



  • As other men sometimes tabulate lists of properties they own or would like to own I set down my inventory of earthly desirables : health love beauty talent power riches and fame .

    就像别人有时会 他们所拥有或想要拥有的财产列成表一样,我将世人希求之物列成表:健康,爱情,美丽,才智,权利,财富和名誉。

  • Results for the test program haven 't been tabulated .

    试验的结果还没有 制成 表格

  • Advertising & Tabulate response-card mechanisms from ads web site ads and other forms of advertising .

    广告&使用 列表法来比较平面媒体广告、站广告或其他形式广告的推广效果。

  • Ordovician tabulate corals of China

    奥陶系的 若干 床板珊瑚化石

  • Real Expect applications often parse command-line arguments tabulate results in columns retrieve historical data from databases display graphical user interfaces ( GUIs ) and much more .

    实际的Expect应用程序通常用于解析命令行参数、 结果显示在分栏的 表格中、从数据库中检索历史数据、显示图形用户界面(GUI),以及更多的用途。

  • The Devonian tabulate coral assemblages of northern Xinjiang with remarks on subdivision of the Lower-Middle Devonian

    新疆北部泥盆纪 床板珊瑚组合特征兼论下、中泥盆统的划分

  • Study of the numerical taxonomy of tabulate morph corals


  • Discrete point coordinate value of tabulate curves is commonly got through measurement or experiment .


  • Based on the tabulate fracture model three kinds of fractures are classified according to the responses of the dual laterolog as the low angle fracture the dip angle fracture and the high angle fracture .

    依据 平板裂缝模型,按照裂缝的双侧向测井响应特征将裂缝分为低角度裂缝、倾斜角度裂缝和高角度裂缝等3种状态。

  • In this paper characteristics of viscous oil field are analyzed that is shallow-buried loose cementation serious heterogeneity of reservoir layers and large interval between permeability in tabulate and in depth .

    分析了克拉玛依油田稠油油藏的特点,具有埋深浅,地层胶结疏松,且储集层本身不均质性非常严重,平面上和纵向上渗透率 级差 可达 十几

  • It took me ten hours to tabulate the results .

    我花了十个小时把结果 制成 表格

  • It takes three days to tabulate the 24 different Oscar categories .

    24项不同的奖项 结果 列出 表格,需要花费三天时间。

  • TaBulate the results of a poll

    表格 列出民意测验结果

  • Do you like to use a chart to tabulate the data ?

    你喜欢用图表来 统计数据吗?

  • You could run the reaction take solid iron gaseous oxygen form iron oxide measure the heat of formation of it tabulate it .

    你可以进行一个反应,用固态铁和氧气生成氧化铁,测量它的生成热, 表格

  • A set of tabulate shim coils is designed to improve the homogeneity of the imaging field for permanent magnet MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) system .

    针对永磁型MRI系统设计了一种 平板 匀场线圈,用以改善成像区的磁场均匀性。

  • Late Ordovician tabulate corals from Xinjiang and Ningxia

    新疆、宁夏地区晚奥陶世 若干 床板珊瑚化石

  • The plan is to tabulate the votes and release the results publicly 48 hours before the actual election .

    他们计划把投票结果 制成 表格,并在正式的选举前48小时对外公布。

  • First you tabulate all the permutations and combinations of transactions that can be potentially processed in a test environment .

    首先, 所有可以在测试环境中处理的事务排列和组合 添加表格中。

  • And I want to tabulate that for an enormous number of materials right ?

    我想要为大量的物质 列出 表格,对吧? 那么 个例子?

  • Middle Carboniferous tabulate corals from Jinghe District of Xinjiang

    新疆精河地区中石炭世 床板珊瑚

  • A preliminary study on the stratigraphical distribution and zoogeographical provinces of the Permian tabulate corals of China

    中国二迭纪 床板珊瑚化石的地层分布、分带与动物地理分区的初步看法

  • We are going to tabulate the findings of our survey .

    我们打算把我们调查的结果 表格

  • Using the sketch it is now possible to tabulate the coordinates of all the nodes .

    应用草图,现在可以 所有结点的坐标 制成

  • Also a Listener element is required to tabulate the data .

    另外,需要 添加一个 Listener元素来 制作数据

  • It took twenty hours for officials to tabulate the results .

    官员们花了20个钟头 结果 表格

  • Study of Structural Methods of Approximating Function of Tabulate Curves


  • Something I can measure and I can tabulate and when I turn my dT knob here I know what 's going to happen to the enthalpy .

    热容,我们可以用 实验测出 热容并成 ,当我知道这里的 变量

  • In view of practical applications based on the paper discussed the establishment of a Bayesian network agricultural systems and establish an expert how to trounce Bayesian network structure and the net every tabulate the table .

    鉴于实际的应用,论文探讨了在构建基于贝叶斯网的农业专家系统时,怎样确立贝叶斯网的结构和网中每个 结点的条件概率表。