take up with

[tek ʌp wɪð][teik ʌp wið]


  • The Arabs are difficult to get closer to because they refuse to take up with foreigners .

    阿拉伯人很难接近,因为他们拒绝 外国人亲密 交往

  • If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman .

    银行要是不肯帮忙, 去找申诉专员。

  • And in the future make sure to take up with less sentimental ladies .

    并且以后 确定 少些多愁善感的女士 来往

  • You wanna take it up with kgb you go right ahead .


  • My father is not one to take up readily with new ideas .

    我父亲可不是个 乐意接受新观念的人。

  • His family was no more his house lay in ruins and Dinin had been forced to take up with Bregan D'aerthe an infamous mercenary band simply to survive .

    他的家族已不复存在,他的故居现已是一片废墟,而狄宁不得不 巴甘达耶,一个臭名昭著的佣兵团打交道,仅仅为了生存。

  • But eventually you 'll want to take it up with me .

    但最后你会想要来 我。

  • He took up with smugglers .

    走私犯混 一块儿去

  • The solution of the conflict is to establish a proper objective about the equity and efficiency make good use of government and market and take up with the institutional innovation .

    高等教育改革和发展中公平与效率的矛盾, 需要通过确立公平与效率目标、合理发挥政府和市场的作用 制度创新 解决。

  • His mind was wholly taken up with the question .


  • I take up with the research of the onboard integrated information display system discuss thoroughly the design ideology and implementing means . And put forward the method of displaying the onboard integrated information using LCD .

    本文 致力于车载信息显示平台的研究,深入讨论了系统平台的设计思想与实现方法,提出了在嵌入式平台上用液晶显示屏图形化显示复杂车载信息的方法。

  • The41-year former NBA Defensive Player of the Year said it 's something he will take up with his family and didn 't rule it out .

    这位41岁的前NBA最佳防守球员说,他 家庭商量此事,不排除可能性。

  • We take up with a high jumping-off point and high quality .

    公司 致力 产品的高起点、高品位。

  • In recent years many studies of the cardiac failure and sudden death take up with the amelioration and reverse of the myocardial remodeling .

    近年来,许多心力衰竭、心源性猝死的研究 致力 心室重构的改善和逆转。

  • You can 't just take up with some kid .

    你不能 那孩子家里。

  • So she could take up with another man she 'd met .


  • Nowadays many individuals and workgroups take up with the research of IM model and communicating protocol .

    许多个人和工作组 致力于IM模型和通信协议的研究。

  • You can take it up with god .

    你就 可以直接 见上帝了。

  • Quality vs price that 's an argument you will have to take up with your customers .

    质量与价格,这场争议你 必须 征得消费者 同意

  • Sandy took up with a widow 21 years his junior

    桑迪 一个比他小21岁的寡妇

  • He had something to take up with the President .

    他有事 总统 商量

  • That 's a matter for you to take up with your boss .

    这个问题你得 你的老板进行交涉。

  • I don 't want you to take up with arguing about the budget .

    我希望你 不要 不良朋友。

  • After turning into the master curriculum author take up with investigate on city crisis management .

    在进入硕士课程的学习之后,笔者 一直 致力于城市危机管理的课题研究。

  • Why have we betrayed our allies of old only to take up with the enemies of all that live ?

    我们背叛了旧日的盟友,却 昔日的敌人 为伍

  • Thanks Miss Zhang . Well to come to the point I 'll give you an idea of what business I want to take up with you .

    谢谢!张小姐。好吧,言归正传,我想来告诉您 可以 贵公司成交生意的构想。

  • As she is such a pretty woman many men would like to take up with her .

    像她这么漂亮的女人,许多男人都对她 兴趣

  • We must not take up with false theories .

    我们不应该 接受错误的理论。

  • I hope to take up basketball with my leisure .

    我希望 我空闲的 时候 可以 打打篮球。