


  • 100 Cases of Clinical Observation on Chest Pain Syndrome Treated by Ginseng - astragulus Coronary Heart Tabella

    胸痹心痛临床辨治参芪冠心 治疗 胸痹100例

  • Xinhuang tabella in treating pharynx toxic reaction of radiotherapy in50 patients with cephalocervical tumor .


  • Clinical Observation on 167 cases of Diabetes ⅱ Treated by Composite Tabella Radix Trichosanthis

    复方 天花粉 治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的临床观察 & 、167例疗效分析

  • A clinical observation on effect of multi-glycoside tabella of tripterygium wilfordii for treatment of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy

    雷公藤多甙 治疗甲状腺相关眼眶 病变的临床观察

  • OBJECTIVE To establish Standard to quality control the Tabella of Kechuantina .

    目的建立复方氯哌 斯汀 的质量控制标准。