table function

[ˈtebəl ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈteibl ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • Creating a table function that returns multiple values isn 't much more difficult .

    创建返回多个值的 函数也不太困难。

  • First the NEW_OL_LOCAL table function really returns only one row at a time .

    首先,NEWOLLOCAL 函数实际上一次只返回一行。

  • For example you can easily search for the applications consuming the highest amount of CPU by simply adding a WHERE clause to a query that lists application data from a monitoring table function .

    例如,只需在列出监控 函数返回的应用程序数据的查询中添加WHERE子句,就可以搜索CPU消耗量最大的应用程序。

  • GET_DBM_CONFIG Table function Returns database manager configuration information in a table with two rows and a column for each parameter .

    GETDBMCONFIG 函数在一个有两行记录的表中返回数据库管理器的配置信息,每列代表一个参数。

  • The parameters in this model are constant value table function and initial value etc.

    模型中的参数有常数值、 函数和初始值等。

  • Use a created global temporary table ( CGTT ) for per-session storage of the baseline data ( use one CGTT per table function ) .

    使用为基线数据的每会话存储创建的全局临时表(CGTT)(对于每个 函数,使用一个CGTT)。

  • Second the NEW_OL_LOCAL table function as you will see later actually writes to a table .

    另外,正如您后面将会看到的,NEWOLLOCAL 函数实际上是写一个表。

  • Create a table function that wraps the underlying monitoring table function and takes deltas against the baseline data stored in the CGTT .

    创建一个 函数,它包装底层的监控表函数,产生相对于CGTT中存储的基线数据的差值。

  • As I 've previously mentioned DB2 V8.2.2 adds the ability to query the current ( effective ) DB2 registry variable configuration through a call to a simple table function .

    正如我前面所提到的,DB2V8.2.2添加了通过调用简单的 函数查询当前(有效)DB2注册表变量配置的 功能

  • As in the NEW_ORDER transaction all steps have been collected into one SQL table function to save code path .

    就像在NEWORDER事务中一样,所有的步骤被收集到一个SQL 函数中,以节省代码路径。

  • The MON_GET_INDEX table function and db2pd utility provide the same index metrics ( number of index scans and index only scans ) .

    MONGETINDEX 函数和db2pd实用程序提供相同的索引度量指标(扫描索引和仅扫描索引的数量)。

  • The wrapper function takes as input the same values passed as input to the underlying monitoring table function so it has the same capability to filter the data that is returned .

    这个包装器函数的输入值与底层监控 函数相同,所以它也能够筛选返回的数据。

  • As in the previous transactions most of the logic is encapsulated into a table function named PAY_C_LAST () .

    与前面的事务一样,这里的大部分逻辑被封装到一个名为PAYCLAST()的 函数中。

  • This clause allows an SQL Table function to contain UPDATE DELETE INSERT and MERGE statements .


  • Note : If baseline data does not exist in the CGTT the wrapper function simply returns the data directly from the underlying monitor table function .

    注意:如果CGTT中不存在基线数据,包装器函数直接返回底层监控 函数产生的数据。

  • The output of the wrapper table function matches exactly the output from the monitoring table function with one additional column .

    它的输出与监控 函数的输出匹配,但是多一列。

  • Notice in the above example how much simpler it is to extract just the data for the table of interest using the table function rather than having to search for the data in the snapshot output .

    注意,在上面的示例中,使用 函数提取感兴趣的表的数据比搜索快照输出中的数据简单得多。

  • All this is done in the OPEN call to the table function ; in the FETCH calls the next word is retrieved from the set and returned as index entry .

    这些都是在 对表 函数的OPEN调用中完成;在FETCH调用中,从集合中检索下一个单词并作为索引条目返回。

  • Any output columns that do not report counter values ( for example state based output ) are returned directly from the underlying monitoring table function with no modification by the wrapper .

    对于不报告计数器值的任何输出列(例如基于状态的输出),包装器直接返回底层监控 函数产生的数据,不做修改。

  • A table function returns a table with many rows and columns .


  • For example all the steps not involving the order lines have been unified into one SQL table function .

    例如,所有未涉及订购项的步骤都被封装到一个SQL 函数中。

  • Using a correlated join the NEW_OL_LOCAL SQL Table Function processes each item in the list separately .

    通过使用一个关联连接(correlatedjoin),NEWOLLOCALSQL 函数逐个处理列表中的每种产品。

  • If you are connected to one partition and wish to retrieve the effective settings for another partition you must first connect to the new partition before invoking the table function .

    如果您连接了一个分区并希望检索另一分区的有效设置,就必须在调用该 函数之前,首先连接这个新分区。

  • Listing 7 creates a table function that returns information about the phone numbers for each customer contained in the supplied XML document .

    清单7创建一个 函数,它返回提供的XML文档中包含的每个客户的电话号码。

  • However you may find it easier to work with the result set returned by the MON_GET_INDEX table function than it is to evaluate the output of the db2pd utility .

    不过,您可能发现,处理MONGETINDEX 函数返回的结果集比计算db2pd实用程序的输出更加容易。

  • If no baseline exists this table function is equivalent to MON_GET_TABLE .

    如果基线不存在,这个 函数与MONGETTABLE等效。

  • By some usages of working table function in EXCEL on probabilistic statistics this paper sets forth another method of seeking to prove the probability on random events .

    本文通过EXCEL中有关概率统计方面的几个工作 函数的用法,论证了求随机事件概率的一种新方法。

  • The monitoring data returned by this table function is relative to the baseline taken at1:00 p.m.

    这个 函数返回的监控数据相对于在下午1点取得的基线。

  • Each wrapper table function adds a single new output column named BASELINE_TIMESTAMP to the output otherwise the output columns are identical .

    每个包装器 函数在输出中添加一个名为BASELINETIMESTAMP的新列,其他输出列相同。

  • The procedure simply selects from the monitoring table function and inserts the data returned into the CGTT in order to take a baseline .

    这个过程对监控 函数执行选择并把返回的数据插入CGTT中以取得基线。