synthetic process

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈprɑsˌɛs][sinˈθetik ˈprəuses]


  • Pretreatment of Wastewater from p-tert-butylphenol Formaldehyde Resin Synthetic Process by Ferric-carbon Micro-electrolysis and Fenton Reagent

    铁炭微电解/Fenton预 处理对叔丁酚甲醛树脂 合成废水

  • The synthetic process and after-treatment were optimized and improved .

    合成 过程和后处理进行了较大的优化和改进。

  • The new synthetic process of sodium diacetate using acetic acid and caustic soda ( or soda ash ) as raw materials and adopting a new process of one-step liquid-phase method is introduced .

    介绍了以乙酸、氢氧化钠(或纯碱)为原料,采取一步液相法 合成双乙酸钠的新 工艺

  • The synthetic process of osmotic acrylic resin and the factors influencing the yield of the resin were discussed .

    报道了渗透型丙烯酸树脂的 合成 过程与结构表征,探讨了 合成反应中影响产率的因素。

  • Research on Wettability and Reaction Behavior of C-Al Interface during Synthetic Process of Al-Ti-C Grain Refiner

    Al-Ti-C晶粒细化剂 合成 过程C-Al界面润湿与反应行为

  • Without reporting the full synthesis of this acid from the actual starting material ( s ) the manufacturer has not adequately described the synthetic process for evaluation by FDA .

    没有上报从实际的起始物开始的完整合成,制造商就没有充分叙述用于FDA评估的 合成 工艺

  • Many complicated and different dynamic behaviors are accompanied in the synthetic process of mordenite zeolite .

    在低硅丝光沸石水热 合成 过程中存在着丰富的水热晶化动力学行为。

  • The watering should be equal in mol number to adding the magnesia in this way the synthetic process can go on smoothly .

    加入水的当量数应与加入氧化镁的当量数相当,这样可使超碱值石油磺酸镁的 合成得以顺利进行。

  • The synthetic process and the crystal structure of stain with the aid of thermal analysis and X ray diffraction studies were discussed .

    借助热分析和X-射线衍射分析讨论了色料的 合成 过程和晶体结构。

  • Research Progress on Synthetic Process of Donepezil for Treating Alzheimer 's Disease

    阿尔茨海默病治疗药物 多奈哌齐 合成研究进展

  • The performance auditing evaluation of public project investment is a synthetic process .

    公共工程投资绩效的审计评价是一个多因素 综合 过程

  • The basis for selecting control points and intermediates should be explained and the adequacy of the specifications and tests to control the synthetic process demonstrated .

    应当解释选择相关控制点和中间体的根据。应当证明控制参数和检测方法对 合成 过程的控制是充分的。

  • Research on the Improvement of Production Cost Account of Continual & Multi-procedure Chemical Synthetic Process

    连续多 工序化工 合成生产成本核算 方法改进的研究

  • Optimization Research of c_5 petroleum resins synthetic process

    C5石油树脂 合成 工艺的优化研究

  • The synthetic process and application of cyclohexyl chloride are introduced .

    介绍了氯代环己烷的 合成 工艺及其应用。

  • Study on Synthetic Process of UV-curable Polyurethane / Acrylate Emulsion

    UV固化聚氨酯/丙烯酸酯乳液的 合成 工艺研究

  • Fluid-solid Coupling Analysis for Dam-reservoir Interaction Study on Synthetic Process of Aspirin with Silica Gel as Water Absorbent

    坝体&库水相互 作用的流固耦合分析用硅胶作吸水剂 合成阿司匹林的研究

  • It also discussed some factors such as temperature time catalysis and so on to influence the reaction then obtaining the optimal synthetic process .

    并讨论了温度、反应时间、催化剂等因素对反应的影响,得到了最优化的 合成 工艺

  • Synthetic Process for Polyacrylate Waterproof Materials and Their Characterization Research development of poly ( methyl methacrylate ) / layered silicate nanocomposites

    聚丙烯酸盐防水材料 合成 工艺及其性能表征聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯/层状硅酸盐复合材料的研究

  • Aim To improve synthetic process of lansoprazole .

    目的改进兰索拉唑的 合成 工艺

  • Study on synthetic process of low toxic urea-formaldehyde resin for bamboo particleboard

    竹碎料板用低毒脲醛树脂的 合成 工艺研究

  • Improvement of the synthetic process of medical intermediate of 3 methyl benzoate

    医药中间体3二羟基-5-甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯的 合成 工艺改进

  • Synthetic Process of High-range Water Reducing Agent with Wash Oil Instead of Part of Crude Naphthalene

    洗油替代工业萘 合成高效减水剂的 工艺研究

  • Study on Synthetic Process of Aspirin with Silica Gel as Water Absorbent

    用硅胶作吸水剂 合成阿司匹林的研究

  • A new synthetic process of melamine salt of cage phosphate

    一种笼状磷酸酯三聚氰胺盐的 合成工艺

  • The paper introduces the conception of synthetic process of medical images ( SPMI ) and surgery planning .

    介绍了医学影像 综合 处理SPMI)和外科策划概念。

  • An improved synthetic process of2-chloronicotinic acid was reported based on reviewing its synthetic processes in detail .

    综述了2-氯烟酸的合成工艺,并提出了改进的 工艺 路线

  • A case study is given where routine analytical testing for a toxic impurity was not required because a high impurity rejection efficiency of the synthetic process was demonstrated .

    在这篇文章中,作者指出,对于有毒相关物质的常规分析方法是不需要的,因为已经证明了 合成 过程中存在高的相关物质拒绝效应。

  • The synthetic process and design of fabric 's water proofness agent of ACR emulsion are advanced .

    报道了改性聚丙烯酸乳液织物防水剂的配方设计, 合成 工艺

  • Study on the Synthetic Process of New Type of Antibacterial Agent : Linezolid and Its Analogs ; Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of Novel Triazole Compounds

    新型氮唑类化合物的 合成及其抗真菌活性研究