talk out

[tɔk aʊt][tɔ:k aut]


  • I tried to talk them out of it .

    我试着 他们 洗手不干

  • My mother tried to talk me out of getting a divorce

    我妈妈试图 不要离婚。

  • Parents should also encourage their to talk out loud about things they are doing .

    家长还应鼓励 孩子 大声谈论他们正在做的事情。

  • Talking things out with someone else can be helpful

    跟别人讨论讨论把问题 彻底 可能会有用。

  • You try to talk out the issue with your loved ones thinking maybe another perspective can help you hallelujah your way to a solution .

    你试图和你爱的人 讨论这个话题,想着也许其他人的意见能帮助你顺风顺水地找到解决方法。

  • Can we talk out here for a minute ?

    我们 两句行吗?

  • I brought you here to talk him out of this insanity .

    我把你带到这跟 这东西。

  • I tried to talk myself out of a fight .

    我费尽 口舌避免一场打架。

  • A second method is to talk it out with someone .

    第二种方法是和某人 讨论

  • She wished she could talk things out with him .

    她希望能与他 详谈

  • You know it 's our job to talk out loud as we are all the time but it 's hard to know what to say .

    大家知道,我们的工作一向是 开口,我们一直如此,但现在真是不知如何开口。

  • And I know he 's going to try and talk me out of it .

    我知道他会和我 这件

  • He told me that once I got all the small talk out of the way and presented the prices that the first person to talk will lose .

    他告诉我一旦我说完销售目的和报价后就 不要 说话 ,接下来第一个说话的人就输了。

  • He will likely not call off the talks but might try to possibly leverage some conciliatory talk out of Abbas .

    他将可能不会取消会谈,但可能尝试可能地 阿巴斯身上利用一些促使和解的 谈话

  • They 're expecting me to talk you out of it .

    他们期望我来代你 出来

  • We tried to talk him out of it but he just wouldn 't listen .

    我们 不要那样做,可他偏偏不听。

  • Some people prefer to think things through on their own whereas others need to talk out loud to clarify their ideas .

    有些人更愿意自己思考,而另外一些人则需要大声的 出来才能明确他们的想法。

  • Talk out your problems . Do not keep them bottled up .

    把问题 出来,别都憋在心里。

  • I still don 't understand why I let you talk me out of going to the funeral .

    我还是不能理解为什么我会让你 说服参加tessa的葬礼。

  • Please talk out aloud I cannot hear you from here .


  • This is my call and you can 't talk me out of it .

    决定权是我的,你不可能 放弃

  • You were afraid I 'd talk you out of it .

    你担心我会 这事。

  • Before starting on a project talk out the nitty-gritty details and what the extent of her involvement will be .

    在开启一个项目之前,坦率地 一些 细枝末节的地方,以及她要参与到什么程度。

  • Let her talk out her ideas for a while before you begin asking questions .

    在你问问题前,先让她 时间 她的想法 出来

  • I tried to talk you out of it !

    我跟你 约会的!

  • A Successful Experience of the Party in Shanxi United Work & Talk out Formative Development and Historic Function of Shanxi Sacrifice Allied Group for Saving the Nation

    党在山西统战工作中的一个成功经验& 浅谈 牺盟会的形成发展与历史作用

  • When complacence crops up people do not hesitate to talk out .

    产生骄傲自满情绪时,大家都毫不犹豫地指 出来

  • I tried to talk myself out of a fight and got beaten to a pulp instead by three other boys .

    我尽量 克制住自己不要 打架,却被另外3个男孩打成了重伤。

  • Sometimes if you will just try to talk out your feelings say something about what hurts it can help start your healing .

    有时候,如果你只要 说出你的感受,说一说一些令人伤心的事情,这就能帮助你开始愈合。

  • If you two don 't talk out the differences between you it 'll be very difficult for you to continue working together .

    如果你们不 消除分歧,你们继续合作会很困难。