system firmware

[ˈsɪstəm ˈfɚmˌwɛr][ˈsistəm ˈfə:mwɛə]


  • It has defined a new model as the operating system and the platform firmware connection the interface is in the form of data tables that contain platform-related information and boot and runtime service calls that are available to the OS loader and the OS .

    它为操作 系统与平台 固件的接口定义了一个新的模型,此接口由数据表组成,包括了平台相关信息,以及对操作系统和载入程序都有效的启动和实时服务请求。

  • Command-line control over the entire system : hardware software operating system driver firmware and other components .

    整个系统的命令行控制权:硬件、软件、操作 系统、驱动程序、 固件和其他组件。

  • To compare with the similar models our model can describe the real-time control software system high-complexity firmware system and high-reliability system more exactly . 2 .

    和同类型的软件可靠性模型相比,该模型能够更为准确和客观地反映实时软件 系统、高复杂度软& 硬件系统和高可靠性系统的可靠性行为。

  • Hardware of data acquisition is consist of USB interface chip and data acquisition chip and software of system includes USB firmware program USB driver based on WDM control program of server and control program of client .

    数据采集器的硬件主要由USB接口芯片和数据采集芯片构成; 系统软件主要包括:USB 固件程序,基于WDM的USB驱动程序,服务器端控制程序和客户端控制程序。

  • One critical element that IBM 's hypervisor has is the fact that virtualization is part of the system 's firmware itself unlike other hypervisor-based solutions .

    IBM管理程序所基于的一个关键元素在于,虚拟化是 系统 固件本身的一部分的事实,这与其他基于管理程序的解决方案不同。

  • This leakage has allowed Sony to grab hold of DAX 's power brew and use it to bolster every single official system firmware they roll out for the PSP .

    这个泄露使得索尼禁止了达克·阿莱克斯的破解活动并用这个泄露 程序来巩固他们为PSP 开发的每个官方 系统 固件

  • This paper introduces the realization of the image sampling system in hardware firmware device driver and application software .

    阐述了 系统的硬件、 固件、设备驱动程序和应用软件的设计与实现方法。

  • In this paper we introduce a fully digitalized nuclear signal analyzer based on FPGA and DSP . Details are described on system architecture hardware circuit design FPGA firmware development and other aspects .

    本文介绍了一种基于FPGA和DSP的全数字化核信号波谱分析仪,并就 系统结构,硬件电路设计及FPGA 固件 程序开发等方面进行了详细的阐述。

  • During the time from the system is powered on to OS taking over the control of the system the whole system is under the control of firmware which provides a pre-boot environment .

    从系统加电到操作系统控制系统之前, 系统处于 Firmware的控制之下,它给系统提供一个pre-boot环境。

  • We will use the View system information option to get the current system firmware information .

    我们将使用Viewsysteminformation选项来获得当前 系统 固件信息。

  • Bus interface system which includes four segment hardware firmware device driver and application program . Firstly the protocol of USB bus is introduced in this thesis . Secondly the actualization means of hardware segment is introduced .

    USB2.0接口的 设计包括硬件、 固件 编程、驱动程序和应用程序四大部分。论文具体安排如下:首先,介绍了USB总线的相关协议。

  • In this paper the electrostatic precipitation ( ESP ) control system is introduced by using of universal serial bus ( USB ) a new technology about interface in computer . It is included the design of system hardware firmware USB interface driver and application .

    利用计算机接口新技术USB,介绍了基于USB总线的电除尘控制系统,具体工作包括 系统硬件设计、 固件设计、驱动程序设计和应用程序设计。

  • We will be using this information in IBM Fix Central to obtain information on the latest firmware updates or upgrades available for the system and proceed with the firmware update or upgrade to newer release using the instructions described in the following sections .

    我们将在IBMFixCentral中使用此信息,以获得 系统可用的最新固件更新或升级信息,并使用以下各节中的说明将 固件更新或升级到较新发行版。

  • The hardware and design of a multi channel synchronous data collection system based on the processor are discussed in detail together with the design of the system firmware program driver and application program .

    详细论述了基于该芯片的多通道同步数据采集系统的硬件构成与设计,以及 系统 固件程序、驱动程序和应用程序的设计。

  • And we can make use of the programmable characteristic of FPGA to expand the function of the system and upgrade the software and firmware base on the need of the client .

    同时还可以利用FPGA可编程的特点,根据用户需求扩展功能和对 系统硬件进行升级。

  • The basic input / output system ( BIOS ) is the Open Firmware which is written in a variant of Forth .

    基本输入/输出 系统(BIOS)为Open Firmware,是用Forth语言的一个变种编写的。

  • This paper analyzes the working principle and process of the system and the hardware structure chart and firmware flowchart are given . This dissertation elaborated the implement method of digital chaos algorithm with single-chip computer .

    该文分析了 系统的工作原理和工作过程并给出了硬件电路图及 固件流程图,着重说明了改进的混沌算法在单片机上的实现方法。

  • The design of digital TV receiver based on USB is introduced in this paper including the design of the whole system hardware system and firmware design .

    介绍基于USB2.0接口的DVB-C数字电视接收器的设计,包括系统总体设计、 系统硬件和 固件 程序设计。

  • The user can then make modifications to the extracted file system then rebuild the firmware image .

    然后用户可以以提取的文件 系统进行修改,然后重新生成 固件镜像。

  • This paper introduces the composition of hardwares of this system the design of its driver and firmware programs and the method by which the virtual instruments software Labwindows / CVI is adopted to develop VISA-based application programs .

    该文介绍了这种数据采集 系统的硬件组成、驱动程序和 固件程序的设计以及采用虚拟仪器软件LabWindows/CVI在VISA技术上开发应用程序的设计方法。

  • Using software development platform I design the system software which includes function software USB firmware and the USB device . I accomplish the hardware platform and software design of bio-data acquisition system .

    在软件开发平台上 进行软件设计,主要完成功能程序设汁,USB 固件 程序以及USB设备 驱动 程序设计。本设计制作完成了数据采集系统的硬件平台,完善了数据采集系统软件设计。

  • This paper emphasizes on hardware form of USB KEY the modular function and working flow of Chip Operating System USB firmware on COS .

    本文着重讨论了USBKEY的硬件构成,芯片操作 系统COS(ChipOperating System)的各模块的功能和工作流程,COS端的USB 固件 程序

  • The system is designed for USB device which transforms a mass of data with host computer . The difficult point that USB bus system designs lies in the USB firmware design .

    该系统是为与计算机主机进行大量数据通信的USB设备而设计的,USB总线 系统设计的难点在于USB 固化的设计。

  • In this section let us learn how to use the FTP method to upgrade the system using the firmware code stored in a remote repository .

    在本节中,让我们学习如何使用FTP方法,使用存储在远程存储库中的 固件代码来升级 系统

  • When system or device firmware is released it often includes performance enhancements .

    系统或者设备 固件发布时通常都包括性能增强。

  • In order to improve the system 's reliability firmware takes the responsibility for error detecting and recovery . For those recoverable errors it is transparent to the operating system .

    为提高 系统的可靠性,在 Firmware级就对错误进行恢复和处理,对于Firmware可恢复的错误,甚至可以不通知操作系统。

  • If you need to take a system down for reconfiguration firmware updates or another reason you will have the option of moving your applications to a different server without any impact to production operation .

    如果为了重新配置、 固件更新或其他原因需要停止 系统,可以把应用程序转移到另一个服务器上,不会对生产运营有任何影响。

  • Example in Figure 3.1 shown below is for the system firmware only .

    下面图3.1中的示例仅适用于 系统 固件

  • Live Partition Mobility has specific requirements in terms of the operating system level firmware level DB2 data storage layout and network interfaces .

    动态分区迁移在操作 系统级别、 固件级别、DB2数据存储布局和网络接口方面有特殊的要求。

  • The software design of the system including two parts : the MCU firmware and the CPLD firmware .

    系统的软件设计包括两个部分,单片机程序设计和CPLD程序设计。AVR单片机采用 ICC 语言,采用模块化 设计增加程序 可读性和可 移植性。