


  • This paper focuses on the synchronic behaviors of diao type words in the Jiangsu and Anhui dialects .

    不过,这类体标记在不同 方言中的语法化程度有差异。

  • The synchronic closure system can solve this problem .

    使用 同步闭合系统解决了这个问题。

  • From a synchronic point of view language as a system remains relatively stable ; but from a diachronic point of view language is a routine in constant emergence and evolution .

    语言作为一种现象系统在 上看是相对固定的,而在历时上是演化的,可以理解为是一套形成并沿革的“惯例”。

  • Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages .

    属于或有关语言的 同时类型的比较的。

  • All keys and the automatic synchronic transmitter are locked in the process of communication .

    在通讯过程中设备的所有按键和自动 同步发送机都将被锁定。

  • A digital synchronic control system for twin-arc high-speed SAM was presented by IPC ( industrial personal computer ) and PLC .

    应用工控机和PLC建立了双电弧 熔池埋弧焊数字化 协同控制系统。

  • This article explores English slang from two aspects diachronic and synchronic .

    本文对英语 俚语进行探讨研究。

  • The others present more complex problems . Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages .

    对付其他类型的霸王会比较复杂。属于或有关语言的 同时类型的比较的。

  • Genre Study on Poetry : The Connection between Synchronic and Diachronic Axis

    体裁诗学: 历时之轴与 之轴的交汇

  • While there is some synchronic arbitrariness to grammar not all of what is deemed arbitrary is so .

    虽然语法中有些 任意的成分,但并不是全部都被认为是随意的。

  • The study on emotion and affect is synchronic in the sphere of psychology while diachronic or evolutional in terms of anthropological sociology and cultural sociology .

    而人类社会学和文化社会学对情绪和情感的研究则是一种 时态的,即演化过程的研究。

  • It was stressed that the synchronic study is fully justified as it can draw on controllable material for investigation but no rigid theoretical barrier is erected to separate diachronic study .

    对语言的 研究由于可以得到全面的、可控的语言材料以供参考而被充分强调,同时,也没有严格从理论上将之与历时语言研究分离。

  • In this paper we take synchronic comparison to compare the differences and similarities of these two languages in the syllabic structure tone and stress and sound changes in the speech .

    笔者采用 比较的方法,考察俄汉音节结构、声调和重音(本文指词重音)、连读形变等的异同。

  • The Prague School practiced a special style of synchronic linguistics and its most important contribution to linguistics is that is sees language in terms of function .

    该学派有一种独特的 语言学研究风格,对语言学最重要的贡献是从“功能”角度来看待语言。

  • It also discusses the problem of word selection in translation showing that it is important to analyse meanings of words by means of synchronic and diachronic methods .

    本文就历史语境的概念及其对 语音语法和词汇的影响作了简单阐述,并通过 和历时的方法探讨了在翻译时如何正确选词的问题。

  • It is also necessary to carryout some degree of synchronic work before making a diachronic linguistics .

    有关语言学静态的一切都是 的,有关语言学动态的一切都是历史的。

  • Simulation on Tension Stabilization of Affixture Machine for Multi-Motor Speed Synchronic Control

    多电机 同步控制在复贴机张力稳定中的仿真应用

  • The compensating effect of synchronic modulation technology is better than that of the other one .

    相比 之下同步调制技术的补偿效果更好。

  • If people looked technology as a interaction life for human being they could find the technology bad three synchronic statues as follow : medium device and life .

    将技术界定为人类社会互动的一种生存现象,可以发现在 层面技术作为中介、装置与生活的三种 生态

  • The design of hardware and software of the digital synchronic control system was also discussed .

    阐述了数字化 协同控制系统的软硬件设计。

  • On Diachronic Synchronic Meanings of EST Vocabulary and the Evolutionary Manners Thereof

    科技英语词汇的 历时意义与 意义及演变方式

  • The idea of embedded synchronic signal is proposed which uses the synchronic signal for locating the watermark location .

    同时引入了 同步信号的思想,利用同步信号和水印序列号定位水印的嵌入位置。

  • It 's understood that the danger as Jameson puts it of thinking in terms of a succession of modes of production is that each one of those modes of production might seem like a synchronic moment .

    正如詹姆逊所说,认为这些生产方式,交替出现的危险在于,每一个生产方式,都好像是 同步的。

  • Then disengage from the Gregorian mind trap and re-connect with the synchronic order .

    然后脱离阳历铭记陷阱和重新连接 同步秩序。

  • Synchronic Study on the Reform of Sketch Teaching and the Innovation Awareness in Teachers ' Colleges

    高师美术院校素描改革实践与创新意识的 同步 研究

  • 500 kV Substation Synchronic Time System Design and Application

    500kV变电站 统一 同步时间系统设计及实施

  • The Research and Development of Cameras Synchronic Exposure Controller in Active Three-dimensional Measuring

    主动式三维测量中摄像机 同步控制器研究与开发

  • So a lot of teaching and learning can be thought as less synchronic activities and more diachronic one .

    所以很多教学可以被看成是,不 限于 一时的而有历时变化的。