tab file

[tæb faɪl][tæb fail]


  • Make sure in Windows Explorer Tools - > Folder Options View Tab that Hide file extensions for known file types is not checked .

    确保在Windows资源管理器,工具->“文件夹选项,查看 选项卡,说:”隐藏已知文件类型的 文件扩展名“未选中。

  • Detach the JAR file on the generated files tab ( in this case EchoTestService . jar ) to your local file system .

    将generatedfiles附 上的JAR文件(在本例中为EchoTestService.jar)移至本地 文件系统。

  • Use the Metrics-detailed tab to see a summary of a single measurement by language or file type .

    使用 Metrics–细节项来通过语言或者 文件类型查看单个方法的总结。

  • In the new dialog box on the page tab click general in the leftmost pane and then double-click text file in the next pane to the right .

    在“新建”对话框的“网页 选项卡上,单击最左侧窗格中的“常规”,然后双击右侧下一窗格中的“文本 文件”。

  • On the Retry tab the Action on failing file property specifies what action should be carried out on the input file after all attempts to process its contents have failed .

    在Retry 选项卡上,Actiononfailing file属性指定在处理输入文件内容的所有尝试都失败后,应对输入文件执行的操作。

  • Double quotes The location and number of double quote marks in a field in a tab delimited file affect how they are handled when the file is imported .

    双引号双数场引号中的位置和一个 制表符分隔的 文件影响到他们如何处理时,该文件是进口的。

  • Double-clicking the Crystal Report Active X Control-ware added switching Control tab in attribute page and choosing the report form file .

    双击添加的控件,在属性页中切换到Control tab并选定报表 文件

  • On the Basic tab set the Directory and File Name or pattern to the location and name of the output file .

    在Basic 选项卡上,将Directory和 FileNameorpattern分别设置为输出文件的位置和名称。

  • Click the Files tab in the Import table task assistant and use the data file you created .

    单击Importtable任务助手中的Files 标签,并使用您创建的数据 文件

  • In addition to noticing that my tab settings don 't match those of whoever wrote this file you 'll see several of the standard error values their symbolic names and a brief comment describing each .

    除了注意到我的 选项卡设置可能与编写此 文件的其他人员的设置不匹配之外,您将看到若干标准错误值、其符号名称,以及分别描述各个值的简短注释。

  • You can do this using either INSERT statements or loading data into a table from a tab delimited text file .

    为此,可以使用INSERT语句,也可以从以 制表符定界的文本 文件中将数据导入表中。

  • Use the Net tab to see the bar that shows when a file started and stopped loading relative to all the other files .

    使用Net 选项卡可以看到进度栏,该进度栏显示了一个 文件相对所有其他文件开始和停止加载的时间。

  • The tab labeled with the file name shows the text of the log itself .

    文件名进行标记的 选项卡显示日志本身的文本。

  • If the list of recently used files isn 't displayed click options on the tools menu click the general tab and then select the recently used file list check box .

    如果菜单上没有显示最近使用的文件列表,请在“工具”菜单上,单击“选项”,单击“常规 选项卡,再选中“最近使用的 文件列表”复选框。

  • The text analysis results can be viewed from a link in the Summary tab as well as accessed from the corresponding analysis results directory in the file system .

    可以通过Summary 选项卡的链接查看文本分析结果,也可以通过 文件系统中的相应分析结果目录进行访问。

  • Select the COM tab of the Add Reference dialog box and then double-click the appropriate Type Library file listed .

    选择AddReference对话框的COM 选项 ,然后双击所列出的合适的TypeLibrary 文件

  • For example you can use this tab to see a summary of the number of lines for each language or file type in the inventory database .

    例如,您可以使用该 来查看编目清单数据库中每一项语言或者 文件类型行数目的总结。

  • The sample projects are configured on the signing tab of the project properties dialog box to sign assemblies at build time with this key file .

    在“项目属性”对话框的“签名 选项卡中配置示例项目,以在生成时使用此密钥 文件对程序集签名。

  • The Query Service Caching section under the Configuration tab allows for manual Dynamic Query cache clearing and writing the cache state to file for one or more server groups .

    Configuration 选项卡下的QueryServiceCaching部分允许手动清理DynamicQuery缓存并为一个或多个服务器组将缓存状态写到 文件上。

  • The FileInput node 's Records and Elements tab includes a Record detection property which controls how many propagations result from a single input file .

    FileInput节点的RecordsandElements 选项卡包括一个Recorddetection属性,此属性控制从单个输入 文件产生多少次传播。

  • To populate tables in your database from a text file you need to create a tab delimited file .

    要通过文本文件向数据库填入数据,需要创建一个以 制表符定界的 文件

  • Select the Internet Protocols - > HTTP tab and in the DSAPI filter file names field enter the name and full path of the SiteMinder Web agent

    选择Internet Protocols->HTTP附签,在DSAPI过滤器 文件名字段中,输入名称和SiteMinderWeb代理的完整路径

  • The basic idea behind this extension is to count the number of lines and characters in a file and report the results on a new tab of the file properties page .

    这一扩展背后的基本思想是计算文件中的行数和参数个数,并在 文件属性页的新 选项卡中报告结果。

  • Use the Log Files tab to select or create another log file folder .

    使用日志文件 选项卡选择或创建另一个日志 文件夹

  • Click the Callees tab double-click the highlighted line of source code and choose Source File from the Grouping list .

    单击Callees 选项卡,双击源代码中突出显示的行,并从Grouping列表选择Source File

  • Using Gatekeeper bring up the HTTP access service properties panel select the SSL tab and verify that the File name of key database and File name of stash password fields are set correctly .

    使用Gatekeeper,打开HTTP访问服务属性面板,选择SSL 选项卡,确认 Filenameofkeydatabase和Filenameofstashpassword字段设置正确。

  • Replace its content in the Source tab with the code shown in the following listing then save the file .

    以如下代码代替Source 标签中的内容,然后保存 文件

  • On the Basics tab of the File Protection document accept the default options and modify the access control list to make sure that the domino / html / web2.0 directory is specified as the Path .

    FileProtection文档的 Basics 上,接受默认的选项并修改accesscontrol列表以确保将domino/html/web2.0目录指定为Path。