work book

[wɚk bʊk][wə:k buk]

[经] 工作规程,工作手册

  • A Great Milestone-style Work : Book Review on the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia

    东南亚历史编纂学上的一部里程碑式的 巨著& 剑桥东南亚史 述评

  • Through analyzing the fuzzy phenomenon in the original work of The Book of Song and three translations of it states that literary translator should make full consideration and application of fuzzy to make the translation and the original text achieves the best connection .

    通过对 诗经原作以及三种译本的模糊性特点的分析,提出译者在文学翻译时要充分考虑并运用这一特点,使译文和原文达到最佳关联。

  • Work on the book in the morning when my mind is freshest and my creativity and productivity are highest .

    他建议我在早上 写书,因为 时候我思路最为清晰,创意和效率都处在最佳状态。

  • But as a piece of literary work The Book of Songs 300 has its own law of development and presentation .

    但是作为一部文学 作品 》三百篇有其自身的发展规律和态势。

  • Listen to the tape the weather forecast instead of doing the ticking work on the book I went though with some of the words and expressions .

    在听的过程中,我 了很多的时间,让学生去 理解与学习与天气有关的新的表达方式。

  • If you 're a technical lead who 's responsible for making a piece of the project work this book will help you know how to organize your work and accomplish it .

    对负责项目技术部分的技术领导来说,这 能够帮你组织并完成技术相关的项目 工作

  • Work guidance book for winter construction of concrete

    冬期混凝土施工 作业指导

  • Their work Book of Life won first place because of its deep meaning and strong visual effect .

    他们的 作品 生命之 因其意义深刻、视觉感染力强而夺冠。

  • Ideas on the Hand Out of the Work of Book Processing to Bookseller in University Libraries

    高校图书馆 图书加工交由书商 进行的设想

  • In order to solve the extremely and heavy work of book processing work in university libraries we assume this problem to be handed over to the Bookseller .

    为解决高校图书馆 图书加工 工作极其繁重这一问题,设想由书商来完成这一工作。

  • With the population of the automation in library administration it is necessary now for almost every library to retrospect conversion bibliographic database and it is customary for the contractors to do the work of book classification .

    图书管理自动化的普及,回朔建库工作几乎是每个图书馆的必由之路, 图书分类编目由承包商来完成这 工作

  • I could not work on my book because I was too tired .

    我看不进 了因为我太累了。

  • Hopefully the translation principles and strategies proposed in this thesis can make some contribution to future translation work of The Book of Songs .

    期望本文提出的翻译原则和具体策略 在《 诗经》今后的翻译中贡献出绵薄之力。

  • I wish I could put in two hours extra work on the book .

    我巴不得今天早上再多 两小时的

  • If I show up at work without that book .

    如果我 上班的时候不带去。

  • Sam : Hey Bill why such a night owl ? Since Philip has started work on his book he has become a night owl .

    山姆:嘿,比尔,怎么变成夜猫子了?自从开始 写书以来,菲利普成一个夜猫子。

  • At this modest length any reader can work through the book and do all the examples .

    在这种篇幅适中的情况下,任何读者都能 轻松 看完,并且做完全部示例。

  • We got to work on putting the book together .

    我们得 努力编成这本

  • We still have to decide the cover art and the jacket copy and a million other details but my work on the book itself will be finished .

    我还是要决定封面内容,封皮,无数个细节,可是 内容本身的 工作已经完成了。

  • Since Philip has started work on his book he has become a night owl .

    自从开始 写书以来,菲利普成一个夜猫子。

  • There is an appreciation of the poet 's work in the book .

    中有对诗人 作品的评论。

  • The work of the book acceptance which is one of the basic works of the library plays an important role in guaranteeing the quality of the books entering the library .

    图书馆验收 工作是图书馆重要的基础工作之一,对进馆图书的质量起着把关作用。

  • Through analyzing the work of book weeding it is known that to use the intelligent method in book weeding is very important .

    在分析 图书剔旧 工作的基础上,指出用智能的方法解决图书剔旧问题的必要性。

  • The work of brief book review work is not only one of important components in library reader services but also an important display of its social education activities .

    图书简评工作不但是图书馆读者服务 工作的重要组成部分,而且还是图书馆社会教育职能的重要体现。

  • He says that he stopped his work on the book because of the death from cancer of his first wife his childhood sweetheart .

    他表示,自己在 的时候一度停 ,因为青梅竹马的第一任妻子患癌症去世。

  • Influence of Information Technology on Management Work of Book Informative Material for Enterprises

    信息技术对企业 图书情报资料管理 工作的影响

  • She continued to work on the book during her illness .


  • I find that the argy wormwood planned to work out a book but the plot of book is the simplest .

    我发现艾得已经有计划要 ,但是那本书的情节极其简单。