symbolic source

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk sɔrs][sɪmˈbɔlɪk sɔ:s]

[计] 符号源

  • Based on the foundation theory of applied symbolic dynamics we get a practical method of chaos secret coding i.e. use the strange attractor of logistic map to produce the symbol secret key to modulate the source code .

    基于实用 符号动力学的基础理论,提出了一种实用的混沌保密编码方法,该方法借助于单峰的logistic映射处于混沌吸引子状态时产生的符号序列作为密钥,对 信源编码信号进行加密。

  • From this angle the symbolic image in the Cat and Mouse is discussed in detail so as to inquire about the author 's deepest wisdom and the thought with this and to dig the German spiritual source .

    以此为解码口,详细论述《猫与鼠》中赋启蒙精神的 象征意象,以此探寻作者最深邃、最睿智的思想深处,开掘德意志民族的精神 本源

  • I have never thought that complex symbolic behavior has a single point source and that cultural evolutions is like switching a light on he said .

    我从不认为,复杂的 象征 行为有一个单一的 源头,也不认为文化进化就像关上灯的开关一样,他说。

  • Symbolic thinking is not only a potential form of thinking of Chinese culture but also the source of a lot of artistic creation .

    象征思维不仅是中国文化的一种潜在思维形式,同时也是很多艺术创作的 源泉

  • More inflation warnings on Wednesday in China this time from a highly symbolic source .

    中国周三又出现了新的通胀预警,这一次 源自一种具有高度 象征 意义 商品

  • Links & Copy symbolic links as symbolic links instead of copying the file data and interpreting the source links .

    links&把符号链接复制为 符号链接,而不是复制文件数据并解释 链接。

  • This article from the symbolic image of the industry point of view of trying to put forward a more effective application of symbolic elements in the hope of China-made cartoon image of the symbols of the production and dissemination of a certain source of inspiration .

    本文试图从形象符号产业的角度提出更为有效的 符号要素应用方式,希望能够对国产动漫形象符号的生产和传播 产生一定的启发。

  • Symbolic link behavior & If the source file is a symbolic link the actual file copied is the target of the symbolic link .

    当被用来复制一个加密文件,函数会试图使用默认 密钥加密目的文件,而不会使用 文件的密钥。