take up arms


  • On May21 a Shan leader Sao Noi aka Saw Yan Tha was the first Shan to take up arms against the Burmese regime .

    1958年5月21日,掸邦领袖苏内-召燕达揭竿而起第一个 拿起 武器反对缅甸军政府。

  • The country would certainly take up arms in its own defence .

    这个国家一定会 拿起 武器捍卫自己。

  • Its what led young men in a country divided half slave and half free to take up arms to save our union .

    这种精神指引着这个国家奴隶制联盟和自由联邦的青年 拿起 武器来保卫自己的联邦政府。

  • Hundreds of thousands of their followers would take up arms without hesitation .

    他们的数十万名信徒会毫不犹豫地 拿起 武器

  • Residents of the city began to stream into streets to welcome the opposition troops despite Gadhafi 's call to urge people to take up arms to guard his rule .

    而的黎波里居民也都不顾卡扎菲的呼吁,纷纷 街头来欢迎反对派 军队

  • The killings incited people to take up arms and revolt .

    屠杀激起人们 拿起 武器奋起反抗。

  • Without support of a few regular troops the people generally are not encouraged to take up arms .

    一般说来,不从正规军里 出入人来 骨干, 便很难发动群众 拿起 武器

  • Now take the main body part and place it head down on the table and lift up the back and place the arms in the middle like so : ( a stone is holding down the top part ) .

    现在 身体部分,把它的头向下放在桌子上, 抬起背,并把 手臂放置在中间位置,就像顶部有一块大石头被压在下面。

  • Prachanda : To take up weapons is just a form of politics . I do not think you become rigid once you takeup arms . Taking up weapons is also a form of flexibility .

    拿起枪杆子只是一种政治方式。我不认为你拿起 就僵化了,那也是一种灵活。

  • Some Sudanese Islamic leaders have sworn to take up arms against any U.

    一些苏丹穆斯林领袖们发誓要 拿起 武器抵抗联合国部队。

  • Football and business leaders all need to handle human beings . All take up arms in a war for talent . All are repaid for hard work and determination .

    足球主教练和企业领导人都需要与人 交道,都 需要应对人才大战,他们的辛勤工作和坚定决心都会得到回报。

  • If they stray into our barley field I take them up in my arms .

    它们若走进我的麦地,我 它们

  • They will surely take up arms against you in the not too distant future .

    他们一定会在不久的将来 拿起 武器反抗你的。

  • Leading Shia politicians are imploring their constituents to take up arms .

    什叶派的主要政客们正在请求选民们 拿起 武器

  • The oppressed people will take up arms and will never appeal for mercy .

    被压迫人民将 拿起 武器,他们永远不会乞求怜悯。

  • This emphasis was necessary in order to urge the people to take up arms on behalf of a nationality whose existence they themselves had hardly recognized .

    这一强调是必需的,以便促使人民为一个他们很难意识其存在的国家 干戈

  • I slipped from my mother 's lap and almost ran toward them . The impulse gone I fell down and cried for her to take me up in her arms .

    这种冲动付出了代价,我跌倒在地, 哭叫着扑进母亲的 怀里。

  • Now all moab hearing that the kings had come to make war against them got together all who were able to take up arms and went forward to the edge of the country .

    摩押众人听见这 三王 上来要与他们争战,凡能顶盔贯甲的,无论老少,尽都聚集站在边界上。

  • The foundations of the sisters of the sightless eye were rocked when their own became tainted and began to take up arms against the surviving rogues .

    当她们开始堕落,并攻击还存活的 萝格们时,盲目之眼姊妹会的 建立已被动摇。

  • The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran Qom and Najaf and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .

    两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们 拿起 武器抗击ISIS。

  • Let the people of the whole country mobilize take up arms and join the War of Resistance . Let those with strength contribute strength those with money contribute money those with guns contribute guns and those with knowledge contribute knowledge .

    全中国人民动员 起来武装 起来,参加抗战,实行有力出力,有钱出钱,有枪出枪,有知识出知识。

  • They should never take up arms to fight .

    他们决不应 拿起 武器进行战斗。

  • They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met .

    他们威胁,如果要求得不到满足就要 武力抵抗政府。