system language

[ˈsɪstəm ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][ˈsistəm ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]


  • The teacher founded his system of language teaching on the belief that speaking should come before reading .

    那位老师把他的 语言教育 体系建立在这样的信念之上,即说话应先于阅读。

  • When doing the lookup the ResourceBundle class takes care of finding the correct resources for the system language code .

    在查询过程中,ResourceBundle类负责为 系统 语言代码查找正确的资源。

  • This paper from the political integration the examination system and language policy to illustrate the three reasons why Jurchen finished much higher degree of the Chinese level than the Mongolian .

    本文拟从政治一体化、科举 制度 语言政策三个方面来阐释女真族相比蒙古族,汉化程度高的原因。

  • The reform of a writing system includes language and the language project includes characters .

    文字改革”包括 语言,“语言计划”包括文字。

  • The Java language is platform neutral of course but this really isn 't a case for a system language .

    当然,Java语言是平台无关的,但是这里并不是需要使用“ 系统语言的情况。

  • Debug support system command language syntax a tart remark reply tone

    调试支持 系统 语言语法尖酸的言语、回答、语调

  • You can use this to automatically pick a localization for your content based on the user 's system language .

    你可以使用这个自动调选一个本地的,为你的基于用户的 系统 语言的内容。

  • The three all stressed the importance of context of situation and the system of language . Thus London School is also known as systemic linguistics and functional linguistics .

    伦敦学派也被称为系统语言学和功能语言学,他们三人都强调“语言环境”和 语言系统”的重要性。

  • Specific Applications of Turn-taking System in Language Communication Activity

    语言交际过程中话轮转换 系统的具体分析

  • It could be expected that applications of this project be beneficial to Chinese lexicon system language teaching textbooks compiling glossary edition the nature language process and so on .

    同时,其后续工作可对汉语词汇 系统语言教学、教材编写、词表编制、自然语言处理等诸多方面提供参考性依据,进而产生广阔应用前景。

  • Discrete event system simulation language

    离散事件 系统仿真 语言

  • Executive system problem-oriented language

    面向执行 系统问题的 语言

  • This computer 's operating system language is different from that of the applications you are installing . Do you want to continue ?

    此计算机的操作 系统 语言与正在安装的应用程序的 语言不同。确实要继续吗?

  • Summary of exploration and system for language teaching in secondary schools today provides a useful insight .

    总结探索和 系统在中学 语文教学的今天,提供有用的洞察力。

  • Data management system host language interface

    数据管理 系统语言接口

  • So kind of like today in Java C is the system programming language .

    就像如今在Java中的情形,C是 系统编程 语言

  • The inference and operation of the decision-making tree are implemented by production system language CLIPS .

    利用产生式专家 系统 语言CLIPS实现了桁架结构优化决策树的推理及运行。

  • This file name contains some characters that can not be recognized by current system language . Please rename it .

    此文件名包含一些当前 系统 语言不能识别的字符。请重命名它。

  • Scripting and Java as the system language

    脚本编写和以Java作为 系统 语言

  • To construct the embedded electronic system test language we apply the ANTLR ′ s LL ( k ) grammar to build lexical analyzer grammar parser and Abstract Tree Parser .

    在嵌入式电子 系统测试 语言的研究设计过程中,需要对语言进行词法分析、语法分析和语义分析。

  • By referring to REDUCE system a new system and language of non-numerical manipulation for symbolic analysis has been built on PC micro-computer .

    参照REDUCE系统,在PC微机上,建立了一个用于非数值处理的符号解析 系统 语言

  • UML and Rational Rose are the system language of modeling and modeling tool put onto the market in recent years .

    UML和RationalROSE,是近几年推出的成熟的 系统建模 语言和建模工具。

  • But in Project Zero and the Zero platform we 've promoted Java to the system programming language .

    但是在Zero项目和Zero平台中,我们将Java提升为 系统编程 语言

  • On the Impact of Official System Language upon Generalized Language

    浅谈官方 制度 用语对通用语言的影响&以站与驿为例

  • Other OS makers such as Amiga have also integrated Rexx as an always-available system scripting language .

    其他OS制造商,比如Amiga,也将Rexx作为永远可用的 系统脚本 语言集成进来。

  • Debug support system language format

    调试支持 系统 语言格式

  • It is originally conceived as a system orchestrator language .

    它原本被理解为一种 系统编配 语言

  • The system language settings have not been updated .

    没有更新 系统 语言设置。

  • You can change the information system language and the document language in the account data .

    您可以更改帐户数据中的信息 系统 语言和文档语言。