


  • And playing table-tennis and badminton are also among my hobbies .

    此外,打 乒乓和羽毛球也是我的爱好。

  • She cannot play table-tennis with Tingting .

    她不能和婷婷一起打 乒乓 了。

  • In some institutions sports activities such as basketball table-tennis and tug-of-war in addition to various board games are often organized for the prisoners .

    有些还经常组织罪犯开展体育活动,举行篮球、 乒乓 、拔河及各种棋类比赛。

  • But Tingting is very good at table-tennis .

    但是婷婷很擅长 乒乓

  • I 'm the referee of the table-tennis game .

    我是 这次 乒乓球赛的裁判;

  • Welcome back the national table-tennis team !

    欢迎国家 乒乓球队 归来

  • A lot of people are welcoming back the national table-tennis team .

    许多人在欢迎国家 乒乓球队 归来

  • If the table-tennis racket and ball in the same packing .

    如将 乒乓 、乒乓球拍和球网放在一起的包装。

  • She selected a table-tennis bat as a birthday present for her younger brother .

    她挑了个 乒乓球拍作为送给弟弟的生日礼物。

  • I play table-tennis well but I don 't play soccer very well .

    乒乓 我打得不错,可是足球踢得不太好。

  • I 've sprung my table-tennis bat .

    我把我的 乒乓球拍打裂了。

  • Their parents bought them a table-tennis set .

    父亲母亲给他们买了 乒乓 球网

  • As a table-tennis player he was famed for his stubborn resistance and his refusal to accept defeat .

    作为一名 乒乓 运动员,他以顽强战斗和不甘失败而著称。

  • He was amazed at the popularity of table-tennis when he first came to China .

    他第一次来中国时惊异于 乒乓 运动的普及。

  • I think playing table-tennis can build our bodies keep us healthy and train our brains .

    我想打 乒乓 可以建立我们的身体,保持健康和训练我们的大脑。

  • Can you hit the table-tennis ( ping-pong ) ball to Jenny ?

    你能把这个 乒乓球打给詹妮吗?

  • From Dalian maritime affairs university studied flute for more than two years and like classic music table-tennis ball .

    来自大连海事大学,练习长笛已有两年多,爱好古典音乐, 乒乓球。

  • But in recent years Anta has become the main sponsor for activities such as the Chinese Basketball Association the China Volleyball League and China 's table-tennis league .

    但最近几年安踏已成为中国篮球协会、中国排球协会和中国 乒乓 协会等举办的体育赛事的主要赞助商。

  • Besides he is my favourite table-tennis opponent because I always beat him !

    另外,他是我最爱的 乒乓对手,因为我总是虐他。

  • Table-tennis is an indoor game .

    乒乓 是室内运动。

  • Since the last table-tennis Championships a crop of promising players has appeared .

    自上届 乒乓 锦标赛以来,出现了一批有希望的选手。

  • Bear away the championship in the table-tennis tournament


  • Facilities such as sauna room chess and card playing room fitness room tennis court table-tennis room swimming pool billiards room and children 's playground are available .

    设有桑拿、棋牌室、健身房、网球场、 乒乓 、游泳池、桌球室、儿童游乐室等;

  • My table-tennis bat has sprung .

    我的 乒乓球拍裂了。

  • I love life and enjoy all kinds of hobbies such as sports particularly chess and table-tennis .

    在课余方面,本人热爱生活,平时喜欢体育运动,如下棋、 乒乓等。

  • It was similar to the game of table-tennis or Ping-Pong as Americans call it .

    它类似 乒乓球比赛或者像美国人叫的乒乓。

  • He is a very good table-tennis player .

    乒乓 不含糊。

  • The table-tennis game ought to / should have finished by now .

    乒乓 比赛现在应该已经结束了。

  • I hate these girly sports like gymnastics swimming body building tennis and table-tennis .

    我讨厌像体操,游泳,健美,网球和 乒乓 这些女孩子的运动。