symbolic solution

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk səˈluʃən][sɪmˈbɔlɪk səˈlu:ʃən]


  • Tongxiang area for their own brand and positioning the brand at home and abroad from the sweater product aesthetic practical and symbolic significance to achieve differentiation . A fundamental solution of the problem of homogenization sweater designed to make the brand stand out .

    针对桐乡地区自主品牌和国内外进驻品牌,从羊毛衫产品的审美性、实用性和 象征意义三个方面实现差异化,从根本上 解决羊毛衫设计同质化的问题,使品牌脱颖而出。

  • A ROW-ACTION METHOD FOR LARGE AND SPARSE LINEAR COMPLEMENTARITY PROBLEMS Based on the computerized symbolic computation an exact solution of variable-coefficient Burgers equation is obtained .

    大型稀疏线性互补问题的行作用法利用非线性发展方程的变系数均衡作用法,借助计算机 符号计算,求出变系数Burgers方程的一种形式的解析

  • A symbolic analytic method based on the principle of equivalent small parameter method is used for calculating the approximate solution with Matlab program and numerical calculation is applied to prove the validity of the approximate solution .

    依据等效小参量法的原理,使用Matlab语言编程,用 符号迭代法求解出几种典型强非线性高阶系统方程的近似 ,并用数值分析验证其结果的可靠性和逼近实际系统的准确程度。

  • Therefore in Symbolic Exchange and Death Baudrillard tried to find a more radical solution to get rid of the tradition of Marxist critique of political economy .

    而通过 象征交换与死亡》,鲍德里亚试图为克服马克思主义政治经济学批判传统提供一个更加根本的 解决 方案

  • Symbolic solution for position analysis of robot with octahedral and decahedral variable geometry truss

    八面体及十面体变几何桁架机器人位置分析的 符号 解法

  • An approximate analytical solution of the two-fluid model was first developed using symbolic integration of the two-fluid model with the numerical solution then obtained by numerical iterations of the approximate analytical solution .

    首先通过对双流体模型进行 符号积分,得到表示该模型的近似解析解,然后再用数值方法迭代求得数值

  • Symbolic solution on rigid-body guidance synthesis for adjustable four bar linkage with multiple tasks

    多任务可调四杆机构刚体导引综合的 符号

  • Finding symbolic optimum solution for the Problem of optimum design utilizing symbolic manipulating technique

    利用符号处理技术求优化设计问题的 符号 形式最优

  • In the personal political horizon the text is understood as a symbolic individual solution to social contradictions and it projects some Utopian desire for social reform .

    首先文本在第一个视界即个人政治视界内被 作对社会矛盾的 象征 解决,它投射出一种寻求社会变革的乌托邦欲望。

  • Design and Realization of TRUSS Problems Symbolic Solution Based on Wu Ritt Method

    基于Wu-Ritt法的一类TRUSS问题 符号 求法的设计与实现

  • Based on the topological methods of symbolic network functions in this paper tear of graphs and generation of trees of passive networks without mutual inductances together with relevant calculating formulas are given thus a new solution of large scale passive networks is obtained .

    本文在 符号网络函数拓扑法的基础上,提出了无向图的分解和树的求法,并给出了相应的计算公式,从而为处理较大尺寸的无源网络找到了一种新的 途径

  • With the algorithm one can get the transfer function symbolic expressions and the solution to state functions of the system .

    利用该算法可以求出系统的传递函数 符号表达式及对系统状态方程进行 求解,并给出 符号表达式。

  • This article has applied the Symbolic Computation to the FEM solution of dam porous flow problems . By this way a new coupling numerical method is obtained .

    本文将 符号计算技术应用于坝体渗流问题的有限元分析,提出了 解决这类问题的一种新的耦合数值求解方法。

  • Relying on Reduce language for symbolic computation we find perturbation solution and corresponding physical variables such as wave shape phase velocity etc.

    导出方程和边界条件后,借助于REDUCE 解析语言( symbolicComputation),求得了毛细重力波的摄动级数 以及相速度、波形等有关物理量。

  • A new decoupling method for symbolic solution of the inverse kinematics of robots

    一种新的 符号 求解机器人逆运动学的分离变量法

  • A symbolic solution of forward kinematics analysis of a 6-SPS parallel mechanism

    一类6-SPS并联机构正运动学 符号 分析

  • A new thinking of using symbolic analysis method to calculate load flow of power system is proposed . According to the topological solution method and graph theory the topological analysis method of complex network is led into power system and the symbolization of load flow calculation is implemented .

    提出了一种运用 符号分析的方法进行电力系统潮流计算的新思路,根据电网络的拓扑 求解方法和图论理论,将复杂网络的拓扑分析方法引入电力系统,实现潮流计算的符号化。