systematic analysis

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk əˈnælɪsɪs][ˌsistəˈmætik əˈnæləsis]


  • The Approach of Systematic Analysis the User Needs in Product Design

    产品设计中用户需求的 系统 分析方法

  • Preliminary research on the application of systematic analysis of geography to comprehensive natural division in Shandong Province

    地理 系统 分析在山东综合自然区划中的应用初探

  • Experts will be organized to conduct comprehensive research and systematic analysis in order to develop a set of standardized tourist guide systems for Beijing .

    组织专家进行全面调研和 系统 论证,开发和推广一套标准的北京导游系统。

  • Based on the data reading and literature studies first at home and abroad in research and application of intelligent buildings has done a systematic analysis and discussion .

    本文通过对资料的阅读与文献的研习,首先对国内外在智能楼宇的研究与应用上做了 系统 分析与讨论。

  • This article expounds the roughly constitution and the main characters of the fine thinking quality system through systematic analysis to the fine thinking quality .

    通过对优良思维品质的 系统 分析,阐述了优良思维品质系统的大致构成及其主要特性。

  • Systematic Analysis on Associated Factors between Product Innovation and Process Innovation Based on Manufacturing Industry

    基于制造的产品创新与工艺创新的关联因素 系统 分析

  • A systematic analysis is made on the reason of Chinese project post-evaluation developing slowly and put forward the corresponding countermeasures ;

    系统 分析了我国项目后评价发展缓慢的原因并提出了相应对策;

  • From the angle of systematic analysis the casting defects are regarded as systematic faults and are diagnosed and forecasted by the fault tree analysis ( FTA ) method .

    系统 分析角度,将铸件视为系统故障,进行铸件缺陷预报和诊断的FTA分析。

  • In this paper the basic regularities of geo-hazards in Wanxian City of Chongqing are presented through systematic analysis .

    本文 分析了我国农业县(市)发展绿色食品 普遍存在的问题,在此基础上提出了发展绿色食品的对策。

  • The clustering analysis the association analysis and the decision tree are the main methods in the data mining for the medical data and their combination is a systematic analysis for a disease .

    因此聚类分析、关联分析以及决策树是医学数据挖掘中的主要方法,三者的结合可以对某一类疾病 进行 系统 分析

  • Boas : German-born american anthropologist who emphasized the systematic analysis of culture and language structures .

    博厄斯:德裔美国人类学家,强调文化和语言结构的 系统 分析

  • The research subdivision carries out research and systematic analysis of trade policy related issues as well as developments in foreign markets and activities of the competitor countries in order to identify new market opportunities for Namibian exports .

    研究处:对贸易政策,国外市场和竞争国的动态进行研究和 系统 分析为纳国的出口寻找新市场和机会。

  • A systematic analysis is made of the method for and property of space diversity or the merger guidelines of the multiaerial receiving signal and factors influencing the diversity gain .

    在无线电视传输信道特性的基础上,解析了分集天线的原理, 系统 分析了空间分集的方法和性能,即多天线接收信号的合并准则、影响分集增益的因素。

  • This paper gives a systematic analysis on the motion simulation content solving methods and actualizing approaches .

    本文 系统 分析了运动模拟的内容、求解方法和实施步骤。

  • Structure Theme and Change : A Systematic Analysis of Sino-Indian Relations as a Process

    结构、议题与变迁:中印关系进程的 系统 分析

  • Analysis and study of the causes giving rise to accidents in machinaofacture have been made from the perspective of systematic analysis with some precautionary measures presented .

    本文从 系统 分析的角度,对机械制造业中事故发生的原因进行了分析与研究,并提出了预防措施。

  • This is the first time that scientists have done a systematic analysis of how genes can influence the effect of coffee on heart attack risk .

    报道说,这是科学家们首次对基因如何影响咖啡对心脏病发作危险的作用进行 系统 分析研究。

  • Photoelectric Signal & Systematic Analysis

    光电信号与 系统 分析

  • The paper makes a systematic analysis of and comparison among the three new types of libraries & electronic library Virtual Library and digital library from three aspects such as the concepts the forms and the functions .

    文章从概念、形态和功能等方面对三种新形态图书馆&电子图书馆、虚拟图书馆和数字图书馆进行了 系统 分析和比较。

  • Global patterns of mortality in young people : a systematic analysis of population health data .

    《全球青年死亡形态:人口健康数据 系统 分析》。

  • In this thesis both a historical and a systematic analysis are adopted as method .

    本文采用历史研究和 系统 研究两种方法。

  • This paper conducts a systematic analysis on the environmental Kuznets curve .

    提要本文针对环境库兹涅茨曲线()假说进行了 系统 分析

  • Systematic analysis and relevant research on flocculation morphology of compound bioflocculant ( CBF ) were conducted .

    系统 对复合型生物絮凝剂(CBF)的絮凝形态进行了 分析及相关研究。

  • This paper makes a systematic analysis into the foreign language listening process research and discusses the problems and questions that can be solved and answered by think-aloud studies .

    本文对外语的听力过程研究 进行 分类 分析,并讨论有声思维调查方法在外语听力过程研究中所应解决的问题。

  • This paper attempts to make a systematic analysis and Research on the implementing background model features and practice of Columbia education voucher program so as to offer valuable reference for the related policy making implementing and improving in china .

    本文试图对哥伦比亚教育券计划的实施背景、模式、特征及运作过程等作一 系统 分析与研究,以期为我国相关政策的制定、实施与完善提供借鉴。

  • Based on systematic analysis to the error sources and error properties of multibeam soundings the theory models for error processing will be presented in this paper .

    系统 分析多波束测深数据的误差来源与性质的基础上,介绍了条带式多波束测深仪所采用的误差处理的理论模型。

  • A Method of Systematic Analysis on Graphical Positioning and Computing the Complex Angles

    系统 分析图形定位及复角计算的一种方法

  • This sensory test results on the impact of a systematic analysis of the factors .

    文章对影响感官检验结果的因素 进行系统 分析

  • Systematic Analysis of Emergency Management System of Public Crisis of Our Government

    对我国政府公共危机应急管理体系的 系统 分析