
[医] 试液

  • T.S. Eliot ′ s The Waste Land-An Incarnation of Modernism Collective mental educational activity mainly reflects the special topic activity and confluent activity .


  • Computing Method and System Implement on Fractional Fourier Holograms Digital Reconstruction of T.S. Huang ′ s Fourier CGH and The Elimination of the Zero-order of Diffraction Images

    分数傅里叶全息图的算法研究及 显示黄氏傅里叶计算全息图的数字再现及零级像的消除

  • Notable works include Joyce 's Ulysses ( 1922 ) and T.S.

    著名作品包括乔依斯的《尤利西斯》(1922)和 T

  • Poetic Meditation upon Time and Self & T.S. Eliot and the School of Nine Leaves May 13th Imperial Commissioner again has on time secret business .

    面对时间与自我的诗性思考& 艾略特与九叶 诗派5月13日钦派专员再一次有时间处理机密事务。

  • We can now assume full responsibility for all aspects of our lives . Poetic Meditation upon Time and Self & T.S. Eliot and the School of Nine Leaves

    我们能对自己生活的各个方面负起全部责任。 面对时间与自我的诗性思考& 艾略特与九叶 诗派

  • The dissertation consists of six parts as follows : The first part is an introduction to the origin of this selected topic and some definitions in the dissertation like trauma .

    全文共分六部分,具体如下:在引言部分,笔者首先介绍了该选题的缘起,然后解释了本文涉及的一些概念,如 创伤,并对 T.S. 艾略特 创伤的相关研究成果进行了大致分类。

  • T.S. Eliot 's View of Traditional Order and Christian Salvation


  • A Study of T.S. Eliot 's Religious Quest


  • Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge ? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information ? T.S.

    到哪里 找回我们在信息中丢失的知识,到哪里 找回我们在知识中丢失的智慧?