table area

[ˈtebəl ˈɛriə][ˈteibl ˈɛəriə]

[计] 表域

  • It will not cause continuous decline of the water table in the irrigated area and even the exhaustion of the groundwater resources .

    不会导致 灌区地下 水位的持续下降,更不会造成地下水资源的枯竭;

  • The area estimate and prediction of groundwater table in Tongliao area

    通辽 地区地下 水位的协同点、区域估值与预测

  • Finally through sensitivity analysis proved the accuracy of ecosystem service value coefficient table per unit area .

    通过敏感性分析,验证了单位 面积生态系统服务价值系数 的科学性和合理性。

  • The states in the STATE table are prefixed with the project area ID and the states in the LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT table are not but you will correct for that later .

    STATE 表格中的状态前缀是项目 区域ID,而LIVEWORKITEMCNT表格中的状态是不,但是稍后您可以对此作出校正。

  • The Arbitrator will be seated at a small table just outside the safety area behind and to the left of the Referee .

    监查员将坐在安全 区域外面的小 桌子,位置在主审的左后方。

  • However if you add a table to the subject area database or the staging area database the Schema Generation Wizard does not incorporate the new table .

    但是,如果您将 添加到主题 区域数据库或临时区域数据库中,则架构生成向导不会合并新表。

  • Complication of Natural Japanese Red Pine Stand Single-entry Volume Table in Yanbian Area Jilin Province

    吉林省延边天然 赤松一元立木材积 的编制

  • Objective : To assess the content of copper zinc and calcium among daily food in Chnagsha ; To find if the values of the National Food Composition Table are applicable in Changsha area .

    目的:了解长沙地区常用食物中锌、铜、钙的含量,以及食物成分 中全国代表值是否适用于长沙 地区应用。

  • Hydro-fracing can deplete the water table in the area contaminate the wells on the host property as well as those nearby aside from being a horrible eyesore .

    这些天然气钻探不仅及其碍眼,而且还会抽干该 地区 地下水,污染水井,并波及附近区域。

  • The contributors'utilization rate information can be retrieved from the LIVE_CONTRIBUTOR assignment table in the APT_SNAPSHOT area .

    参与者的使用频率信息可以从APTSNAPSHOT 区域的LIVECONTRIBUTOR分配 中获得。

  • If impervious structure working well basing of set a reasonable groundwater recharge channel there would not bring obvious effect to groundwater table of study area .

    如果防渗结构防渗效果良好,在合理设置地下水补给通道的基础 ,不会对研究 地下水流场造成较明显的影响。

  • Design TCM clinical symptom score table evaluate cross-sectional area at the bottom of the esophagus in patients detection of patients with the blood urinary and stool routine test hepatic and renal function ECG changes the patients were followed for six months .

    设计中医临床症状积分 ,采用EndoFLIPs检测患者食管底部横截 面积,检测患者血尿便常规、肝肾功能、心电图的变化,对患者随访6个月。

  • The two-level storage structure consists of basic information table of survey area and data table of survey spot both of which is related by serial number of survey area . The algorithm proposed in this paper has a smaller and fairer estimation error .

    两级存储结构为测 基本信息 和测点数据表,通过测区编号建立对应关系。与随机抽样测量相比,基于两级存储结构的流量测量算法具有更小和更平均的测量误差。

  • A large silkscreen table sits in another area of the room .

    大型的丝网印刷机床就坐落在这个工作室的另外一个 区域

  • Changes of middling grass acreages are conversed to changes of water table in interlaced area while changes of middling grass acreages are conversed to changes of the livestock number of Qitai county in the other two area .

    交错带中草 面积随着地下 潜水位的变化呈逆向变化,其它两个子研究区域中草面积与奇台县年末牲畜总头数呈逆向变化。

  • Inside you have one room with the bed in the middle a small side table and a small kitchen area and wardroom area at the back .

    你有一个房间里的床上的一个小边 ,中部地区一个小厨房的 面积和军官在后面。

  • Experimentation and Study on Infiltrating-structure for Lining of Irrigation Channel System by Integrated Adopting Rigidity Materials with Pliable Stuff in High-water Table Area

    高地下 水位 灌溉渠道滤透式刚柔耦合衬护结构试验研究

  • The paper has summarized and defined common problems in the title structural layers table format use of area unit wrongly written or mispronounced in agricultural sci-tech papers and analyzed them by combination practice with the investigation .

    总结阐述了农业科技文章中的文题、结构层次、 表格编排、 面积单位使用、错别字等方面常出现的问题,并结合实践和调查进行了分析。

  • The lower Tarim River valley is characterized by sparse population arid climate and bad natural environment and hence it is especially important to work out an easy and rapid method for detecting the underground water table of this area .

    由于塔里木河下游地区人烟稀少、气候干燥、自然环境差,因而试验研究一种方便快捷的的方法探测 本地 地下水 水位就显得尤其重要。

  • On the viticulture of early-maturing table grape in the area of YunNan province

    略论 云南 食葡萄早熟栽培

  • Ideally this should be a desk or table away from your usual living area such as in the den or spare room .

    理想的工作地方应该是一张办公桌或者 工作 ,放在你平常的生活 空间之外的 地方,如书房或者空出来的房间。

  • According to the observational data of the areal seismic network dividing the area into some equal places by the network method and contrasting the observational travel-time to the theoretical travel-time the seismic wave travel-time table suitable to this area is calculated .

    根据区域地震台网的地震观测资料,采用网格的方法划分等区域,将观测走时和理论走时对比,计算出适合 本地 的区域走时

  • The diameters of riser outlet diameter of riser riser volume and riser height for gating system can be calculated based on the table of simplified castings sectional area from equivalent riser diameter .

    在当量热节直径根据简化后的铸件截面 尺寸通过 图表确定后,可以计算出冒口颈直径、冒口直径、冒口体积和冒口高度。

  • In this model the P2P network is separated into areas by the ASN adopts OSPF to optimize the routing table and expedites convergence within area .

    该模型依据自治系统号划分区域, 区域内采用OSPF路由协议优化 路由和加快收敛速度。

  • To achieve high resolution this technique requires a large look-up table which means large chip area high power consumption lower speed and increased costs .

    为了得到高精度,这种方法需要很大的查找 ,这就意味着占用芯片 面积大、功耗大、工作速度低和增加成本。

  • Failure mode anlysis of mountain tunnel shake table test in high-intensity earthquake area

    强震 山岭隧道振动 模型试验破坏形态分析

  • The results of this application indicates that the Near Earthquake Travel Time Table of South China Area is not only suitable to Guangdong area but also better than the J-B Table in the accuracy .

    结果表明,华南 地区近震走时 不仅适用于广东地区,而且在精度和准确度方面均优于J-B表。

  • The research of NC programming method of complex table area

    复杂 列表数控编程方法的研究

  • Below the table is a preview area that shows the content of this template .

    表格下方是显示该模板内容的 区域

  • Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Modeling Aquifer Structure and Groundwater Table Surface in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Area

    含水层结构和地下 水面形态的虚拟模拟&以苏锡常 地区为例