systemic disease

[sɪˈstɛmɪk dɪˈziz][sisˈtemik diˈzi:z]


  • Objective : Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is a systemic disease of unknown etiology that is characterized by chronic polyarticular joint inflammation which lead to destruction of cartilage and bone .

    目的:类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoidarthritis,RA)是一病因未明的 系统 疾病,特点是慢性、多关节炎症,最后导致软骨和骨的破坏。

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy of perioperative management for vitrectomy of patients with severe systemic disease .

    目的评价伴有严重 全身 疾病的玻璃体切割手术患者围手术期处理效果及手术疗效。

  • Background : Chronic hepatitis B hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection liver damage caused by the humoral and cellular immune systemic disease .

    背景:慢性乙型病毒性肝炎感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)后,机体体液及细胞免疫引起的以肝脏损伤为主的 全身 疾病

  • Background : Chronic hepatitis B is systemic disease by hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection and damage caused by immune dysfunction it is a serious infectious disease against humanity life and health .

    研究背景:慢性乙型病毒性肝炎是由乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染人体及机体免疫功能低下所引起的以肝脏损伤为主的 全身 疾病,是严重危害人类生命健康的传染病。

  • Objective To certify whether local abdominal infection of Pseudollescheria boydii and Scedosporium apiospermum can induce systemic disease .

    目的为证实波氏假性霉样菌及尖端赛多孢子菌腹腔局部感染能否引起 系统 疾病

  • Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic systemic disease which is characterized by the presence of non-caseating granulomas without infection or malignancy .

    类肉瘤病是一种 全身 疾病其特点表现为非乾酪性肉芽肿。

  • Study of Anxiety and Depression in 117 Patients with Systemic Disease

    117例 内科 疾病患者并发焦虑和抑郁症状的研究

  • It has been said that there is no systemic disease which does not have a sign identifiable on ophthalmic examination .

    可以说没什么 系统 疾病不具有眼科检查可识别的迹象。

  • Conclusions Severe systemic disease is not an absolute contraindication for vitrectomy .

    结论严重 全身 疾病不是玻璃体切割手术的绝对禁忌症。

  • There is growing evidence that acute lung injury is the early sign of systemic disease .

    越来越多的证据表明,急性肺损伤是 系统 疾病 发生的早期征象。

  • Using HAMA and HAMD We tested the psychological disorders in 117 patients with systemic disease .

    采用HAMA和HAMD检测117例 内科 疾病患者的心理障碍。

  • Patients with AHH had pituitary or intracranial lesion or other systemic disease that could cause hypogonadism .

    AHH通常可找到导致性腺功能低下的颅内或垂体病变或其他 全身 疾病

  • With the deepening of the biological characteristics of breast cancer it is to know that breast cancer is a systemic disease . Comprehensive treatment is particularly important .

    随着对乳腺癌生物学特性的不断深入了解,人们充分认识到乳腺癌是一种 全身 疾病,对其综合治疗尤为重要。

  • Haemophilus parasuis disease was caused by Haemophilus parasuis ( Hps ) which is a systemic disease characterized with fibrinous serositis arthritis and meningitis .

    副猪嗜血杆菌病是由副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilusparasuis,Hps)引起猪的一种 全身 疾病,以纤维素性多发性浆膜炎、关节炎和脑膜炎为特征。

  • No amount of cleaning will remove the severe staining left by tetracycline or systemic disease because these pigments lie inside the tooth ; you 'll have to take more aggressive measures against these .

    不过洗牙次数再多也不能去除由于四环素或 系统 疾病导致的牙齿深度着色,因为这些色素已进入你的牙齿内部,你需要采取更加积极地措施来对付它们。

  • This has not been shown to be associated with systemic disease such as autoimmune disease .

    并未显示其与 系统 疾病如自身免疫病相关。

  • To Analyse Red Blood Cell Distribution Width of Anemia of Chronic Systemic Disease

    慢性 系统 疾病性贫血红细胞分布宽度分析

  • Second the influence of systemic disease into old age : after the incidence of systemic disease increased obviously .

    全身 疾病的影响:进入老年期以后,全身性疾病的发生率明显增加。

  • In the literature it was found that it is important to control the underlying systemic disease and provide good debridement of the wound as early as possible or the prognosis is poor .

    文献上报告,伤口清疮并治 慢性 疾病是愈早处理愈好,否则患者的预后并不好。

  • As a systemic disease disseminated tumor cells can be detected in the early stage of breast cancer .

    乳腺癌作为一种 全身 疾病,在其病程早期即可检测出播散肿瘤细胞(DTC)。

  • BACKGROUND : Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is a systemic disease mainly characterized by chronic and symmetric polyarthritis .

    背景:类风湿关节炎( Rheumatoid arthritis,RA)以慢性、对称性多关节炎为主要表现的 系统 疾病

  • Venereal except damage reproductive organs outside still can cause of viscera and systemic disease such as gonorrhea and syphilis visceral damage can occur .

    性病除了损害生殖器官外,还会引起内脏和 全身 病变,例如淋病、梅毒都可能发生内脏损害。

  • Clinical interest has hitherto largely focused on pathology in the retina as a manifestation of known systemic disease such as diabetes or hypertension .

    迄今为止,临床兴趣的焦点主要集中于视网膜作为已知的 系统 疾病的表现的病理学上,如糖尿病或高血压。

  • The second section examines specific oral diseases from caries and fungal infections to periodontal and systemic disease .

    第二节主要介绍了通过观察龋、牙周真菌感染及 组织 疾病,检测口腔疾病的种类。

  • The Latest Researching Progress of the Relationship between Periodontitis and General Systemic Disease

    牙周病和 全身 系统 疾病相关性的研究进展

  • Objective To explore the differences of red cell distribution width ( RDW ) among patients with anemia of chronic systemic disease involving hepatic anemia renal anemia and diabetic anemia and to determine the diagnosis value of RDW .

    目的了解慢性 系统 疾病性贫血中肝性贫血、肾性贫血、糖尿病性贫血患者的红细胞分布宽度(RDW)的差异,探讨RDW的临床实验室辅助诊断价值。

  • Objective To evaluate cataract surgery safety of senility cases of systemic disease .

    目的探讨伴有 全身 疾病的高龄白内障患者的手术安全性。

  • Severe acute pancreatitis is a systemic disease and often involved with multiple organs which often induce the metabolic changes of the body and influence the nutritional state of patients .

    重症急性胰腺炎是涉及多个脏器的 全身 疾病,常引起机体代谢改变,影响病人营养状况。