systemic lesion

[sɪˈstɛmɪk ˈliʒən][sisˈtemik ˈli:ʒən]


  • Results : The patients with systemic lesion as the primary symptom had different appearance in their eyes and mouths .

    结果:以各 系统 损害为首发症状的患者就诊时均有不同程度的口、眼干燥的表现。

  • Clinical analysis of systemic lupus erythematosus with early skin lesion of cold multiform erythema

    以冻疮样皮疹为早期皮肤 损害 系统红斑狼疮24例临床分析

  • Systemic complications occurred frequently in liver kidney lung and heart . The ratio of hepatic lesion was 26.2 % which was in the highest ratio of systemic complications .

    并发症多累及肝、肾、肺、心等重要脏器,以肝功能 损害发生率最高,为11例( 26.2%)。

  • The methods of treatment in our hospital included systemic or local methotrexate administration uterine artery embolization interventional chemotherapy hysteroscopy and lesion excision laparotomy and curettage .

    我院治疗方式包括单独或联合应用甲氨蝶呤(methotrexate,MTX) 全身或局部给药、子宫动脉栓塞术、介入化疗、腹腔镜下 病灶切除术、开腹子宫病灶切除术、清宫术等。