Y angle

[医] Y字角(头颅)

  • Then the plan is to give the spacecraft some rotational stiffness about the Y axis so the elevation angle can be controlled easily .

    接下来会有一个关于 Y轴转动刚度的计画给航空器好让 仰角就可以很容易被控制。

  • The calculation methods on the inlet diameter D_3 and width b_3 the tongue angel φ _0 and area F_3 and area ratio y were given . angle .

    总结了双流道泵蜗壳基园直径D3、进口宽度b3、隔舌角φ0和面积比系数 y的计算 公式

  • Compared the computation data about the sensitivity of different observation schemes of the red brick factory ′ s net the Y direction ′ s sensitivity when taking out the short line was improved two times than surveying all angle and net .

    红砖厂网不同观测方案灵敏度的计算表明,去掉短边方向的方案比观测全部 方案 Y方向灵敏度提高了约2.0倍。

  • You see just change the Y mirror improve the glavo of housing and mount get the large angle .

    你看到的只是改变 Y 镜片尺寸,改良电机外壳以及安装座。

  • With the knowledge of trigonometry and error theory the precision length ( X Y Z )± 1mm and angle (α)± 3 ′ are analysed .

    通过三角知识及误差合成理论,分析出此系统的测量精度,长度(X, Y,Z):±1mm, 角度(α):±3′。

  • Presents a microprocessor controlled system that supplies firing pulses of inverter in such a way that the self-tuning control of advancing angle Y is realized so as to keep the remaining angle d constant for inverter-fed synchronous machine drive .

    本文介绍一种以闭环控制和预测推算相结合的办法,控制晶闸管无 换向器电机逆变超前角,实现其按给定剩裕 调节的系统。

  • The bond angle of Mn-O-Mn decreases with increasing y which indicates the presence of Jahn-Teller effect in MnO_6 octahedron . On the contrary σ ~ 2 which reflects A-site cation disorder increases linearly with vacancy level y.

    Mn-O-Mn键 随y增加而减小,表明MnO6八面体发生了Jahn-Teller畸变,而反映A位离子无序度的σ~2随 y增加呈现出线性增大趋势。

  • Basically instead of saying that you go right X inches and then up Y inches each point on the curve is defined by saying you go out R inches then rotate the R line the appropriate angle .

    首先,我们不说先向右X英寸再向上 Y英寸,而是以R来定义曲线上的每一个点。然后旋转R线到一个合适的 角度

  • The bladder neck position was plotted on an assumed X Y coordinate system with the tip of symphysis pubis as origin and symphyseal mid line intersected the X and Y axis at an angle of 45 ° .

    以耻骨联合下端为原点,沿耻骨联合线45° 夹角分别建立 XY 坐标轴。

  • It 's testified by using theory of limit value that the sum of modification coefficients xE is more than the separate coefficient of normal pitch circle y at modified gearing of working pressure angle .

    运用极值理论详细论证了 变位齿轮传动变位系数之和xE恒大于分度圆分离系数 y。

  • The maximum distortion and distortion angle between payload mounting plate and ground under 4 kinds of operational modes with high / low temperature and aluminum / carbon coat plane were acquired and so were the thermal distortion pictures of the satellite and the Y-direction .

    给出了高/低温、铝合金/碳 纤维蒙皮四种不同工况的 最大变形和有效载荷安装板对地变形 ,并由此得到了 星和有效载荷板 Y 的热变形图。

  • In this text the author made comprehensive research on the From X to Y pattern and the related patterns from the synchronic and diachronic angle of view and two aspects of sentence pattern and expression .

    本文主要从共时与历时两个 角度,句式与表达两个方面,对从X到 Y及其相关格式进行了综合考察和研究。

  • The amount of the drift in X direction Y direction and in spatial angle can be obtained through geometrical optics .

    另外,利用几何光学方法得到了激光光束在X方向、 Y方向以及空间立体 上的漂移大小。

  • Part three researched the formation and the development of from X to Y pattern from a historical angle of view .

    第三部分主要从历史的 角度考察从X到 Y格式的形成与发展。

  • Self y Notice what I also do here I create self dot y give it a value and then oh cool I can also set up what 's the radius and angle for this point by just doing a little bit of work .

    我创建了,然后给它 赋值,然后,噢太酷了,通过做一点额外的工作,就可以得到点的半径和 角度了,好,实际上如果。

  • The effect of attack angle θ shape angle β and span Δ y of a vortex generator on the local heat transfer performance of in-line arranged round tube fin elements were studied with naphthalene sublimation mass / heat analogy experiment .

    通过萘升华传质/传热比拟实验,研究了涡产生器 攻角θ、形状角β及跨局Δ y对顺排圆管管片式板芯传热特性的影响。

  • The simulation performed with different axis angles and comparison of force graphs drawn from the analog data show that with torque stays the same the constraint reaction forces angle X and Y axis decrease while the angle increases ; the constraint force along Z axis stays same .

    不同轴线夹角条件下对机构仿真,比较模拟数据并绘制受力曲线图,发现随 夹角 度数增加,扭矩是一定时X和 Y方向约束反力的大小减小;Z方向的约束反力大小不变。

  • Structure analysis of synthetic Y silicide layer by low angle emergence channelling and glancing incidence RBS techniques

    沟道和背散射分析 离子注入硅合成硅化钇的结构

  • Using 90 ° scattering geometry configuration x ( z + △ y xz ) y the angle between polarization direction of scattering light and x axis is denoted by δ .

    应用90°散射几何配置x(z+Δy,xz) y,散射光的偏振方向与x轴成δ 夹角

  • The angle of incidence to be less than 70 ° was measured by using four light screens respectively at X and Y axis direction . The velocity angle of incidence and coordinate of position are gained after firing .

    在X和 Y方向分别采用四个成固定角度的光幕来实现入射角度的测量,一次射击可得到弹丸的速度、速度方向上的空间 和着靶位置坐标。

  • For power transformer with Y / d connection two current compensation methods of Y d and d Y are usually used in differential protection to revise magnitude and phase angle .

    对于星形/三角形( Y/d)连接组的变压器,形成差动量一般采用2种转角方式: Y侧电流移相转角(Yd)和d侧电流移相 转角(dY)以实现二次电流的幅值和相位校正。

  • Real-time graphics changes in space x y z-axis coordinate value or the rotation angle graphical real-time control of space to achieve roaming space graphics and multi-angles .

    实时改变空间图形的x, y,z轴的坐标值或旋转 角度,对空间图形的实时控制,实现对空间图形的漫游和多角度观察。

  • Objective : Our purpose was to study the role of Y shaped cartilage in the correction of acetabular angle of congenital dislocation of hip joint operated by using the Salter osteotomy .

    目的:研究先天性髋脱位Salter截骨术, Y形软骨在髋臼 矫正中的作用。

  • That 's exactly right y0 because then the distance R between here and the y zero is R so this is the potential energy as a function of angle theta .

    它非常正确,因为这样,这里和,的距离是,因此这是势能,关于 θ 变化

  • And in the thrust coordinate system choose the rapidity y transverse momentum pt azimuthal angle φ as the variables in the phase space . With isotropic partition of the chosen phase space calculate the three-dimensional normalized factorial moments ( NFM ) .

    首先,在冲度坐标系中,选取快度 y,横动量pt和方位 φ为相空间变量,对多粒子末态相空间进行各向同性分割,计算三维归一化阶乘矩(NFM)。

  • It is the first time to cut specially shaped tops and bottoms by the new technique of simultaneously controlling four axes of X Y U V on WEDM-LS . This technique can be used to cut any kind of complicated workpiece with taper angle .

    用X、 Y、U、V四轴联动控制的方法,实现低速走丝线切割机床的上下异型面切割,是国内首创的通用 锥度切割新工艺。