talk over

[tɔk ˈovɚ][tɔ:k ˈəuvə]


  • I think it is a little inappropriate to talk over this issue with deep consideration .

    没有进行深切的思考, 便来 讨论文化层面的问题似乎不切实际。

  • Xiangzi you go with Mr. Feng we 'll meet tomorrow to talk over our affairs .

    祥子你跟冯先生去,明天见, 商量 商量咱们的事。

  • Let 's talk over dinner . 253.Please let me know .

    我们 吃边 吧。请告诉我一声。

  • Just relax while you talk over lunch .


  • We should go somewhere quiet and talk it over

    我们应该找个安静的地方 好好

  • We all met in pat 's room to talk over what we had seen .

    我们都在帕特的房间里碰头,要 详细 讨论 一下我们所看到的情况。

  • I 've come to talk over with you our travel plan in nanjing .

    我来和你们 商量 南京的旅游计划。

  • I have been thinking about you lately . Let 's talk over tea .

    我最近一直在想着你,让我们 喝茶 吧。

  • My parents and I have always got along well because they are willing to talk over problems .

    我和父母一直相处很好,因为他们愿意 商量各种问题。

  • Between neighbors take arriving talk over together is facilitate again however .

    邻里间坐到一起 谈谈是再方便不过的了。

  • Talk over problems don 't bottle them up inside .

    有问题就 出来,别憋在心里。

  • Could we have a little talk over dinner tomorrow evening ?

    明天晚上我们可以吃顿晚餐稍微 一下吗?

  • I 'd like to talk over that article you wrote about the firm .

    我想同 讨论 一下你写的有关那家公司的文章。② 说服某人); 说服某人改变观点。

  • Let 's talk over the arrangements with the others before we make a decision .

    在我们作决定之前,让我们先和其他人 讨论 一下安排事项。

  • W : I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you John .


  • You must have a lot of things you want to talk over .


  • I understand why you don 't want to talk over the phone .

    我明白你为什么不想 电话

  • Sit down and talk over the things you argue about most money chores and children .

    坐下来 一谈你们争执最多的问题:钱、家务、孩子等等。

  • He was afraid of being bugged and didn 't dare to talk over the phone .

    他怕有人窃听,不敢 电话里

  • They set aside one evening a week to talk over with family about children topic .

    他们每周都会留出一个晚上的时间 家人 讨论与家庭孩子有关的话题。

  • We can talk over the phone if you prefer .

    你要是愿意,我们可以 通过电话

  • You both need to talk over what happened that day .

    你们俩都该 说说那天发生的

  • The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue or to talk the issue over .

    学校开家长会 讨论这个问题,或者说是解决这个问题。

  • Can I see you a moment ? I 've an important matter to talk over with you .

    我可以见见你吗?有件要紧的事和你 商量

  • We have some lastminute details to talk over .

    我们有一些 最后时刻提出的细节问题需要 商谈

  • May also take down the earphone maintains privacy which you talk over the telephone ;

    也可以取下耳机,保持你 通话的私密性;