synthetic chemistry

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈkɛmɪstri][sinˈθetik ˈkemistri]


  • Many surfactants that have been used for commercial purposes are products of synthetic chemistry .

    许多用于商业目的表面活性剂是 化学 合成产品。

  • The present review is related to the progress of synthetic rubber industry in this century with special emphasis on the synthetic chemistry which is the theoretic ground of synthetic rubber .

    着重讨论了 合成 化学基础及相应聚合工艺过程的进步这两方面的问题。

  • Supramolecular chemistry as an important frontier discipline of chemistry developed from synthetic chemistry information science materials science environmental science and life science .

    超分子化学是当今化学研究中的一个重要前沿交叉领域,它是联系 合成 化学、信息科学、材料科学、环境科学和生命科学等学科的科学。

  • Review and prospect for the organic synthetic chemistry of natural product

    天然有机 合成 化学的回顾与展望

  • Studies on the Synthetic Chemistry of Molybdenum Clusters ──(ⅰ) Some Cluster-forming Rules and the Self-assembly Reactions of Mononuclear Mo Compounds in Mo Cluster Synthesization

    钼原子簇 合成 化学研究&(Ⅰ)一些单核钼化合物的自兜反应和成簇反应规律

  • Production of organic compound fertilizer BIOCATALYSTS IN ORGANIC SYNTHETIC CHEMISTRY

    有机复混肥料的生产生物催化剂在有机 合成 应用

  • Exploration and Practice of Synthetic Chemistry Experiment of Applied Chemistry Specialities

    应用化学专业 综合 化学实验的探索与实践

  • The report in this paper is about the establishment of database of microwave organic synthetic chemistry and introduces the general situation of database characters fixing and use .

    报道了微波 有机 化学数据库的研制,介绍了该数据库的概况、特点、安装和使用方法。

  • In recent half century great impetus has been made by QSAR to the development of synthetic chemistry pharmaceutical chemistry and drug design it is proved to be a powerful tool for correlating molecular structure with their physical / chemical property or biological activity .

    近半个世纪以来,QSAR研究对 有机 合成 化学、药物化学及药物设计的发展起了巨大的推动作用,已经成为研究物质理化性质与生物活性以寻求分子解释的一个强有力工具。

  • The Importance of Problem Induced Synthetic Chemistry in Polymer Physics

    问题驱动的 合成 化学在高分子物理中的重要性

  • A summary in the course of authors'investigation on the synthetic chemistry of Mo cluster contains two parts of self-assembly synthesis and design synthesis of which the self-assembly synthesis is presented in this paper .

    本文是作者在钼原子簇 合成 化学研究的综合性报导,包括自兜合成和设计合成两个部分。

  • This article introduces principle aim and content choose of synthetic chemistry experiment of applied chemistry specialties and introduces how to foster students ' ability of blazing new trails .

    该文介绍了应化专业开设 综合 化学实验的原则、目的及内容的选择,并介绍了应化专业在教学方法上如何培养学生的创新能力。

  • This paper is aimed at the synthesis of new a-unsubstituted pyridinium salts reaction mechanism discussion and applications in synthetic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry fields .

    以此为基础,本论文设计合成了一系列新型α-单取代吡啶盐,讨论了合成机理并研究了其在 有机 合成以及超分子化学领域的应用。

  • This article analyses the pollution reasons for synthetic chemistry and introduces some effective measures to improve on chemosynthesis to prevent the pollution .

    分析了传统 合成 化学工业过程的污染原因,探讨从治理污染向预防污染方向发展的意义,并提出了通过改进化学有机合成的方法来实现预防 化学污染的一些途径。

  • It is widely attracted due to unique response characteristics and is one of important research areas in synthetic chemistry .

    由于声 化学 反应具有独特的反应特性,目前受到广泛关注,是 合成 化学等极为重要且十分活跃的研究领域之一。

  • The cross-coupling reaction has recently become one of research focuses in organic synthetic chemistry .

    交叉偶联反应是目前有机 合成 化学研究的热点之一。

  • The synthetic chemistry of these com-pounds flame retardant properties and their thermal stabilities are discussed .

    同时讨论了这些化合物的 合成 化学、阻燃性及热稳定性等。

  • Tribochemistry as an important branch of mechanical chemistry has many applications especially in lubrication and energy saving . Some typical applications in synthetic chemistry are described .

    简要介绍机械化学的重要分支&摩擦化学在 化学 合成领域中的典型应用,特别是在润滑、节能方面的重要应用和进展。

  • Recently metal organic reaction in aqueous media provided many opportunities to synthetic chemistry with high efficiency and high selectivity which is significant study field .

    近年来,水相中的金属有机反应为实现环境友好的高效、高选择性 合成 化学提供了更多的机会,该方向的研究具有重要的理论意义。

  • It helps to enrich synthetic chemistry and structure chemistry and accumulate some valuable ideas for the design and synthesis of functional coordination polymers by the theory of crystal engineering .

    在丰富了配位聚合物 合成 化学和结构化学的同时,为进一步通过晶体工程原理设计和合成功能配位聚合物积累了有价值的指导思路。

  • From a viewpoint of synthetic chemistry the recent development and applications of graphite in cataytic organic reactions were summarized with 30 references .

    合成 化学角度,按反应类型综述了石墨催化剂在有机 化学中的应用研究进展,引用文献30篇。

  • Application of Database of Microwave Organic Synthetic Chemistry

    微波有机 合成 化学数据库的使用

  • Polycarbonate synthesized from carbon dioxide and epoxides has much significance in polymer synthetic chemistry utilization of carbon resources and environment protection .

    利用二氧化碳与环氧化合物来合成聚碳酸酯,对于高分子 合成 化学、碳资源利用和环境保护都具有重大意义。

  • Polymer Chemistry : Natural polymer chemistry polymer synthetic chemistry polymer physical chemistry polymer applications polymer material .

    高分子化学:天然高分子化学,高分子 合成 化学,高分子物理化学,高分子应用,高分子材料。

  • The stereoselective formation of C & C bonds is a central aspect of organic synthetic chemistry .

    C&C键的立体选择性形成是有机 合成 化学的重要方面。

  • The sol-gel technique and its recent application in green inorganic synthetic chemistry and preparation of new type materials

    溶胶-凝胶技术及其在绿色无机 合成 化学与新型材料制备中的近期应用进展

  • Carbon-carbon bond forming reactions are of fundamental importance inorganic synthetic chemistry .

    有效构建碳-碳键是有机 合成 化学的核心任务之一。

  • Hollow microcapsules have been widely used in pharmaceutical biotechnology and catalysis and synthetic chemistry because both the wall and the cavity can load functional substances .

    中空微胶囊的空腔和囊壁两部分均可用于包埋功能物质,已被广泛应用于医药、生物技术和催化、 合成 化学等领域。