table light

[ˈtebəl laɪt][ˈteibl lait]


  • A street table bicycle lamp flash light bulb

    街灯、 台灯、自行车车灯.闪光灯 灯泡手电筒灯泡

  • When taking professional pictures Mr. Horton usually moves the entire table to the desired light an option not available to the average diner .

    在拍摄专业照片的时候,霍顿一般会把整 桌子搬到理想 环境中,而普通餐馆都不具备这个条件。

  • I have three candles here on the table which I disentangle from the plants and light when visitors come .

    在这里我有三根蜡烛放在 桌子 ,有来客访问的时候我就拿 出来用。

  • The infrared target / jamming simulator based on five-axis flight table which having light mass combating vibration and combating shock is the key .

    而基于五轴 转台红外目标/干扰模拟器的 质量和抗震动、抗冲击性能,是其中的关键。

  • According to the technical demand of the rotating equipment of the space docking five-freedom dynamic test table with simple structure light mass and low friction torque a rotating technique of four-point supporting is studied .

    针对空间对接机构五自由度动力学实验 转动装置结构简单、质量 、摩擦力矩小的技术要求,研究了一种四点支撑式转动技术。

  • We sit at my kitchen table as the sun designs a mosaic of light on the tile floor .

    我们坐在 餐桌旁边,阳光照在地板上,形成马赛克状的 光斑

  • US design and patent Newgy Robo-pong is a globally recognized table tennis robot light to carry and strong to play .

    美国设计发明,是全球公认的既 轻巧又强悍的 乒乓发球机。

  • The line is enhanced by the old wooden beam above the kitchen table where we have placed a long continuous line of small light bulbs that provide the ideal working light .

    厨房 台面垂直上方所悬挂的古旧木制横梁不但增强了厨房空间的线条感,同时,这一设置不仅加强了厨房的收纳功能,而且横梁背面密布的 小灯还能增强厨房操作的光感。

  • The paper designs the data table structure of derivative database and brings forward middle-route calculation algorithm for light band state of command mimic panel .

    对软件系统设计了关系量数据库的数据 结构,提出调度模拟屏 光带带电状态的中间量路由计算算法。

  • The spectrum interference mainly comes from the light source and the atomizing instrument including many layer lines interference the superposed table lines interferences the background table lines absorption ( the light spreading and molecule absorption ) .

    光谱干扰主要来自光源和原子化器。包括多重线干扰、谱 线重叠干扰、背景吸收( 散射和分子吸收)。

  • Cherry red paint injects this table with farmhouse charm while some light distressing furthers the rustic feel .

    红色给它注入了乡村的色彩,与其他 浅色的家具一起搭配出纯朴的感觉。

  • Two candles flicker on the marble coffee table casting sparkles of light on the crystal decanter as Manhattan glitters outside the window .

    一对烛光在大理石的咖啡 摇曳,点点 光线在水晶瓶上闪烁。此时,窗外的曼哈顿灯火阑珊。

  • Above the table is an echo of brass pipes that cast light and deflect sound .

    上面的 是一个回波的铜管,投 和转移的声音。

  • At the water table of 1.4 m 2.4 m and 3.4 m the photosynthetic rate the respiration rate and the apparent quantum efficiency ( AQE ) decreased with reduce of the water table but light compensation point ( LCP ) increased .

    在1.4m、2.4m、3.4m地下水位下,梭梭的光合速率、呼吸作用、量子效率随水位的降低而降低, 补偿点随 水位的降低而增大;

  • By that I mean don 't just dump your smartphone on the table and wait for a flashing light or vibration .

    我的意思是说,别把你的智能手机 桌子 ,等着来电 闪烁或者振动。

  • Outline the table in the color light blue

    蓝色勾勒 表格边框

  • Bang rap etc one 's gavel on the table a light hammer with a rounded head that is used to strike percussion instruments .

    用小槌在 猛击、敲打等.用来敲击打击乐器的有圆头的 槌子。

  • Include their favorite foods take a few minutes to set the table to light candles and put music on and your usual forgettable evening slumped on the sofa can become a night to remember .

    不需要非得等到情人节或者纪念日,你随时都可以为你的爱人做一 他们 爱吃的东西。

  • Particularly the railway sand table has been from a static-sand-based gradually to the multimedia electronic sand table integrated with sound light and electricity direction with the promotion of railway electrification which is integrated into plentiful modern electronics signal mechanical and other technologies .

    特别是铁路电气化的推进,其中融入了丰富的现代电子、信号、机械等技术,铁路沙盘也由静态沙盘,逐渐向声、 、电集成的多媒体电子 沙盘方向发展。

  • 1988 comprehensive table of contents Journal of Northwest Institute of light industry № . 1 ( serial № . 19 ) 1988

    西北 工业学院学报1988年总 目次

  • Actually a table scan of an in-memory table is much faster than searching the same table through an index especially with the Informix light scan mechanism .

    实际上,对内存中的表进行表扫描要比通过索引搜索同一 快得多,尤其是在使用Informix 轻型扫描机制时。

  • No man when the light has been lighted puts it in a secret place or under a vessel but on its table so that those who come in may see the light .

    没有人点灯放在地窨子里,或是斗底下,总是放在灯台 ,使进来的人得见 亮光

  • So the combined pottery table has the advantages of light quality better decorative effect low cost convenient manufacture and high rate of finished products .

    不仅使得陶 质量 轻便,装饰效果更好,而且成本低,制作方便,成品率高。

  • No wonder in any cafe the waiter would seat in the early-arrived customers at a table by the window and light a candle for them .

    无怪乎在法国的普通餐馆里,服务生大多会把第一批客人安排在靠窗的 ,然后点上一直 蜡烛

  • The results show that the firing rate of the optic lobe neurons under the table lamp irradiation is larger than normal light .

    实验结果表明 台灯照射下 蜜蜂视叶神经元锋电位发放信号比正常 下激烈。

  • With the application of fuzzy element theory three-axis table frames are designed in light weight high stiffness and intensity as well as suitable to high impact . The weight of frames decreases by 8.7 % .

    应用模糊有限元理论,设计了质量 、强度刚度大、适于大撞击的 转台框架结构,使整个框架的质量减少8.7%。

  • He was seated near the table the light from the candles brought out the dilapidation of his costume which father Gillenormand regarded with amazement .

    他正好坐在 桌子旁边, 烛光,照着他那身破旧的衣服,吉诺曼先生见了,好不惊奇。