system building


  • The Development Method and the System Building of the Electronic Government Affair

    电子政务的发展策略及其 系统 构建

  • Thinking of Farm Products Quality Security and Standardization System Building

    农产品质量安全与标准化 体系 建设的思考

  • Institutional Obstacles and Break Method of Affecting Rural Policy-oriented Financial System Building

    影响农村政策性金融 体系 构建的制度性障碍与破解之道

  • 30 Years of Legal System Building in Xinjiang

    论改革开放以来新疆 法制 建设30年

  • Achievements and Experience of the Party 's System Building since Founding of New China

    建国以来党的 制度 建设的成就和经验

  • Low carbon economy legal system building under economic crisis background

    经济危机背景下低碳经济的 法制 建设室温下低温背景红外场景生成方法实验研究

  • Many large building contractors have developed their own organizations of system building for houses and flats and have often been successful in securing contracts in direct competition with traditional building .

    许多大建筑承包商已建立了他们自己的房屋 系统 建筑机构,他们常常在同传统的建筑业直接的竞争中在中标方面获得成功。

  • First today 's system builder must adopt a more business centered philosophy and second he or she must exercise discipline and flexibility as the company moves through the system building lifecycle .

    首先,今天的系统建造人员必须采纳更加以业务为中心的哲学;其次,随公司沿著 系统 建造生命周期的推进,他或她必须训练自己的纪律性和灵活性。

  • System building in administration provisions is one important contents in the building of government by law which must follow the request of the administrative provisions'core principle .

    行政规定的 制度 建设是法治政府构建中的一项重要内容,须遵从依法行政核心原则法律保留的要求。

  • Study on assessment index system building method of urban garden plant landscape

    城市公园植物景观评价指标 体系 建立方法研究

  • Expert System Building Tool Capable to Deal with Uncertain Knowledge

    一个可处理不确定性知识的专家 系统 开发工具

  • Application of Siemens KNX / EIB Intelligent Control System in Building Energy Saving Construction

    西门子KNX/EIB智能控制 系统建筑节能改造中的应用

  • The article introduces a type of technology of establishing a platform for paperless test system from the angle of system building .

    摘要文章从 系统 建设的角度介绍了一种构建无纸化考试平台的全面的技术。

  • Research on Data Mining System Building in Agricultural Information Grid

    农业数据网格中数据挖掘 系统 构建研究

  • This paper briefly presents the studying purposes of the digital simulation technique for the fuze warhead system of a tactical missile modelling technique model test methods and system building .

    浅谈了空空导弹引战系统数字仿真技术的研究目的、建模技术、验模方法和 系统 建立方法。

  • In order to meet the needs of small and medium enterprise customers this paper studies the composition of FC SAN and implements the system building .

    为了满足中小企业用户的需求,本文针对光纤存储区域网络的组成进行了研究并进行了 系统 搭建

  • The Analysis and Design on E-commerce System of Building Material Market

    建材市场电子商务 系统的分析与设计

  • In today 's information based society the system building professional is faced with even greater challenges than ever before .

    在现在以信息为基础的社会, 系统 建造人士面临着比以前更大的挑战。

  • Discussion on System Building for Pine Wilt Disease Defense and Control in Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage Reserve

    武陵源世界自然遗产保护区松材线虫病防控 体系 建设

  • Therefore we should make system building as the basic orientation and constantly improve the system .

    因此,要以 制度 建设为基本取向,不断完善这一制度。

  • Comprehensive risk management on insurance funds investment & In the perspective og system building

    保险资金运用全面风险管理&基于 机制 建设的角度

  • The Processing System Building of Artificial Sandstone Materials and the Tips on Bidding Operation

    人工砂石料加工 系统 建设及运行投标技巧

  • Research and Implementation of Data Acquisition and Network Monitoring in Quality Inspection Management System for Building Materials

    建筑材料质检管理 系统数据采集与网络监控的研究与实现

  • On Dismissed Cases through Reconciliation under Investigation Stage & The system building under the domination of the temper justice with mercy criminal policy

    论侦查阶段的和解撤案&宽严相济刑事政策统摄下的 制度 构建

  • Research on Competitive Region System Building in the Economic Zone across Taiwan Strait

    海峡经济区竞争性区域 体系 构建研究

  • SME Networks Service System Building

    中小企业网络组织服务 体系 建设研究

  • No one team member can be identified who has a vision of the system or the system building process .

    团对中没有一个人能够确定系统的版本或 系统 建造过程。

  • Until now the industry has frequently made use of source code analysis after the checkin process during the system building phase of a project .

    目前行业现状是,大家都习惯于把源码分析放在 系统 构建阶段的签入步骤之后进行。

  • Design and Implementation of Integrated Environment Based on Computer System 's Building

    计算机 系统 构造集成环境设计与实现

  • Civil Execution ; Prosecutorial Supervision ; Improve the Legislative ; System Building .

    民事执行;检察监督;立法完善; 体制 构建