system implemention

[计] 系统实现

  • In this paper by analysing the concept and system frame of Data Warehouse and OLAP we describe one method of design and implemention for personal credit investigation system of bank and we analyse the main technologies applied in the system .

    本文通过对数据仓库和OLAP概念及 体系结构的分析,结合具体的需求,给出了银行个人征信系统的结构设计和 实现过程,并对设计过程中用到的技术特点进行分析。

  • Based on B / S Structure Assessment System of Investment Design and Implemention

    基于B/S架构的招商评估 系统的设计与 实现

  • This paper analyzes the shortage of traditional UMS system proposes the solution of an intelligent UMS system based on open architecture and presents the design and implemention of this system .

    通过分析传统UMS系统的不足,提出了一种基于开放架构的智能型UMS 系统解决方案,并介绍了系统的设计和 实现

  • The dissertation brings forward that it is necessary to build legal system for health policy making and implemention ( e.g. the policy making and implementing should be protected by law ) .

    3提出构建卫生政策制定、 实施的法律 体系。即:卫生政策的 有效制定和 高效实施必须由法律来进行保障。

  • By reducing matrix operations a best 1-dimension Wiener filter and data Compression system only used for white noise and a fast quadratic classifier are obtained in this paper . At the same time the implemention diagrams are given .

    本文通过化简矩阵运算,得到了一个仅有白噪声的最佳1-维Wiener滤波与数据压缩 系统和一种快速二次分类器,同时给出了 实现框图。

  • Then it introduces the energy-loss analyst theories and based on those expounds the design and functions of the system as well as the key points in the implemention .

    然后,介绍了火电厂的能损分析理论,并在此基础上,详细阐述了在线性能优化运行信息 系统的设计, 系统的功能以及在 系统 计算机 实现中所涉及的要点。

  • Fifth confirm the screening system of regional equipment manufacturing enterprises cluster and carry on effective differentiation in entering enterprises ; Sixth confirm the control scheme of strategy implementation and give the principle procedure and corresponding related environment of strategy implemention .

    五是确定区域性装备制造企业集群的甄别 体系,对进入集群的企业进行有效的鉴别:六是确定战略实施的控制方案,给出战略 实施的原则、程序及相应的配套环境。

  • This paper proposes a structure of power supply monitoring system using Bayes network considering fault detection of power supply system in optical access network . Theoretical analysis is made and an implemention scheme is presented .

    文中设计了一种采用Bayes网络的 电源监控系统网络结构,对网络进行了理论分析,并给出了具体的 实现方案。

  • The paper introduces concept of the computer integration process control system and discusses the design method of the system the principle of design and the process of implemention .

    本文介绍计算机集成过程控制系统的概念,并详细介绍了 系统 实现的设计方法,设计原则以及 实施的过程。

  • Taking ECG-EXPERT system that had implemented and was used in Fuzhou General Hospital as an example this paper introduces the design and the implemention of ECG system in project target data acquisition data processing system integration with HIS and its components .

    本文以已在福州总医院实施的 ECG-EXPERT心电图信息管理 系统为例,从心电图信息系统的建设目标、数据采集、数据处理、与HIS集成以及系统构成等方面全面介绍心电图信息管理系统的设计与 实现

  • This work pioneered the concept of host security detection systems and it can provide a reference for the host security detection system design and implemention .

    本文的工作率先提出了主机安全检测系统的概念,对于主机安全检测 系统的设计和 实现有着借鉴意义。

  • The author believes that this system can be a promising public key cryptosystem because of its advantages in both security and implemention speed .

    作者认为这种 系统无论从安全性或 执行速度 来讲都是一种有希望的公开密钥密码系统。

  • The Wheat Diseases Expert System Based on the Web and the Implemention using the Java Technology

    Web下小麦病害诊断与防治 系统及其Java技术 实现

  • Subject Web information retrieval system design and Implemention

    专题式Web信息检索 系统的设计与 实现

  • In practical industry process control system referred to this implemention other advanced control arithmetics can also realize .

    本文 详细讲述了该先进控制算法在温度控制 系统 实现过程,可为实际工业过程中先进控制算法的实现,提供参考。

  • The concept meaning and elementary content of auditing standard system were elaborated . From the view of legal responsibility that auditing standard and it 's implemention was explained so as to distinguish the legal responsibility in auditing and promote the auditing quality .

    阐述审计标准化的概念、意义及审计标准 体系的基本内容,从法律责任角度说明审计标准和 严格 执行审计标准能分辨审计中的法律责任以及提高审计质量。

  • This thesis focuses on the study of space high reliability microprocessor which is designed for space platforms such as on-board computer system design and implemention .

    本文主要围绕适用于星载计算机的宇航高可靠微处理器的 设计 实现展开。

  • The design principal of the memory management of embedded operating system is discussed and in this base the algorithm of memory pool is described particular and its implemention is depicted .

    概要地分析了嵌入式操作内存管理的实现原理,在此基础上详细阐述内存池的算法,并描述了它的 实现 方法

  • Active noise control system of practical ventiduct and its implemention

    实际通风管道噪声主动控制 系统及其 实现

  • In allusion to a practicality system the hardware implemention is designed . Some ECM technologies based on amplitude-phase quantizing DRFM are studied .

    针对某一实际 系统,设计了硬件 实现 方案,并对基于幅相量化DRFM的雷达对抗技术进行了一些研究。

  • At last the study took Fuxing medicine Ltd. as case analyzing its need technological process function system design and implemention .

    最后文章以复星药业为案例,对复星药业的需求、业务流程、功能、 系统设计、 系统 实施作了分析和研究。

  • Basing on the principle of file system implemention the program which realizes file system is described . Finally the parameters of the system are measured . Analysing the test results paper makes some conclusions for improvement .

    本文最后对 系统的参数进行了测量, 归纳总结了测试结果,提出了改进方法。

  • This paper introduces the development background system structure design system goal function and part of implemention details of a kind of laboratory information system based on three-tier structure COM + and Web technology .

    介绍了一种基于三层结构、COM+和Web技术的检验管理系统的开发背景、系统架构设计、 系统目标、功能、部分 实现细节。