T matrix

[化] 跃迁矩阵

  • Gans theory has accurate analytical solution for calculating the scattering properties of small ellipsoid and faster computation speed than T matrix and DDA .

    Gans理论是适用于小旋转椭球的散射理论,可以得到其精确的解析解,计算速度比 T 矩阵 和DDA法快。

  • And it carried out the numerical computation for composite Ge-Al with Matlab and indicated some measures to improve T matrix method for the existing problems of T matrix .

    针对Ge-Al复合材料,用Matlab进行了编程和数值计算,并与波函数法的计算结果进行了比较,指出了 T 矩阵方法存在的问题,提出了改进措施。

  • Under the quasi - Δ _ ( 33 ) doorway state model The T matrix for π - ~ ( 12 ) C elastic scattering at the ( 3 ) resonance region is calculated .

    本文在Δ(33)准门口态模型近似下,计算了(3.3)共振区的π~&~(12)C弹性散射的 T 矩阵,着重分析了模型参数的变化对角分布、总截面的影响。

  • Fiber grating was treated as a multiple thin film stack . Each film was represented by two 2 × 2 T matrix ( the interface T matrix and the medium layer T matrix ) .

    该方法将光纤光栅看作 一多层膜系统,每层薄膜用2个2×2的 矩阵(界面传输矩阵和膜层传输矩阵)来表示。

  • Convergence of BPSD method for t ( q.r ) matrix

    T(q,r) BPSD迭代的收敛性

  • Void element can t be calculated by firm matrix of element and can t be formed to total firm matrix .

    虚单元 计算单元刚 矩阵,不参与形成总体刚度矩阵。

  • For two - spheres system we present the concrete expression of the T matrix in such a system .

    在双球粒子体系散射问题的研究中,用 矩阵 的方法,具体地给出了双球粒子体系散射 传输 矩阵的表达形式。

  • AT & T Matrix Comparative Study of Process of Wet Separation and Fire Separation to Paigeite Ore

    硼铁矿湿法与火法分离过程 AT&T 矩阵评价对比研究

  • This paper popularizes concept of T shift matrix obtains the definition function and eight properties of the generalized shift matrix .

    推广了 T移位 矩阵的概念,给出了广义移位矩阵的定义、功能和它的五条性质。

  • Light scattering matrix of random oriented two spheres system is studied extensively by using the T matrix method and the principle of superposition .

    本文用 T 矩阵与场方程叠加相结合的方法,系统研究任意方位双球粒子体系散射矩阵各元素随两球球心的间距变化规律。

  • Triangular ( LL ~ T ) Decomposition of Real Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Matrix

    实对称半正定 矩阵的三角( LL~T)分解

  • The accuracy of the T - matrix software are evaluated in the article .

    文中还对 T矩阵方法的准确性进行地评价。

  • Image scrambling approach by T matrix can be used in watermarking pre-processing and image encryption .

    利用 T 矩阵的图像置乱方法可用于数字水印预处理和图像加密。

  • Therefore a softened input strategy is proposed in this paper it needn t computing the inverse matrix and thus reduces computation quantity greatly .

    为了克服在线辨识计算量大的缺点,提出了一种简便易行、计算量小的 柔化控制增量的方法。

  • However the position of zero and pole of the generalized notch filter could be adjusted flexibly through T matrix thus the system keep stable regardless of the suspension system parameters .

    而通用陷波器通过 T 矩阵,可以灵活调整零极点的分布,因此易于保证系统稳定性,陷波器的参数选取不受支承系统特性的限制。

  • For a single sphere T matrix method is compared with Mie theory in both equation expression and numerical results .

    首先从理论公式及数值计算两方面分别对单个球形粒子的 T 矩阵与经典的Mie理论进行了比较,讨论了其各自的适用范围。

  • AT & T Matrix Evaluation System for Pyro-Metallurgical Separation of Paigeite Ore

    硼铁矿火法分离过程的 AT&T 矩阵系统评价

  • The T matrix approach together with the translation addition theorem for vector spherical waves is employed to solve the aggregate scattering problem . Numerical results for scattering intensity and the linear polarization ratio of soot particles with different fractal structures or different particle numbers are illustrated .

    并结合研究多体散射问题的 T 矩阵方法以及矢量球谐函数的加法定理,计算了结构不同、组成体系粒子数目不同碳烟粒子体系的线性极化度以及电磁散射强度特性。

  • Numerical T matrix simulation for polarized scattering from clustered spherical particles

    群聚球形粒子极化散射的 T 矩阵数值模拟

  • First an unsymmetric tridiagonal matrix T is transformed into a symmetric tridiagonal matrix T . Then with the symmetric tridiagonal matrix T and a displacement σ given an algorithm of solving for the simplified matrix from the matrix T is presented .

    首先将非对称三对角矩阵 T化为对称三对角 矩阵T,对于对称三对角矩阵T和位移σ,给出由T求其简化矩阵^T的算法。

  • On the T - type Matrix Equations on a Complete Lattice

    关于完备格上的 T-矩阵方程

  • AT & T Matrix Comparative Study of Boric Acid Production Process

    硼酸制取过程的 AT&T 矩阵评价对比

  • A system framework of fuzzy controller design and stability analysis of closed loop T S fuzzy systems via linear matrix inequality ( LMI ) is presented .


  • T matrix and Q matrix are introduced to discuss the path-planning problem and the least transfer algorithm is obtained .

    首先引入直达 矩阵T 矩阵)和最小换乘 矩阵(Q矩阵),讨论公交网络节点间换乘问题,得出最少换乘算法。

  • Using LL ~ T decomposition of the positive definite symmetric matrix we solve the linear-equations which are derived in the iterative process . In doing this we make the calculation simpler and save the microcomputer memory capacity and the computing time .

    并利用 LL~T分解求解迭代计算过程中的线性方程组,以简化整个计算过程,并节省微机的存贮量及计算时间;

  • How to find P ( t ) or A when Q matrix is given in fact is the key problem in denumerable Markov processes i.e. construction problem of Q process . In ref.

    而对于给定的 矩阵Q如何求出P( t),Ψ(λ),或A的问题,实际上是可列马尔可夫过程的一个核心问题:即Q过程的构造问题。

  • Transition from T - Matrix Method to Classical Solution


  • The result shows that due to the effect of the parameters ' priori distribution there is essential difference between the sample predictive distribution and its original statistical distribution the former being the matrix t distribution and the latter matrix normal distribution .

    研究结果表明:由于参数先验分布的作用,样本的预报分布与其原统计分布有着本质性的差异,前者为从 矩阵正态分布,而后者为矩阵 t分布。

  • Multiplying all the matrixes we can get a 2 × 2 T matrix . From this matrix the characteristics of the grating can be obtained .

    将每层的 传输 矩阵依次相乘,最后得到1个2×2的矩阵,进而可以得到光纤光栅的特性。