

[医] 系统,系

  • Using the SOPC technology to construct systema including constructing and adding basic modules the design of self-designed modules .

    利用SOPC技术进行了 系统 SOPC构建,包括基本模块的 配制与添加,自 定制模块的设计。

  • Ferricyanide-adrenaline chemiluminescence systemA flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of adrenaline hydrochloride which based on the reaction of ferricyanide with adrenaline hydrochloride in sodium hydroxide medium .

    基于铁 氰化钾可以在碱性条件下直接氧化盐酸肾上腺素产生化学发光这 现象,并结合 流动 注射技术建立了一种直接测定盐酸肾上腺素的流动注射化学发光新摘要方法。

  • Design precept of the testing systemA testing system is consisting of sensor signal process part and display part .

    空调检测 系统 总体设计思路 个检测系统 包括传感器、信号处理环节、信号显示 环节 几个 基本组成部分。

  • Secondly we analyze the mechanism of impact on systema - tic risk of financial derivative of capital circulation from international capital circulation .

    其次,从国际资本流动方面分析资本流动对金融 衍生工具 系统风险的影响机制。

  • Effective analysis of brufen and paracetamol in the treatment of systema respiratorium infective fever in children

    布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚在小儿呼吸 系统感染性发热中的疗效分析

  • The Second Generation On-Vehicle Fault Diagnosis Systema

    第2代车载故障诊断 系统

  • All the components including the integration components and system simulators ( SYSTEMA SYSTEMB SYSTEMC ) are deployed on the same server .

    在同一服务器上部署所有组件,其中包括集成组件和系统模拟器( SYSTEMA、SYSTEMB和SYSTEMC)。

  • Then detailes analysis and description all the important part of electromagnetic stirring system including EMS low voltage frequency converter cooling water systema and so on .

    然后对电磁搅拌系统的各个重要组成部分的设计进行了详细的分析和说明,其中包括电磁搅拌器、低压变频电源、冷却水 系统

  • SYSTEMA : This J2EE project simulates system A.


  • Chemiluminescence of some phenothiazines using potassium permanganate and formaldehyde systemA new and sensitive chemiluminescence ( CL ) method for the determination of phenothiazines including phenothiazine promethazine hydrochloride ( PH ) perphenazine and chlorpromazine hydrochloride ( CPH ) has been developed .

    本文建立了一种用 流动 注射化学发光( FI-CL)测定吩噻嗪类药物(包括吩噻嗪,盐酸氯丙嗪,奋乃静,盐酸异丙嗪等四种药物)的新方法。

  • The research progress of HDAC inhibitors systema - ( tically ) are reviewed .

    该文对 HDAC抑制剂的研究进展进行 系统的综述。

  • Glial cells and the injury and regeneration of central nervous systema

    胶质细胞与 中枢神经的损伤和再生

  • Study on Comparing with Some Country Beef Grading Systema site where

    部分国家 牛肉等级评定 标准的比较