take time out to

[tek taɪm aʊt tu][teik taim aut tu:]


  • So you should especially take time out to care for them .

    所以你尤其需要 时间照顾它们。

  • Take time out once in a while to smile at the company you built from nothing but an idea .

    偶尔 抽出 时间笑着看看自己由一个想法建立的公司。

  • Busy people who take time out to relax and unwind are often less stressed than those who are just as busy and do the exact same amount of work but don 't take any down time .

    懂得 忙里偷闲放松 一下的忙人,比那些只知道忙的人压力通常会小一些,虽然工作量完全一样大,但后者不会中间休息休息。

  • How many times do software engineers actually take time out to prove a program is correct ?

    软件工程师能有几次真正 时间 证明一个程序的正确性?

  • But I 've been working on films back to back for the past few years and I need a break . I think I just need to take time out to get a bit more of my own life back .

    在过去的几年里,我不停地拍戏,我需要休息,我需要 抽出一点 时间享受自己的生活。

  • Who would take extra time out to flirt just when the lines are longer ?

    等候队伍变长时,谁会有 抽空 调情呢?

  • Be sure to take time out from your travels to sample a few hours of British television but seek not the polished period dramas that are easily exported to other countries .

    一定 从你的旅行里 抽出一些 时间,看几个小时的英国电视,但不要选那些制作精良、容易被他国引进的历史剧。

  • Take time out to ask yourself open questions about a goal such as What do I really want ?

    说, 时间 问问自己有关职业目标的问题,例如,我真正想要的是什么?

  • Your work may be quite demanding and sensitive Pisces needs to take time out just to relax regroup and dream especially when summer rolls around-your favorite time of year .

    你的工作要求很高,敏感的双鱼这个 时候 暂停休息一下,重新理清思路。这很可能会发生在双鱼最喜欢的夏季。

  • Take a little time out to listen to others around you whom may need that listening ear !

    一点 时间一听那些周围也许需要接受聆听的人!

  • As the president of a fast-growing global company and with family commitments Mr drumm was clearly not going to be able to take time out to study full-time for an MBA .

    作为一家增长迅速的全球性公司的总裁,同时也肩负着家族承诺,德拉姆明显不可能 时间攻读全日制mba。

  • Work hard on your job search then take time out to exercise and pursue activities that bring you joy and replenish you .

    努力找工作,然后 时间 锻炼、参加让你快乐、振奋的活动。

  • Take time to reach out to others ; it will give your life significance and meaning .


  • But you really do need to take time out now to free your mind .

    不过你确实 需要 一些 时间 放松头脑。

  • Successful people are successful because they take time out to think .

    成功的人成功的原因是他们 时间 思考。

  • The antidote is to deliberately take time out each day to notice what 's going right and to feel grateful for what you 've got .

    而治愈这种顽症的良药就是有意识地每天 时间 关注好的方面,对你所获得的抱有感恩之心。

  • But there does seem to be pervasive resentment of those who take time out to get a degree .

    但是现在对 拿出 时间 攻读学位的人似乎存在普遍的不满情绪。

  • If you take time out to plan you can easily mitigate the struggles and difficulties that arise .

    如果你 抽出 时间 计划,那你就可以轻松应对突如其来的挑战和困难。

  • You must take time out of your project schedule to invest in process improvement activities .

    您需要 项目进度中 拿出 时间 投入到过程改进活动中。

  • If you are at home with small children it is often better to stop when they and you become frustrated and take some time out to do something else so everyone can calm down .

    倘若你正和孩子们呆在家里,最好在你们都感到情绪低落 出去做些其他的,让每个人都平静下来。

  • Also try to take time out to visit one of the nearby national parks for a taste of the Australian bush and if it 's hot take your swimsuit and towel to Bondi Beach .

    也要 抽出 时间 游览一个附近的国家公园,了解一下澳大利亚灌木。如果天气热的话,您还可以带上游泳装去蹦迪海滩。

  • Obviously society has asked writers as a group to take time out from normal labour to do this special listening and transcribing and each writer has been assigned a certain part of the spectrum .

    很显然,社会要求“作家”这一群体从日常劳作中 脱离 出来从事这项特殊的倾听和转录工作。

  • Go back to thoughts that generated the feeling or simply relax and take some time out to examine what is going on .

    再回来考虑产生那种感受的想法或简单地放松、 一些 时间检视到底在发生 什么。

  • Some women join the scramble and forget about having children but if they take time out to start a family they find it very hard to catch up afterwards .

    有的女性也加入这样的激烈竞争中来,忘记了生孩子的事,但是如果她们就会 拿出一部分 时间 成家,他们就会很难撵上那些人的脚步。

  • Take time out of staff meetings to share the successes of your employees .

    腾空 员工会议 分享他们的成功。

  • I told him that his mistakes were quite acceptable and it he was ever so lovely to take the time out to speak with his fans .

    我告诉他,他的错误是完全可以接受和他以往任何时候都这么漂亮 时间 发言,他的球迷。

  • If you suddenly find yourself looking and sounding like a dog with a bone you might want to take a time out to find something better to chew on .

    如果你突然发现自己无论看上去还是听上去都像一只咬着骨头的狗,那你可能需要 时间 思考更有价值的事情上面。

  • When the job market is tough instead of struggling through it can make sense to take time out and add to your CV .

    当就业市场形势严峻时,与其苦苦挣扎, 不如 暂时 停止工作,去 你的个人履历增加一些份量。

  • Look after your health by taking turns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible and take time out to relax afterwards .

    可以的 ,你可以和家人分担家务,这样 自己保持健康,还有家务过后记得 时间休息啊。

  • You need to take some time out to decide what you want to do .

    你需要 抽出点儿 时间 决定自己想做的事情。