table entry

[ˈtebəl ˈɛntri][ˈteibl ˈentri]


  • Interestingly we can find that the svc table entry not only contains the function descriptor but also points to two double-words before the address of the function descriptor .

    有趣的是,我们会发现svc 条目不仅包含函数描述符,还指向函数描述符地址前面的两个双字。

  • CreateResourcesTable & A function that creates the required database table and creates a single default entry for demonstration purposes .

    createResourcesTable&创建所需数据库 并创建用于演示目的的单个默认 目的函数。

  • On the view menu point to table and then click entry or any other table you want .

    指向“视图”菜单上的“ ”,再单击“ 数据 编辑”或任何其他所需的表。

  • Please select the appropriate style for your index or table entry

    请为索引或 目录 选择合适的样式

  • They are activated immediately after any modification to the table 's data such as a manual entry or an application action .

    它们在 对表的数据作了任何修改(比如手工 输入或者应用程序采取的操作)之后立即被激活。

  • Because the state field is the same in both the Java code and the table you can shorten its entry ; the last two fields lat and lng demonstrate the shortcut syntax .

    由于state字段在Java代码中和 中是一样的,因此可以将其 条目缩短。

  • For a particular virtual page a page table entry will give a corresponding physical page or note that the page is not present ( indicating a page fault ) .

    对于一个特定的虚拟页,根据一条页 记录可以找到对应的物理页,或者是页无法找到的提示(说明存在一个页错误)。

  • The default table for the Gantt chart view is the entry table but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project 's tasks .

    “甘特图”视图的默认 是“ ”表,但您可以选择任何任务表,以显示有关项目任务的信息。

  • To determine the physical address corresponding to a given virtual address the appropriate page table and the correct entry within that page table must be located .

    为了找到指定虚拟地址所对应的物理地址,必须定位于合适的页 及其中正确的 入口

  • You can also quickly create model elements for existing database tables by using the Entity from Table palette entry and choosing any table from an existing database .

    您还可以使用 Table调色板 条目中的Entity,并从现有数据库中选择任一表来快速创建用于现有数据库表的模型元素。

  • Policy agent failed to create a new policy table entry .

    “策略代理”创建新策略 失败。

  • Please enter a string for this table entry .

    请输入该 的字符串。

  • On the view menu point to table and then click entry or any other table to which the custom skills field has been added .

    指向“视图”菜单中的“ ”,再单击“ 数据 编辑”或其他任何已向其添加自定义技能域的表。

  • Perfect property : Locating a table entry requires O ( 1 ) time & that is at most one string comparison is required to perform keyword recognition within the static search set .

    perfectproperty:查找时间复杂度为O(1)的 条目&就是说,至多需要一个字符串比较执行静态搜索集中的关键字识别。

  • Each item scanned which has an entry in the stock table will add an entry to the sales ticket .

    每扫描一项,如果该项在库存 中有记录,就会在销售清单窗口中增加一 记录

  • In the test case above featuring an authenticated user there is a need to populate the USERS table with a valid entry to compute the encrypted password .

    在上面的测试用例中,提供一个已经通过身份验证的用户,需要用有效的 数据填充 USERS ,以便计算加密的密码。

  • The following table describes the entry types for text files .

    说明了文本文件的 类型。

  • When the kernel key is disabled the function descriptor of system call is stored in its svc table entry as shown in Figure 9 .

    在内核键被禁用的情况下,系统调用的函数描述符被保存到它的svc 条目中,如图9所示。

  • Similar to the base system call the function descriptor is stored in the svc table entry as shown in Figure 15 .

    与基础系统调用类似,函数描述符被保存到svc 条目中,如图15所示。

  • This method set up cache address mapping table which recorded the location of TLB entry in Cache to decrease TLB accesses with less dynamic power consumption . 2 .

    该方法通过设立缓存地址映射 ,记录 TLB在缓存中的地址映射,可有效减少缓存中TLB表项的访问次数,降低动态功耗。

  • The addressed page is not present in memory the corresponding Page Table entry is null or a violation of the paging protection mechanism has occurred .

    寻址的页不在内存中,对应的页 条目是空的,或者是违背了页式管理的保护机制。

  • Adds a table of contents entry at the current position .

    在当前位置添加 目录

  • These routing algorithms assume that the network topology is based on the definition of a metric the shortest route between two nodes is calculated based on this metric with maintaining a routing table entry for each sub-network .


  • If there are indexes on the table an entry is added to each index for each inserted row .

    如果 上有索引,则对于每个插入的行,都要添加一个 条目到每条索引。

  • Click to go to the next table of contents entry .

    单击以转到下一 目录

  • The table is now filtered according to this entry .

    随即按照此 条目筛选 表格

  • Thus there are more candidate for the entry . The routing table entry can be optimized by choose one of the nearest node .

    由于路由 中的每个 条目都可在一个更大的范围内选择,因此可以选择更接近的节点加入路由

  • The IRQ signal is delivered to the local APICs listed in the corresponding Redirection Table entry .

    IRQ信号发送给对应重定向 条目中所列的局部APIC。

  • Permitted operations are specified using control bits associated with each page table entry .

    能允许的操作须指定使用与每个页 入口关联的控制位。