germination and in vitro pollination with de-exined pollen in Nicotiana tabacum


  • Transformation and Expression of Mannanase Gene in Nicotiana tabacum

    甘露聚糖酶基因在 烟草中的表达

  • Weeds Control on Seed-bed for Nicotiana Tabacum Using Different Soil Fumigant

    不同土壤消毒剂防除 烟草苗床杂草试验

  • SVM 's generalization is better than others . The characteristics of SVM such as the strong learning capability based on small samples the good characteristic of generalization and insensitivity to random noise disturbance are shown by its applications to the tabacum sensory evaluation .

    通过SVM在 烟叶感官品质评价中的应用,研究了SVM的小样本学习、泛化能力和抗噪声扰动能力。

  • In the paper two items were mainly researched . One was the construction of a plant expression vector containing melon ACO1 antisense gene and its transformation to Nicotiana tabacum ;

    本项目主要从两个方面进行了研究,一是甜瓜ACC氧化酶反义基因植物表达载体的构建并转化 普通 烟草

  • According to the quality of tobacco leaf characteristics biological characteristics and cultivation methods Nicotiana tabacum is divided into flue-cured tobacco sun-cured tobacco air-cured burley and oriental tobacco in China .

    我国按烟叶品质特点、生物学性状和栽培方法,把 普通 烟草划分为烤烟、晒烟、晾烟、白肋烟、香料烟五个类型。

  • Genetic Diversity in Cultivars of Nicotiana tabacum Revealed by RAPD Markers


  • Factors affected nicotine biosynthesis in Nicotiana tabacum were researched .

    对影响 烟草 愈伤 组织尼古丁生成的因素进行了初步的研究。

  • Intrinsic GUS activity in various tissues and during pollen development of Nicotiana tabacum
