It was time to take stock of the situation
是时候 统观 一下形势了。
We need time to step back and take stock of the situation .
我们需要时间回去 仔细 考虑 一下情况。
Take stock of your financial situation with a professional adviser if you haven 't done so already .
如果还没有做的话就和职业顾问 一起 清点一下你的财务状况。
You take stock market tips from taxi drivers .
从计程车司机那儿集 到 股市情报。
If so maybe it 's time to take stock .
如果情形是这样,那可能是我们重新 作出 评估的时候了。
I take stock of my teacher .
我对老师总是 品头论足。
Before taking action on any health problem we must first take stock .
在就任何健康问题采取行动之前,我们必须首先 进行 评估。
Stella : Yes but first we should take stock of the entire market .
史黛拉:对啊,不过首先我们 得 评估整个市场。
I was forty the age when people take stock and change their lives .
我已年届不惑,到了该 全面 审视自己并改变生活的年龄了。
They pause a moment to take stock of the figures hurrying about them in the dark .
他们站住了一会儿, 以 辨认黑暗中在他们周围跑 来跑去的身影。
Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him .
在克丽丝汀欺骗了他后,比尔 评估 一下现状。
So today with you I want to take stock of our journey and chart our next steps .
所以,今天,我 想与你们 一起 确定我们的历程并规划下一步行动。
Now is a good time to take stock of the lessons of that debate .
如今正是 总结这场讨论所获教训的好 时机。
He tried once more to take stock of his business .
他再 把他的事业来 忖量。
Molly : You should take stock of your life and see where you can improve it .
莫莉:你应该对的生活 做 一下 评估,看看有哪些地方需要改进的。
After a year in the job she decided it was time to take stock .
她从事此工作一年之后,决定 检讨一 番。
If your stress comes from job insecurity take stock of yourself .
如果你是对工作的不稳定性而感到压力, 那么 请 审视自己;
Let 's take stock of what we have got .
把 家底 清理 清理。
But what if we could stop pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes ?
但如果我们能够停下来,在每一个珍贵的片刻过去之前暂停下来 仔细 观察,又会如何?
It 's time to take stock of your life and decide where you want to go .
现在是 考虑你生活和决定你想去的地方的时候。
During the battle the commanders paused to take stock of the situation .
战争中指挥员 仔细 估计了形势。
Let us briefly take stock of some of the policy decisions and proposals in the European Union .
让我们粗略 盘点 一下欧盟(EU)的一些政策决定和建议。
I 'll have to take stock go carefully and regain my buoyancy .
我将不得不 审时度势,小心行事,同时保持乐观。
Take stock regularly even if you don 't have to .
定期 清查 存货,即使不必要。
With our goal and tasks now set we should take stock of the context in which we have to work .
我们的目标提出来了,任务提出来了,需要 把我们的形势观察 一下, 估计一下。
Take stock of what 's important to you what 's right and wrong in your world .
考虑 一下对你重要的是什么,你的世界里什么是对的,什么是错的。
In this case I take stock data from a31-day period for two companies .
这里我 使用两家公司31天的 股票数据。
In deciding a man 's assignment we should take stock of his training and qualifications .
在规定一个人的任务时,我们要 考虑他受过的训练和各方面的条件。
You should take stock of your abilities .
你必须 考虑你的能力。
美[tek stɑk]英[teik stɔk]