system of fits


  • Based on the vertical temperature profile data of natural river ice this paper establishes optimal identification model about distributed parameter system where parameters are the coefficients of fitted functions and fits coefficients of thermal diffusivity of river ice by exponential function and linear function respectively .

    依据天然河冰垂直温度剖面数据,构造了以拟合函数的系数为参变量的分布参数 系统优化辨识模型,并分别用指数函数和线性函数 拟合了河冰导温系数。

  • This system is a good reference of MIS application in the cereals processing business and it fits to the development of agriculture in our country .

    粮食生产加工管理信息 系统功能完善, 适合我国农业生产发展的需要,对农业企业信息化发展具有参考价值。

  • This paper proposes a kind of project of subscriber management system of digital TV which fits CATV management operation model by analysis module and interface of subscriber ma - ( nagement ) system .

    通过对数字电视用户管理系统中模块及接口的分析,提出一种 适合有线电视管理运营模式的数字电视用户管理 系统设计方案。

  • With Japanese system of librarian qualification test introduced the article points out that the personal system reform is an urgent task on hand in developing the modern library that fits in with the needs of a changing information-orientated society .

    本文介绍了日本现行 图书馆员资格考试 制度,认为建立一个和飞速发展的信息社会相 适应的现代化图书馆,进行人事制度改革已是当务之急。

  • However using proper technologies low voltage power line carrier communication system can meet the requirement of application and it fits very well for carrier-current systems .

    但是,只要采用合适的技术,仍然能使其有效 应用于数据传输 系统中。

  • The second part focuses on how to establish a fares system of China 's civil aviation which fits in with market mechanism .

    第二部分着重分析如何正确建立 适应市场机制的民航运价 体系

  • It comparatively analyses the various forms of stock system reform in accordance with the actual conditions of the factory . The mode that best fits reform has been chosen out and it sets foundation for the practice of the scheme .

    比较分析了各种股份 改造模式,结合西车厂的实际情况,选择了最 适合该厂实际的股份制改造模式,为其股份制改造方案的实施奠定了基础。

  • With only one set of control system single-stage PFC converter can realize the input current shaping and the fast regulation of output voltage . It especially fits low-power occasion well because of the advantage of simple structure and low cost .

    单级PFC变换器仅用一套控制 电路,同时实现输入电流整形和输出电压快速调节,具有结构简单、成本低等优点,特别 适合小功率场合的应用。

  • This paper introduces the application and development of low orbit satellite mobile communication system and analyzes the key technologies of this system . This paper also discusses the feasible scheme that fits system based on those key technologies .

    介绍了低轨卫星移动 通信的应用和发展,分析了该通信的关键技术,并针对这些技术探讨了 适用 低轨卫星移动通信的可行方案。

  • In the information management system of enterprise which regard the rapid production as the goal in order to improve the efficiency of design it is necessary to build the corresponding standard part library which fits the demands of enterprise .

    在以快速生产为目标的企业信息化管理 系统中,为提高产品的设计效率,有必要建立 符合企业要求的标准件库。

  • The paper introduces structural model of Multi-Agent System cooperative mechanism of agents and contact net model that fits to the distributed control .

    文章首先介绍了Multi-agent System结构模型和多Agent之间的协作机制以及 适合 分布式控制的合同网模型。

  • An Analysis of the System of Tolerances and Fits

    公差与 配合 分析

  • The follows may be taken as a general strategy to improve relevant Chinese institutions : set up a system of orders in litigation that fits the practice of trial in China while taking as reference common principles in the international community ;

    完善中国诉讼指挥权的总体思路是:以国际社会诉讼指挥权的共同规则为参照,建立 符合中国审判实践 要求的诉讼指挥权规则 体系

  • Reestablishment of enterprise culture will break off the isolated system of the culture development delay the natural process of the increasing entropy and form the system of multiple culture which fits socialist market economy .

    企业文化的重建在于打破这种封闭、孤立的文化发展体系,延缓熵的自然增长过程,从而 完成 适应市场经济的多元文化 体系的构建。

  • Its planning system has experienced the impact of planned economy market economy and globalization and is now exploring a model that fits its own development .

    其城市规划 体制的演变历程在经历了计划经济市场经济经济全球化冲击的同时,也在努力探索 适合自己发展的模式。

  • In recent years the staggered truss steel framing system caused the extensive concern of engineering and academic circles of home and abroad and developing this system fits our country residence construction development direction .

    近几年来,钢结构错列桁架 体系以其经济、实用、高效的优点再度引起国内外工程界和学术界的广泛关注,发展错列桁架体系 符合我国住宅建设的发展方向。

  • This thesis develops the locomotive virtual driver sub-system and three-dimensional parametric CAD system on the steel structure of passenger train body . It not only improves design efficiency and quality but also fits in with development require of modern technique .

    本论文开发的铁道机车车辆虚拟样机 系统包含铁道机车的虚拟驾驶和铁道客车车体钢结构三维参数化设计两 部分,它不仅可以提高设计效率和设计质量,同时也 符合了现代技术的发展要求。

  • The thesis based on the analysis of environmental accounting assumption establishment has established its system which not only conforms to the characteristic of environmental accounting and absorbs the reasonable components but also fits in the system of social duty accounting .

    本文在分析了构建环境会计假设因素的基础上,构建形成了既符合环境会计特点 又吸收了传统会计假设合理成分、又 适用 社会责任会计 体系的环境会计假设体系。

  • Through establishing the basic model of interconnected system frequency control the paper analyze the static and dynamic response of frequency using FFC-TBC control mode in eastern grid result shows that FFC-TBC mode fits the requirement of regional electric market .

    通过对互联 系统频率控制建立基础模型,重点分析了采用PFC-TBC控制模式的华东电网频率静态、动态响应,结果表明该模式 符合区域电力市场环境运行特点的要求。

  • This system has passed the appraisal of 1.0 lever power meter made by Dalian Weighhouse its precision and reliability fits the need of power meter thus it is a kind of electric energy measurement and control system which can easily use and should be popularized .

    系统现已通过大连市计量所电表1.0级的鉴定,其精度、可靠性完全 符合电表的特性要求,是一种使用方便并值得推广的电能计量控制系统。

  • The paper gives a complete set of evaluation quota system of science and technology progress of road transportation enterprises which fits business characteristic .

    本文提出一整套 适合行业特点的公路运输企业科技进步评价的指标 体系

  • Market ethics is the system of social values . It fits in with economy of free market .

    市场伦理是与自由市场经济 适应 社会价值 体系,没有自由的市场社会环境,也就没有市场伦理。

  • Chinese legal system is now in dire need of setup of effective dispute settlement mechanism which shall also in compliance with the Chinese status . Administrative mediation as one of the eastern legal system more fits the actual Chinese status .

    建立一个符合中国国情行之有效的纠纷解决机制是我国现在急需解决 法律 命题,行政调解作为东方式纠纷解决机制,更加 契合实际情况。

  • At times we may wonder why there is no complete system into which all of chemistry fits perfectly .

    有时,我们也许会感到疑惑不解,为什么化学所包含的内容 它完全 适应的竟没有一个完整 体系

  • It is especially important to promote the system reform of water industry management and to establish a new management mechanism which fits in with the needs of the market economy .

    特别要 抓紧水利 体制改革,建立与市场经济 协调的新管理机制。

  • After exploring the development of CPA 's supervision system in China the paper discusses the deficiencies existing in the supervision of Chinese CPA and proposes a set of specific measures to improve CPA 's supervision system that fits the economic reality .

    文章回顾了我国注册会计师监管的发展 历程,指出目前我国注册会计师监管中存在的问题,并提出构建与我国现实经济 适应的注册会计师监管体系的具体措施。

  • Analysis of the Compensation Motivation Mechanism of University Teachers And what kind of system of human resource management best meets the need of our new era of knowledge economy and most fits the people who are the mainstay of the time ?

    以及在新经济时代,真正 符合高校教师及教育工作特点的 薪酬激励机制又应该是什么?