take vengeance on

[tek ˈvɛndʒəns ɑn][teik ˈvendʒəns ɔn]

[法] 向。。。执仇报复

  • Am I not to take vengeance on you now for the blood you have shed and rid the earth of you ?

    我能不为你们的血腥 罪行 你们 讨还 血债,从世上把你们除掉吗?

  • When I sharpen my flashing sword and my hand grasps it in judgment I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those who hate me .

    我若磨我闪亮的刀,手掌审判之权,就必 报复我的敌人,报应恨我的人。

  • God is jealous and the Lord revengeth ; the Lord revengeth and is furious ; the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries and he reserveth wrath for his enemies .

    耶和华是忌邪施报的神。耶和华施报大有 忿怒。向他的敌人施 ,向他的仇敌怀怒。

  • Had to take out his vengeance on the entire White race .

    必须 全体白种人 复仇

  • The hero of this play is CH'eng Ying the family physician of Chao who sacrifices his own child to save the life of the orphan and finally instigates the orphan to take vengeance on the villain .

    该剧的主人翁是赵氏门下攻人 程婴,他割舍了自己的亲生骨肉,拯救了孤儿的生命,最后哺育孤儿长大,向恶棍 了冤仇。

  • He was desperate to take vengeance on marie 's killer .

    他不顾一切,一心想向杀害玛丽的凶手 复仇