synchronizing generator


  • In the case of single-generator capacitance the synchronizing hydro-turbine generator of 0 . 4 kV is cheaper them overall generator of 6 . 3 kV about 30 % or so ;

    在相同单机容量情况下,0.4kV的 同步水轮 发电机要比6.3kV的整机价格便宜30%左右;

  • Television synchronizing signal generator

    电视 同步信号 发生器

  • So if the single-generator capacitance is equal to or smaller them 800 kW the generator groups should select the synchronizing water turbine generator groups .

    所以单机容量等于和小于800kW的机组,应优先选用0.4kV的 同步水轮 发电 机组

  • Fault - synchronizing Electromagnetic Torque Analysis of Synchronous Generator

    同步 发电机同期时的电磁转矩分析

  • Chaotic Self - synchronizing Sequence Generator and Digital Voice Secure Communication

    混沌自 同步序列 发生器和数字语音保密通信

  • The present situation of CTM-1500-2 type synchronizing motor excitation system was discussed . Based on the the excitation generator the measures of adding the excitation board were taken to make them work and ensure the safe running of synchronizing motor .

    对CTM15002型 同步电动机励磁系统现状进行了调查分析,在励磁 的基础上,采取增加励磁柜的措施,使两套系统均能工作,从而保证同步电动机的安全运行。

  • Then it analyses energy absorbing capacity of de-excitation resistance of synchronizing generator at two most severe conditions of forced excitation at no load by mistake and sudden short circuit at stator leads .

    探讨了 发电机灭磁电阻吸能容量问题,针对 发电机空载失控误强 及定子出线端突然短路二种最严重的工况进行了分析和计算。