We need to talk alone
我们得单独 谈谈。
Took us quite a while to get here didn 't it ? Talk about Fate moving in a mysterious way !
我们用了很长时间才走到今天这步,是吧?这就叫命运 难测啊!
Though she can 't talk yet she understands what is going on .
虽然她还不会 说话,可发生的这一切她都懂。
Can 't you see I 'm talking ? Don 't interrupt .
没看见我在 说话吗?别插嘴。
When she came back they were talking about American food
她回来时,他们在 谈论美国食品。
Talks between striking railway workers and the Polish government have broken down
罢工的铁路工人和波兰政府间 举行 的 谈判已经破裂了。
We talked and laughed a great deal
我们 说笑 了 很久。
He was too distressed to talk
他伤心得 讲不出 话来。
I talked to him yesterday
昨天我 和他 谈 过 了。
Belvoir Farms produce a delicious elderflower tea . Talking of elderflower you might wish to try Elderflower Champagne .
贝尔沃农场生产一种非常好喝的接骨木花茶。 说到接骨木花,你兴许想尝尝接骨木花香槟酒。
The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business .
顾客多数是 些 谈正事的中年男子。
It triggered broad speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking .
这引发了人们对通用公司和捷豹公司可能 在进行 磋商的大量猜测。
A neighbour saw her talking with Craven
一个邻居看见她 在和克雷文 交谈。
Has much of this actually been tried here ? Or is it just talk ?
这个多半已经真正尝试过了吗?还是仅仅 说说 而已?
A teacher reprimanded a girl for talking in class
老师斥责了一个在课堂上 说话的女生。
You must admit George you 're talking absolute rubbish .
乔治,你得承认你 说的全都是 废话。
She will talk on the issues she cares passionately about including education and nursery care
她将 会谈一些自己十分感兴趣的话题,包括教育和幼儿护理。
Do ring if you want to talk about it
你要是想 谈谈,一定给我打电话。
The company talked with many potential investors
公司和许多潜在的投资人 举行 了 磋商。
The boys all began to talk at once
所有的男孩子们立即 说起 话来。
Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counselor
你第一步应该是去找老师或学校辅导员 谈谈。
We 're talking to some people about opening an office in London
我们在 和一些人 讨论在伦敦设立办事处的事 儿。
Everyone is talking about him
人人都 在 议论他。
I have to sort some things out . We really needed to talk .
我必须把一些事情搞清楚。我们真的需要 谈一 谈。
You don 't sound like a foreigner talking English
听你 讲英语,不像是外国人。
There 's no one she can talk to and she 's on the verge of collapse
她找不到一个可以 倾诉的对象,快要崩溃了。
We 're not talking a murder here ; we 're talking poker machines or gambling — things that are misdemeanors in most states
我们现在讨论的 不是谋杀,而是扑克机或赌博——这些在多数州只能算轻罪了。
They are holding hostages to try to force the authorities into talks on possible amnesties for drugs offences .
他们扣押了若干人质以胁迫当局就赦免毒品犯罪与他们 谈判。
They 'll talk they 'll implicate me .
他们会 招供的,他们会把我牵连进去的。